"Jichuan, don't walk so fast, wait for me."

The woman's voice was a little coquettish, and the name she called out made Shen Jiayin's heart slightly cold. The man watched her expression, his eyes slightly darkened, but his hands tightened her waist more forcefully.

Ji Chuan didn't expect to meet them here. Looking at their intimate behavior, he moved slightly and then slowly bent up the corners of his mouth,

"what a coincidence."

"Jichuan, who are you talking to?"

The woman trotted in, waiting to see that the face of the people inside changed slightly. After half a sound, she murmured softly,

"meet my brother."

These three words suddenly pricked Shen Jiayin's nerves. She turned her head and gave a cold look to the man, which meant an inexplicable sneer. She raised her feet and stepped on the back of his feet and crushed them.

The man looks a stiff, bear to just didn't let his embarrassed cry out, this how inexplicably start fire.

When she met her brother, she was really close. No wonder the bastard had to let her call that way. Shen Jiayin thought bitterly, reaching out to take the man's Wolf Paw aside and said coldly,

"I have something else to do. I'm going to leave first."

Said to leave, can see in the man's eyes, this is to see the old love, run away, his heart angry, also do not care in front of the enemy to maintain demeanor, directly chase out.

As soon as they left, the elevator door closed again. The woman patted her chest and whispered in a low voice,

"how can my sister take a fancy to such a man?"

Jichuan pursed his lips and stared at the display light of the elevator in a daze. On the sixth floor, it was like obstetrics and gynecology. How could they appear together? He pulled the button of his collar, and suddenly he couldn't breathe.

"Shen Jiayin, stop for me!"

Until arriving at the parking lot, the man was cold and caught her.

Shen Jiayin earned and didn't make it. She was more angry and said, "Huo Yu, have you played enough?"

Who knows that a man is more angry and looks at her with gnashing teeth, and says in a gloomy way,

"play? The first time Laozi is so kind to a person, is it playing in your eyes? You little white eyed wolf! If I had known this, I'd love to play fart. I should put you on the bed, so that you can't leave me! "


Shen Jiayin's face was red with anger. She struggled to refuse him. The man opened the door and pushed her in. He kicked the door and cheated him.

"I should show you the real shame!"

The man said, lowering his head and biting her lip. He was full of jealousy when she saw Ji Chuan. Ji Chuan left traces in her heart for seven years. He was afraid that he was a scoundrel in her eyes. In her heart, there was only the righteous Jichuan. This cognition made him damned angry!

"Well You bastard

Shen Jiayin struggled and roared,

"are you shameless and meet your brother? How many women did you say that to? "

The man breathed for a breath and stopped. He was silent for a few seconds. He suddenly laughed. He lowered his head and rubbed her neck. He whispered,

"voice, you are jealous."

The man's tone is firm and his voice is pleasant.

Shen Jiayin was stunned. Somehow, her heart beat slowly. She seemed to be frightened. She reached out and pushed the man away. She frowned and said,

"your self feeling is really good!"

When a man doesn't answer, she smiles all the time, and her eyes are shadowy. Shen Jiayin is a little worried and stares at him,

"what are you laughing at?"

The angle of her lips is more curved. The man reaches over and picks up a bunch of hair on her cheek. After touching her ear, she says in a low and slow voice,


"I didn't Oh

As soon as Shen Jiayin opened his mouth, he was approached by a man to kiss him. This time, his kiss was very gentle and meticulous. He outlined her lip shape and aroused her interest. Shen Jiayin was almost addicted. After reaction, he opened his mouth and bited it. The man seemed to have expected it. He quickly dodged and laughed heartily.

Shen Jiayin's ears were flushed with laughter, and she said with gnashing teeth,

"this is my car, you can get down to me!"

The man took this as an interest, ignored it, and asked with a smile,

"I give you two choices. First, I live there."

Shen Jiayin frowned and waited for the second. The man grinned and said slowly,

"second, I sleep there."

Shen Jiayin twitched at the corner of her mouth and said,

"is there any difference between the two?"

After asking, she felt a little regretful. She always felt that she had been cheated. Sure enough, the next second, the man was particularly shameless and said,

"the former is very simple, the latter is very ambiguous, because sleep can be a bed or, um, a person."

The ending is very long, with his deep sexy voice, there is a special flavor, of course, if the idea is not so dirty!

"Shen Jiayin, don't tie your heart. In fact, it's not so difficult to accept me."Before Shen Jiayin got angry, the man's voice suddenly became serious, and his eyes showed deep seriousness. Shen Jiayin moved in his heart, as if something had changed quietly.

That night, the man with a strong posture, shamelessly live in Shen Jiayin's apartment, even she is a little unbelievable, so many people were rejected by her, why is it him, let her endure again and again, retreat to such a point, Shen Jiayin rubbed her eyebrows, if only the body's attraction would not affect the mood, and how can she talk about love now The feeling of love, damn it!

"The guest room has been cleaned up. Go and live there."

Shen Jiayin put the car key on the table, took off her coat and said,

"the guest room has a bathroom, but there is no men's bathrobe. You can do it yourself."

As soon as he was about to enter the bedroom, the man suddenly took her arm and said,

"wait a minute, let me visit your bedroom."

Shen Jiayin had no time to stop him. The man had already turned around inside and said with a smile,

"the room is good. I like it very much. I have a rest first. Good night."

Then she went back to the guest room. Shen Jiayin stood in the same place and didn't know why.

The man holds the key in his hand, and there is a glimmer of light in his eyes. The night is too long

Shen Jiayin is a relatively insecure person, perhaps because her mother died too early, but her father gave all his love to Shen Jiaxue. She learned to stand on her own early when girls of the same age were still in love. At the age of love and play, she learned to stand on her own early, so she was indifferent to everything, because she was a person with little warmth, just like now, In late autumn, even with the air conditioner on, it is difficult for her hands and feet to warm up.

With her eyes closed and her body shrunk, Shen Jiayin reached out and turned off the light. The sleeping people next door are now the most troublesome thing for her. I hope that when she wakes up, she can find a solution. Thinking about it, she falls asleep.

The room was very quiet, and the sound of the second hand moving could be heard clearly. At this time, the door lock of the room suddenly moved. After a while, it moved again. Then, with a gentle "click", the door opened slowly, and a tall dark figure came in quietly. Then, the door was closed again.

The moonlight came in through the gap of the curtain, and a beautiful face was wrapped in silver light and exposed in the air. The tall black figure was Huo Yu. He looked at the woman on the bed and bent his lips slightly. He pulled it casually and threw the bath towel from his waist to the ground. His body-building only wore a pair of boxer trousers and walked to the bedside carelessly.

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