Burning Passion

Chapter 11 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


The next day, during Doctor Ben's visit to Lucy's, he invited Nikki outside for a word. They headed to a balcony to have a private talk. Once they reach the area, Nikki was seated on the bench, praying to grant her request.

"Nikki, regarding your request. I will talk to my co-surgeons and the Hospital Director about it. I will explain your financial issues to them, so you will guarantee your grandparent's property as you need time to sell it. I will convince them, so don't overthink about the bills, okay?"

She nodded. "Thank you so much for your help, Doctor Ben...." tears threaten to fall from her eyes.

"You're welcome. Just get the needed blood for the surgery and during the recovery of your mother. Set aside all your worries about the bills. Let us focus on your mother's surgery first, okay?"

The doctor was truly good to them, so she could not hold back to hugs Doctor Ben.

He was surprised by her gesture, but she must overwhelm his news, urging Nikki to hug him suddenly.

"It's alright." He let her embrace him for a moment but patted her back while listening to her faint cries. Nikki is a good daughter. She was also considered one of the pretty faces in this city, but he wonders if she has a boyfriend.

He never sees her on a date, or someone visited Aunt Lucy in these past few months. Doctor Ben's thoughts which he keeps to himself.

* * *

The entire weekend, Nikki watches her mother, and every day, she brought Lucy to the park gardens to have a chat with the other patient.

She was happy that her mother was showing liveliness. Doctor Ben said, if she continues feeling better, it is the best time to undergo surgery.

"Nikki, tomorrow, go home and get some sleep, would you?"

"Ma, I'm fine. But okay, I'll go home to do the laundry and clean the house. I will drop by at the supermarket to buy groceries for Aunt Maria."

Because Maria refuses to accept a payment, Nikki just shopped many groceries for Maria's family as a token of appreciation.

"Thanks, Nikki..."

"Anyways, stop overthinking about the store, Mama. Brother Phil works hard to run the noodle diner."

"I'm happy to hear that. I am thinking to give him the shop once I died, and you marry a wealthy man."

"Mama?" Nikki's eyes widen. Shocked by Lucy's statement, she frowned. "Why would you say that, Mama? Still, there is no good at marrying a wealthy man when he will divorce me after years of our marriage."

Lucy smiled. "I am confident you will find an outstanding man because you are a good daughter."

"I'll stick to that good man's aspect, but not the wealthy part."

"Hmm… but if you are not looking for a boyfriend, you won't meet one."

"Mama? I just believe it is not something to look for, but it is something to wait for, and something like magically arrives at the right place—"

"And at the right moment..." Lucy finishes the phrase.

Nikki giggles. "Yup! Like you and Papa, right?"

"It's true, but you'll turn 25 soon."

"Why do you worry about my age? I am enjoying my single life," she boastfully said.

"Not watching your mother in the hospital bed. That's no fun at all." Lucy pokes her daughter's nose.

Nikki smiled after her gaze soften. "I can't go out with my friends when you are here, and when I know that anytime, you have another seizure."

"I know you worry too much about me, but go out sometimes. I heard, Mae's wedding soon, and you are one of the bridesmaids. You should attend her bridal shower."

"It is next month. I don't need to attend the party but the wedding day, yes."

"But that's not my point why I want you to go out."


"If you attend your friends' parties and go out with them sometimes, a big chance you'll meet someone."

Nikki laughs. Now she gets it. Her mother wants her to go on blind dates.

"All right, Ma. I am comfortable being here with you than I was outside. But you can't force me to do that. I won't be in peace, you know."

Nikki hugs her mother, and they finish watching a drama on her laptop until Lucy fell asleep. She contemplates what her mother spoke about. Still, she's in no hurry marrying anyone if she doesn't love the man.

LOVE would be the reason she will marry, yes. So it won't be like something to joke around.

If there is someone she is looking for at this time around, it is a person who could help her mother.

The following day, Nikki went home after Aunt Maria arrives. She did the laundry and now cleaning her nails after a nap and a shower.

Wearing a sport white tank top and peach-fitted short pants, she placed her right foot on top of the coffee table. She applied red nail polish on her foot nails when her phone vibrated, and the phone screen brightened.

She quickly put back the tiny brush to the bottle and pick up her phone.

Nikki read the text message on the screen. It was a notification from her Instagram account that someone wants to connect with her. Her forehead wrinkled. She opens the message and checked the username. She is not familiar with it, and there's no profile picture or anything either on the mystery account.

The message just plainly types "MISS LINDSEY"...

Is this a troll? Nikki's thoughts. She ignores the message, closes the app, and then she picks up her wallet. She's hungry. She better go to a convenience store and buys ready-to-go food.

Strolling the main street, she began regretting not wearing a jacket or a cardigan around her back. People scan her body, and it gives her an uneasy feeling.

The convenience store was just a few blocks away, not so far from their apartment. But since men are checking her out, she must be careful next time.

Her phone vibrated once again. Nikki checked the message, and her soul jumps out from her body while reading the five words written in all capital letters.


Her mouth dropped open, and nervously looking around if this person watches her. No, this person was stalking her! She screams inside her head.

Nikki made a long step, and she was just able to breathe once she entered the convenience store.

"Miss Nikki?" Jun, the store clerk, notices how she seems in trouble. "Are you okay?"

Sweat forms on her forehead and her breaths are deep; she pushes a calm smile on her lips. "Hi, Jun! I am fine. What's new?" she asked the clerk to distract herself. She is safe here.

She took her snacks at the store instead of taking them home. Might she needed to run later, and it will slow her down having bags to carry.

While seated on a stool in the corner, Nikki glances at her phone. She wonders if this bastard is stalking her. Who's a good guy telling someone to wear nothing?

This joke is extremely absurd! She should find this bastard and report to the police. This is a sort of harassment.


She replied. She needs to know if this person was stalking her around.. She needs proof so that she has evidence to show that this Instagram user is harassing her.

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