The man put down his legs and almost fell off the swivel chair. He reached out and grabbed the express. He looked at the sender's name carefully. After confirming that it was Shen Jiayin, his eyes narrowed with laughter and snorted, "you know what's wrong? I have a temper too!"

He coughed, gave a horizontal glance, frowned,

"what are you still doing here?"

The corner of his mouth smoked, a typical way to kill a donkey! If it wasn't for the five figure salary of that month and the six figure bonus at the end of the year, he swore that he would never serve such a strange guy! How can this kind of temper make so much money, but the fact is, men's money is more than a year, this world ah, is too special, let people egg pain!

After driving Yao away, the man can't wait to open the express. He is looking forward to what Shen Jiayin will give him. This is the first gift given to him by his daughter-in-law. Although it is used for apology, it is enough to make him happy.

It's been torn down one layer after another, the man thought. It's quite confidential.

When the last layer of packaging is removed, the man is dumbfounded. Is this a gift? Isn't this today's newspaper?

The man is not angry will open the newspaper, there is nothing in it, this is playing him?

No, there must be something!

He took the newspaper and read it backwards. Finally, he found a way in a corner. But when he saw it clearly, his expression was distorted.

Who can tell him who drew the picture of Wang Ba!

Son of a bitch!

Laozi is a king!

The man grabbed the newspaper and tried to tear it up, but he was reluctant to part with it. After all, it was the first gift from his daughter-in-law. Although it was not pleasing, she gave it anyway. Moreover, the picture was so vague that Shen Jiayin could recognize him at a glance, which showed that he cared about him!

Thinking of this, the man's heart is a little balanced. Looking at the face of the son of a bitch, it is not so annoying, and even a little cute. The daughter-in-law is jealous. Shen Jiayin's temper, put aside the ordinary, directly ignored him for several days, and this time, he even sent a letter to ridicule him. This progress is not small, worthy of praise, so the man's heart is more comfortable.

Imagining Shen Jiayin's jealous appearance, she immediately felt itchy, picked up the desk phone and dialed out the nest.


After a while, Shen Jiayin's lazy voice came over there. The man coughed and put on airs.

"That, did you send it?"

Shen Jiayin raised her eyebrows and pretended to be confused.


The man bit his teeth,

"it's the newspaper! You painted it

"What did I draw?"

Shen Jiayin pretends not to understand.

Man grits his teeth. Good. He can pretend!

He said, "it's the wangba, isn't it you?"

Shen Jiayin said,

"I clearly painted you."


He finally knew that his daughter-in-law was not a soft persimmon, and was not a bully. He could almost foresee the days when two people got married without swearing. Most of the time, he gave in. He couldn't help it. Who made him a good husband who loved his daughter-in-law.

"Come on, honey, let's have a quick breath."

The man talked about tone, some helpless, more is doting.

Shen Jiayin bent her lips and said slowly,

"do you think I'm unreasonable?"

"Of course not!"

The man quickly denies, is also cannot say in person.

"You see, you threw me on the side of the road last night, and this morning you drew a piece of Wang Ba to ridicule me. I've accepted all of them properly. My daughter-in-law, you can't beat me up."

She coughed calmly and whispered in a low voice,

"how did you get back last night?"

Speaking of this, the man almost jumped off his feet. He told Tang Suya about what happened last night. Of course, he told Tang Suya that it was simple and simple. After that, he said, "you let me stay outside in the cold weather, and I got up with a cold this morning."

Then he sneezed.

When Shen Jiayin heard this, she felt guilty and said in a low voice, "did you go to the hospital?"

The man's voice immediately "delicate" a lot, cough a way,

"it's not a big deal, take some medicine casually, and bear it over."

Shen Jiayin felt that she had done a little too much. She was angry last night and shouldn't have left the man there. He was a man of status. She hurt his face so much, but he still rushed to admit his mistake. After careful consideration, she was really too arrogant.

"If it's serious, go to the hospital."


men continue to be "fragile.","I still have some work to do here. I can't walk away. I'd better forget it."

"Yao, why doesn't he go and get a doctor?"

"He went to the construction site for me and couldn't come back for a while."

Shen Jiayin was silent for a moment, looked at the time and whispered, "I'll go to your place after work. I still have some cold medicine here. I'll take it to you."

The man raised the corners of his mouth, but his mouth was weak and said, "is it convenient?"

"I'm fine this afternoon."

"Well Well, watch your way. "

Hang up the electricity - then, the man jumped up from the chair, quickly kneaded the tissue into a ball, causing the illusion of cold and sniveling, and put the drawers all over the table. After thinking about it, he took out a towel from the bathroom and put it on his head. He coughed twice and called in.

Yao Yi was stunned by the scene of the office. He went out for a while. How did he come back? Just like a tornado, he looked like "sister Lin", half lying in a chair, panting. Suddenly, he had the illusion that he was in the wrong place.

In this way, Yao turns to go out and just covers the doorknob, the man shouts,

"come back! Where to go

Yao turned to look at Huo Yu, and then looked at the office. He said, "boss, are you epileptic?"

The man's mouth was puffed and cursed,

"fart! I have something to say. "

Yao looked at him with vigilance immediately, and a kind of ominous premonition once again shrouded in the top of his head.

Twenty minutes later, in the chilly wind, the chief supervisor of the construction site was wearing a heavy military coat and respectfully reported the construction progress to Yao. Yao was forced to close his thin suit and scolded his unscrupulous boss. It's not kind of him to throw him to the construction site in order to pursue his daughter-in-law !


"are you OK, sir? I'll find you a dress

You can't be so young.

"Ah Choo, no, it's OK, you go on"

Yao gnaws his teeth and thinks that his salary will have to rise again!

Huanhai group.

The man looked at everything tidy up, and then he took out the thermometer in the warm water and took a glance at 39 degrees. It was just right.

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