Ji Chuan's heart is smothered. Just before he comes forward, he suddenly sees a box of medicine lying on the ground. He bends down and picks it up. Shen Jiayin frowns and says in a sharp voice,

"give it back to me."

Ji Chuan didn't move. His eyes were fixed on the words on the medicine box, and his face became more and more heavy. Finally, he suddenly dropped the medicine box to the ground, gasped and roared,

"how urgent are you to take safety measures?"

Shen Jiayin just took a cold look at him, bent down to pick up the medicine box on the ground, turned around and was about to leave.

Ji Chuan stepped forward, pressed the doorknob, and his voice suppressed,

"Yinyin, you said that if I came back, you would wait for me."

Shen Jiayin's action suddenly froze, and her pent up anger suddenly roared out,

"what qualifications do you have to let me wait for you? What have you promised me? What obligation do I have to wait for you? You bring your fiancee back, and you still want to see me waiting for you with no regrets, Jichuan, you really make me sick

"Is Huoyu not disgusting?"

Ji Chuan sneered,

"how much do you know about him? How many mysteries do you know about him? He has a seven-year-old son, and where do you think he is better than me? You are still so naive after so many years."

His contemptuous tone made Shen Jiayin's face sink. She raised her head to his eyes and said, "is he disgusting or disgusting? I don't know. I only know that he will never abandon a woman, and he will not see others well. Finally, more reminders will be given. After marriage, we will gradually understand each other."

Voice down, input password opened the door, in the Jichuan daze, ruthlessly shut him to the door.

Her words let Ji Chuan's heart sink to the bottom of the valley. Unexpectedly, Huang Yuexing pushed her to Huo Yu's arms. This cognition made his eyes dim, absolutely not!

Huang Yuexing's death pushed public opinion to a peak. Huang's family has been suing Huo Yu, President of Huanhai group, to court. The president of Huanhai group maliciously bought Huang's shares and retaliated against him. Huang Yuexing was even lured into smoking marijuana by Huang Yuexing. The Lin family covered up his crimes by relying on his own power.

The Lin family has been involved in three generations of military and political affairs, The Tang family, which is in opposition to the Lin family in Cloud City, is also seizing the opportunity to give a fatal blow to the Lin family. The Lin family is now isolated and has begun to investigate the matter thoroughly. The Lin family is in danger. Once there are some unfavorable factors, they may become the handle of others.

Shen Jiayin watches the news on TV every day and is worried. Because of this, the attention of the reporter in the Shen family has been reduced a lot. Shen Jiayin can go back to work, but she can't calm down. When she thinks about the situation of the Lin family, she can't leave herself alone.

As soon as the electricity on the desk rings, Shen Jiayin only looks at it and answers quickly.

"Hello, are you ok?"

The man gave a low smile and whispered,

"worried about me?"

Shen Jiayin doesn't want to joke at this time. She's really worried. Maybe it's because she's a businessman. She's afraid to deal with police and political people. She's dealt with a lot of things, but they're unimportant and can be solved with money. Only this thing makes her dare not take it lightly, but she can't do anything.

"Ah Yu, if there is no other way, you can give that video to the police, I"


A man's voice is obviously unhappy,

"you are my woman. I take your photo and let others see it for identification, and then just to protect myself. In your heart, you are such a coward?"

Shen Jiayin is silent. She just wants to solve the matter as soon as possible. The tighter the delay is, the more unfavorable it will be for them. She just didn't expect that he would care so much. In fact, she wanted to say that the photos were mosaic. In fact, it was nothing. Just listening to his tone, she felt that she was still silent.

"I'm sorry."

She heard herself say that.

The man sighed,

"darling, I said you don't have to worry about it. You can do your business well. When I'm free, I'll come to you. What you need to worry about is how to make me happy after meeting. The rest, don't care. I'm the one who has everything."

Shen Jiayin felt a soft warm current in her heart, which was very comfortable. She unconsciously put a smile on her mouth and said in a soft voice,


After hanging up the phone, the man turned around and looked at the living room with a gloomy face. Ji Chuan sat idly on the sofa and looked at him with a smile. The old man and the old lady were also tense, and the atmosphere was tense.

Looking at him coming this way, Ji Chuan suddenly stood up and said with a slow smile,

"chief of staff Lin, please think carefully about my proposal. For you, it's not a loss. I just want to get what I deserve. What's more, I didn't let you lie, did I?"

After a long time, the old man looked up at him,"If I knew you existed, I would never let you live in the world!"

Ji Chuan's eyes changed, and he sneered and said in a gloomy way,

"unfortunately, there is no if!"

After that, he walked to the door. When he passed Huo Yu, he gave a slight pause and said slowly,

"ah Yu, when we meet in the future, remember to call uncle. Don't let anyone say that our Lin family is not respected."

Huo Yu's face was suddenly cold to freezing point.

As soon as Ji Chuan left, the old man couldn't hold his chest and gasped. The old lady was startled. She quickly asked people to take the medicine and feed it to him while sighing,

"now he doesn't listen to anyone's words. Why do you have to be so angry for him? Since he wants the Lin family's gimmick, give it to him."

The old man gasped for breath,

"I haven't done anything to regret in my life, only this one,"

said, looking at the old lady with guilt on his face and whispering,

"this is my biggest debt to you."

The old lady shook her head,

"it's been so long. What he did and what he did was just to make you admit his identity. Since there is a simpler solution to this matter, why should we make it more complicated? I don't care. I just hope our children are safe."

The old man closed his eyes and could not calm down for a long time.

Huo Yu is thinking about Ji Chuan's purpose. He doesn't think that he is doing this to recognize his ancestors. Since he has done such a determined thing to revenge the Lin family, he has no intention of coming back. What is the reason for this time? He can't help but think of Shen Jiayin. His heart is tight, and his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

Three days later, there was an important news in the newspaper. Ji Chuan, the president of Morikawa international, was actually the youngest son of the Lin family who had been fostered for many years. The news of Lin family's going abroad was from the younger son or the old lady. Because he was weak and sick when he was a child, he had been treated abroad. When he grew up, he also developed there. All the past about Jichuan was touched completely, as long as Baidu one When Ji Chuan saw the news, he just sneered, picked up the phone and dialed a number.


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