The old man glared at him,

"it's someone else's wife."

Then he picked up the electricity and dialed Huo Yu.

"The Tang family played a very important role in the withdrawal of Morikawa enterprises so quickly, and this time the branch was registered in the name of the second Miss Tang family."

Wen Yao said, while observing Huo Yu's face. Seeing that he didn't have much expression, Wen Yao said again,

"by the way, this is a wedding card from the Shen family, which was just delivered this morning."

After a pause, the man took a look and said, "the afternoon meeting will be postponed to tomorrow morning, and all the arrangements on the 18th will be cancelled."

Wen Yao helped his glasses and said,

"is the boss going with Miss Shen?"

The man glanced at him faintly and said with a smile,

"do you want to be with you?"

Wen Yao shivered and left quickly.

The man loosened his tie, took his cell phone and dialed Shen Jiayin's number.

"Hello, hello."

Shen Jiayin answers the phone while reading the document. When a man listens to the tone, he can think of her appearance, and the corners of his mouth curl up.

No one answered. Shen Jiayin frowned, glanced at the caller ID and said, "Mr. Lin?"

The man is not satisfied with the alienated address and says, "it's me."

Shen Jiayin put down her work and said, "what's the matter?"

The man's index finger gently taps on the table, half a sound to say,

"I'll pick you up after work."


The man didn't explain, so he hung up.

Shen Jiayin pondered for a while, but did not understand his intention, but worried about meeting him. Since the incident a few days ago, they have not been in touch. Shen Jiayin is actually quite embarrassed. She doesn't want to meet him very much, but the man's tone seems to be unacceptable.

As soon as the man here hung up, I called.

"Where have you been with a girl?"

The old man came up to cover his face with such a sentence. The man was stunned for a long time, then returned to his taste after a long time. He said with a smile,

"where do you want us to go

Then he hung up the phone without giving him any response.

The ambiguous answer made the old man nervous. It didn't matter at all. The second one's character of vindictiveness can make these reporters scribble. What's more, the answer just now seems a little fishy.

Small five looked at the old man's dark face on the measurement of the smile, can not help but hit a shiver.

After reviewing the project plan again, Shen Jiayin was relieved. It was already 11:30. When she thought that she would make an appointment at noon, she would have a big head. Thinking about it, she casually pulled up the curtain and looked out. Just after work time, the crowd outside was full of people. But strangely, everyone had a tacit understanding to make way and turn back frequently Looking at something, Shen Jiayin frowned. Driven by curiosity, she looked down, and then her face changed.

At the door of the company, a bright white Maserati sports car stopped by the road with the door open. A man in a silver gray suit leaned against the door to smoke. The whole person's temperament was natural. Even the act of playing ash was sexy. Shen Jiayin was not in the mood to appreciate these. If she went down now, would she be able to live up to the rumors in the newspaper Is this what men want?

Thinking about it, the mobile phone rang. The man downstairs looked up at her window. Shen Jiayin felt helpless. Her fingers were uncontrollably pressed to answer. Then the lazy voice came from the phone.

"Is it off work?"

Shen Jiayin tightly pursed her lips. After half a sound, she gave a slight hum. The man seemed to smile and then said,

"will you come down or I will go up?"

Shen Jiayin was surprised and said, "no, wait for me."

Shen Jiayin grabs her coat, arranges her hair and goes out.

As he smokes, he looks at the door of the company. He looks at the people coming and going, as if he didn't see it. When he saw a woman in a white shirt and a black business suit at the door, he threw away the cigarette end and raised the corner of his lips.

"Don't be in such a hurry. I can wait for you slowly."

When Shen Jiayin came near, the man looked at her red cheek and said this lightly.

Shen Jiayin drooped her eyes and looked up at him and said, "Mr. Lin, if the rumors continue, it will be very bad for you to look for a partner."

"What if that's what I want?"

The man opened the door,

"get in the car."

Shen Jiayin is still in a daze. The man has already taken her hand. With so many eyes around her, Shen Jiayin has no choice but to get on the car.At the intersection not far away, Ji Zehao looked at the scene coldly, holding the steering wheel tightly with his fingers, as if he would crush it in the next second.

"Mr. Lin, what are we doing in the mall

Shen Jiayin follows the man with some doubts.

The man slowed down, shoulder to shoulder with her.

"When you eat, you have to dress according to different occasions."

she poked Shen Jiayin's collar and said, "you are not fit."

Shen Jiayin looks at her black professional dress and feels that there are some discordant occasions.

The man looked at the clothes around him casually and said,

"your sister is going to get married."

It's not a question, it's a affirmation.

Shen Jiayin was stunned for a moment and said, "my father sent you a wedding card?"

"Why don't you think it's your sister?"

Hearing this, Shen Jiayin is relieved. If it's Shen Ting, she really doesn't know how to face it. If it's Shen Jiaxue, Shen Jiayin laughs mockingly. It's about the recent newspaper that caused the disaster. Is she trying to test whether it's true or not?

"Feel aggrieved, why not fight back, silence is always the reason why others hurt you."

The man stopped and said slowly,

"tell everyone that you will live better without the marriage of the Ji family, and you will take back the dignity and pride you lost by yourself!"

Shen Jiayin looked at him in surprise. The man's eyes were calm and said,

"I'll be there as your boyfriend, but it's up to you whether the battle is beautiful or not."

Shen Jiayin was stunned and quickly ran after him,

"Mr. Lin, why do you want to help me?"

The man turned to look at her, very deep eyes, Shen Jiayin looked at his beautiful eyes, suddenly some heart beat faster.

"About, because of the heart."

The man seemed to talk to himself, and then he went into another store.

Shen Jiayin looks at his back and gently touches his chest. Maybe she thinks too much. How could such an excellent person

"How about this dress?"

Shen Jiayin hears the speech and points to his clothes. The white dress is simple and elegant. Shen Jiayin's appearance belongs to the kind of enchanting, which makes people feel that it is not suitable for this kind of simple and elegant, but men think she is very suitable.

"Try one."

As soon as Shen Jiayin was about to speak, she heard that there was humanity on this side

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