Burning Passion

Chapter 116 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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A few hours ago before Kevin Hale arrived…

Matt left already to run further investigation related to the organization the National Security wanted to apprehend.

Theo heaves a sigh, pondering the things in the past. It bothers him that the gang they encountered ten years ago is the same man who is troubling Nikki. Now that there are possibilities, he should put more security around her. Donny is not enough alone to watch her around.

Learning from the fate of his mother giving birth to him, he should not care less. His relatives could be a means to harm the woman she loves and his child, like how they killed his mother and attempted to kill him as well. Theo picked up his phone from the coffee table and dialed Jeremy's mobile number. Although Matt will also give his reports to his brother, he wants to talk with Jeremy ahead.

"Hello, Theo? Aren't you in the middle of your meeting?"

"Not yet. I just let the team have a tour of the mansion were to take the photoshoot and our product ads."

"I see. I was in the hospital, so I can't meet your staff. How about a dinner in the mansion before they flew back to Switzerland?"

"Sounds great! Let's do that. Anyway, Matt gave me the report regarding the incident ten years ago. He was on the way to report it to you too."

"So, you run your investigation?"

"Not particularly. But I am investigating a man that seems to stalk Nikki."

"Hmm. Is it you are the one stalking Nikki?" Jeremy teases his younger brother.

"Hey. I truly did that, but I have a pure reason, remember? And who is pushing me to find a surrogate mother? So, normally I will stalk her." Theo's reason, pouting from the other line.

Jeremy pushes a smirk. It's good that Theo has been more open to him now. "All right. So, how was it?"

"We traced up the owner of the phone number that has been contacting Nikki. But then, the investigation leads to our past, Jeremy."

"So, are you telling me that the man who's calling Nikki possible has a connection to that gang?"

"Yes. And it must relate to that incident why this person is bothering Nikki again. This man just came back to the country. He is also the suspect of Nikki's father's death and involves countless murders in Hanford City."

"Do you mean? Does Nikki know about it already?"

"She does, but not the person who killed her father. According to Matt, the chairman avoids mentioning names. I think for Nikki's protection, she might search for those people, and this is what I wanted to talk to you once I finish working out the commercial with my team." Theo pauses, weighing a few things before he went on. "Jeremy, I wanted to add more people to watch Nikki aside from Donny. I need a trusted person like Matt. It's not only against this person but from our relatives."

"You are right. Once the Clan knows that another heir is to be born within our family, they will crawl a hole to get us. They were already bold enough to attack our father. I'll talk to the Chairman to introduce us to more reliable secret bodyguards."

"Hmm. I have an idea. I better ask for help directly from Dale Earnhardt. He has more trusted men to lend us."

"Ah, you met him already, Director Daichi's Isagawa's right hand."

"Yes, a month ago..." In a crazy situation involving Nikki. Theo keeps it to himself, though.

"Hmm. Great. They were Isagawa's men, but working for the chairman. We can trust them, yes."


"Anything else?"

"Did you recognize that it was Nikki, the girl we were with ten years ago?"

"Theo… I— let us talk about that over tea after dinner tonight. How about it?"

"Oh. I promise Mama Lucy will make dinner tonight. Soon after, I confess everything to Nikki. I will ask her to move to the mansion I purchased, so then, we can be neighbors, and you guys can come over."

"I like that. So, better hurry!" He could see that Theo is close to Nikki's mother, which results in a good relationship with the surrounding people. Theo is calmer. He doesn't hide his feelings anymore but works with things for a certain someone. It was a good sign.

"Jeremy, are you still there?"

"Oh, yes." Jeremy came back from contemplating some matters regarding Theo.

"Um, I came up with a plan…"

"I'm all ears. What is it?"

"Although Mama Lucy already heard of this plan, I will formally ask her permission to kidnap Nikki."

"Are you serious?" Jeremy held not to laugh. "I can't believe you! How did you come up with that plan?"

"Says, it was out of desperation. But I have a pure reason!"

"I know. I get it. So, how are you going to do that?" It thrilled him. This brother of his-- he can't believe he would come up with a crazy plot. But as a supportive brother, he has to be part of this plan.

"Well, we need people to take Nikki and get on a helicopter. Then, I will wait for her on a yacht."

"Wait, a yacht and a helicopter?"

"Yes. I should make sure Nikki cannot escape."

"And there's no way she can run away when you are in the middle of the ocean. You really are as smart as me," Jeremy grins.

"Is that a compliment?"

"It was!" Heh. He really does. If he is not, he could not hide the truth for two years, that he can already walk and is very healthy. "Let us talk more about it soon."

"Yes. Let us talk about the plan. Nikki is feeling down after hearing the news. I want to take her somewhere she could rest while I am dealing with Brandon Hale and all the people involved in the crime."

Theo wishes to remember what happened back then. After being severely beaten with a baseball bat that caused severe head trauma and almost resulted in his death, he remained in a coma for a year.

"Theo, we have to act sooner."


"Master— oh, I'm sorry you were on the phone."

"It's okay, Ruben. It was Theo."

"Great! He is in the hotel, right?" asked Ruben.


"Our eyes inside the company notified me that Vice President Garry Shang is meeting someone in The Peninsula Hotel."

"Who's a person?"

"I'm uncertain, but the name is Kevin Hale." Ruben's answer.

"Theo, did you hear this?"

"I did, and it must relate this person to Brandon Hale."

"What is your plan now?"

"I think we need the Chairman's cooperation since he originally ran an investigation about the Hale family. Maybe we can ask his permission to get private information from his guests. We need to know which room it will hold their meeting."

"You are right. I must call him now to act quickly."

"Also, I want to see who this Kevin Hale is. Can Ruben get a photo of this man?"

"Hm, how about we ask Matt? He is coming over, right? I will ask him if he has data about this man."

"Sounds better. I will reschedule all my appointments today. I need to watch this man's arrival."

"I have a plan. I'll hang up now, to speak with Chairman Crow."

"All right. After then, let me know what plan you came up with." Theo ends the call.

He is heaving furious sighs while contemplating. Some things must be a priority to work on from now on. But on top of that is Nikki's safety.

'Who is this man and what is his connection to Brandon Hale? Also, why is Uncle Garry meeting him?' Theo mumbles to himself.. Also, he must find out what scheme his uncle is up to now.

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