Xiao Yan's heart thumped, and an ominous feeling welled up in his heart. He pressed down and reluctantly said with a smile,

"what's the matter, so serious?"

"Break up."

When he heard these three words, Xiao Yan felt that he had a phantom hearing. After several seconds of silence in the electric words, he began to speak. His voice was too hard to hear clearly.


"Bored, I found that I don't like you so much, so it's all adults, easy to get together and scattered."

"My mother asked you why!"

Xiao Yan roared and smashed the glass of the car with a fist. Several people in the same car were scared. No one dared to ask.

There is no sound over there. After a while, it hangs up.

When the car came to a halt, Xiao Xiao woke up from her dream, stretched out her hand to rub her temple, and asked in a low voice,

"how far is master?"

"Ten minutes."

The master said with a smile,

"you are so tired that you can sleep on such a bumpy road

Xiao Xiao reluctantly laughed and did not speak.

After paying the money and getting out of the car, Xiao Xiao walked slowly on the street with his bag on his back. This is his adoptive father's hometown. He came back several times when he was a child, but he never came back when he was older. When he left, he only thought of this place, Longxiang town.

Because she was afraid of being discovered by Xiao Yan, she took this kind of minibus all the way. After two days of bumping, she went on the road for several days, but her spirit was not good. She didn't go home on the first day and found a hotel to stay.

People in my hometown don't know much about her adoptive father. They only know that her adoptive father is very promising. The first group of college students in Longxiang town are very arrogant. Their relatives in their hometown are not close, but what they can do is to help. Xiao Xiao soon settled down here. Two months later, the dark clouds that have been buried in my heart gradually dispersed, She began to miss her son. Nianniannian's birth was an accident. Her son's illness has always been her heart disease. Even after surgery, this worry has not been eliminated. Miss grows like wild grass. Xiao Xiao can't help contacting Shen Jiayin

"Where are you?"

Xiao Xiao left, Shen Jiayin is a week later to know, what happened, Xiao Yan did not say, at will she and Huo Yu are just guessing, this fast two months, read over there will not hide, Xiao Yan now dare not go home, for fear of Niannian ask him, two father and son are a little abnormal, who see the heart are not good, Shen Jiayin do not appreciate Xiao this Point, what's the matter? Let's solve it together. She always hides like this, can't she escape?

Xiao Xiao was silent for a few seconds and said in a soft voice,

"sister Jiayin, don't ask me. Even if you tell Xiao Yan, I will leave at the first time. I don't want to see him or see him again."

Shen Jiayin pauses. Xiao Xiao's voice is a little calm and over headed. It doesn't look like a moment of anger. She changes her tone and says,

"Niannian has lost a lot of weight. Everyone told him that you went on a business trip, but the little guy is very smart. It's been so long that you haven't even got a message. He must have doubted it for a long time, but he just won't say it."

Xiao Xiao was silent. What she was most worried about was reciting. After that happened that day, she left on impulse. She didn't think about what to do with the way after reciting. She didn't dare to think about it if there was a mistake and what the Xiao family would do to him

"Xiao Xiao, we've known each other for almost two years. I've always regarded you as my friend. Maybe I don't think it's appropriate for me to say something, but I still want to remind you that no matter what you want to do, don't hurt the children. You are like me, you grew up in a sick family lacking in love. What we have experienced, we must not let children experience it again, you know What do I mean? "

Perhaps because of her sense of mission as a mother, Shen Jiayin has become more and more sentimental, especially for children.

"I understand."

Xiao Xiao's voice seemed to be choking. It was a long time before it slowed down.

"Sister Jiayin, I understand what you said, so can you do me a favor?"

Shen Jiayin thought of something in her mind and said quietly,

"say it."

"Help me bring out the recitation. I want to take him."

Shen Jiayin is silent. Niannian is Xiao Xiao Xiao's child, but it is also Xiao Yan's flesh and blood. Neither she nor Huo Yu has the qualification to deprive Xiao Yan of this right. They can't intervene in this matter. Shen Jiayin sighs at this.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you."

"Sister Jiayin, I know that this request is very abrupt, but he really can't stay in the Xiao family. Can you help me?"

Xiao Xiao's voice sounds anxious, but Shen Jiayin still doesn't understand. Niannian is Xiao Yan's own flesh and blood. Why can't he stay at Xiao's house?

"Maybe you don't know that in recent months, Niannian gets along well with Xiao Yan. If you really care about Niannian, you shouldn't leave several times. The child's mind is very sensitive. Do you think that if you take him away, will he really be happy?"Xiao Xiao was silent.

"I believe you have reasons why you can't say, and I don't want to ask more, but I won't help you with this."

Shen Jiayin said that he was going to hang up the power supply. Then Xiao Xiao suddenly said in a hurry,

"wait a minute!"

Shen Jiayin stops and waits for her words. Xiao Xiao takes a deep breath and seems to be controlling her mood. But when she opens her mouth, her voice is still shaking.

"Sister Jiayin, the reason why Niannian can't stay at Xiao's house is that Xiao Yan and I are brothers and sisters..."

"Are you kidding me?"

Huo Yu after listening, gave such an evaluation, by the way will peel the orange to Shen Jiayin.

"Xiao Yan's father is very upright. There can't be women outside. How can they be brothers and sisters?"

"But Xiao Xiao said she saw the paternity test."

Shen Jiayin thought for a moment and said,

"she saw the paternity test with her own eyes. Would Xiao Yan's mother tease her with that fake, but it doesn't seem to make sense. If it's true, then she shouldn't have that attitude towards reading?"

"You have a point."

Huo Yu said, reaching for the mobile phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Ask Xiao Yan."

"I promised Xiao Xiao not to say it."

Shen Jiayin frowned,

"what if it's true? What will Xiao Yan think of Niannian

Huo sighed.

"If one day someone told me that my wife and I were brothers and sisters, guess what would happen to me?"

Shen Jiayin suddenly understood what he meant after a pause. Even if ethics can't be violated, we still need to have our own responsibility. This is not Xiao Xiao's alone thing, nor should it be undertaken by her alone. Huo Yu thinks so, so must Xiao Yan.

Shen Jiayin covers her eyes and sighs.

"I really don't know how to contact Xiao Xiao in the future."

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