Burning Passion

Chapter 132 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 132: SAVING NIKKI (Five) and the Past


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Nikki's parents leave to open the diner. She already made plans last night. She will have a quick trip to Remy Town and have a brief talk with her cousin Maureen. Nikki can not wait for the weekend. She would like to visit the town as her promise last year to come back by summer. Sadly, this time is to visits Jonathan's grave. Sometimes, she still cries over it. And working hard for the team is her way to forget that tragic summer that haunts her.

Wearing a plain black blouse and short denim pants, she tied the jacket's sleeves around her waist. She wore her high-cut black converse and put on a pink cap on her head. She was all set. She was already prepared to bring enough money and her cellphone.

Nikki picked up the small red backpack and the soccer ball she places in a net bag to bring along with her. She wants to show it to Jonathan.

Nikki looks around if a neighborhood is hanging out in the apartment's lobby. She was grateful that none.

She exited the door and made hasty steps toward a bus stop. She rode the bus and stepped out of it after it stopped twice. From there, Nikki walked for ten minutes and waited for another bus traveling in the opposite direction. She headed to the train station bound to the South Coast, where Hanford City was located.

Nikki buys a train ticket. She ran as scheduled for the train to leave in five minutes.

"Ah! Excuse me!" She runs the platform like she was on a soccer field, and opponents are charging her. She did her best not to bump into someone. The train began announcing its departure in three minutes. She has to hurry.

Finally, she successfully entered the door. Not so long after, the train slowly running on the rail. Nikki immediately searches for her seat, but somebody is already taking it. The guy we're sleeping with. At first, she's reluctant to disturb the guy, but she wants the window seat.

"Excuse me." Nikki pats the guy's shoulder. But it didn't wake up. "Hey! That's my seat!" Her voice is louder this time, and she even put force, shaking the guy's shoulder. He only groaned.

It pisses her. Is he drunk? Nikki leans over to check if the guy smells of alcohol.

'Oh, my God!' Nikki jolted from the excitement surges in her heart. He smells freshly showered, and his cologne makes her dizzy. What is wrong with her? He crosses a lot of older guys that smell nice and fresh. But she doesn't understand why she is feeling this way. Honestly, the guy looks handsome. It covered the lower part of his face with a jacket, but his closing eyes were gorgeous.

Can she smell him one more time? She's talking to herself like an idiot when someone coughs.

Nikki immediately stands straight and glances at the guy who coughs to get her attention.

"Ah! I am just waking him up. He was in my seat." Startled, Nikki stammering to make her reasons. 'Shit! Someone caught me from the act of smelling someone! So embarrassing!' Nikki stressed to her head. Her face flushing red, and the guy she talked to was displaying an amusement expression on his face. Now, this guy thinks of a cheap impression of her. She blushed.

"Sorry about that. I will wake up my brother." the guy told Nikki.

Her mouth dropped. 'He was the brother? Oh, my gosh!' Nikki wishes the train's floor opened and swallowed her. The guy's brother saw she was sniffing him! She did wonder what charges for a person, sniffing someone. Maybe a kiss?

'You're crazy, Nikki!' But she giggled in silence from her silliness.

Nikki steps away to give space for the guy to wake up his brother. He was handsome as well.

"Theo! Get up!"

It shocked Nikki when the guy just kicked his brother in the legs. Also, he speaks Cantonese. Gladly, her mother speaks this language, and she taught her, so she understood.

"Hey! Wake up!"

"What?" Theo groaned. But did not move a bit.

"Get up and move to your seat. The owner of that seat was here already. And drink your coffee to sober up."

"What?" Theo slowly opened his eyes and stared at the two people standing in the train aisle, peering at him. His gaze settled at the young girl. He tried to process his brain to work and remember why he was on the train in the first place.

On the other hand, Nikki meets the guy's gaze. His beautiful green eyes held her. She can't avert her eyes as its wonder mesmerized her. She wondered how long their eyes locked in each other's gaze.


The brother coughs, and Nikki comes back to her senses.

"Ah! That was my seat! So can I have it now?"

"Oh. Right! It is not my seat. I'm sorry." Theo grabs his jacket and reveals his entire face. He gets up to give way for the girl.

Meanwhile, Nikki looks down on the floor when she passes him. She quietly sat on the seat he vacated. It was warm, and his scent left in the soft seat. The compartment she got into is air-conditioned. The seat was like hugging her and gave warmth to her shuddering nerves. Nikki inhaled and settled her fluttering heart.

The brothers, on the other hand, were talking, and she listened as she understood their language. It appears that the other guy seated across them is the older, and the long hair guy is the younger.

"Who told you to drink until morning?"

"And why do you wake me up when I just sleep for three hours?"

"I already have plans for this. I can't bring it up to you because Rubin is keenly watching us. The reason I let him get drunk last night was so that we could escape from his watch this morning."

"Ugh. Okay."

Nikki glanced at the guy beside her. He was sipping his coffee. She was too handsome. She has seen a lot of handsome men and teenagers dropping by at their shop to have meals. But he was the attractive one for her. Argh!

"Excuse me!" She said and got up from her seat and ran outside. She headed toward the restroom and screamed once she was inside.

"Oh, my god! Why is my crush here!?"

She can't believe it. Her jaw dropped when his face revealed to her. He is a friend of Daichi and the Lawrence brothers. Ugh! He was the one in the photo with them.

Four years ago, her father hanged a picture of them. As usual, she was drinking. But that guy stole her ten years old innocence. Every time she was in the store after school or she had no soccer practice, she will sit at that table close to the Memories Corner, where moments of customers who want to hang a photo of them in the store are welcome.

She would stare at the photos, but to one particular picture, her eyes glued as she looks at it all the time. Now he is back in the city. After four years, she finally met him. Argh. How should she act like a typical teenager that it was not obvious she has a huge crush on him?

'Stop, Nikki Lindsey! What are you doing? Your father will spank you once he learns you liked someone.' She scolded herself.

Gosh! She needs to calm down. Maybe coffee will help her.

Nikki gets out of the restroom and heads to the cafeteria of this train. She bought a cup of coffee and a bottle of water. Her innocent heart calms down now. When she came back, she saw him immerse in sketching on his sketch pad.

'Whoa, he draws too cool.' Nikki was peeping, casually looking at the drawing but restraining herself from glancing at him in the face. She was shy.

She should not feel this way. But she had a crush on him for so long already. The reason she rejected Jonathan when he confesses to her was that she has a crush on someone. And he sat next to her!

Gosh. Her heart flutters once again. Her father surely will spank her if he learns this kind of behavior.

Ah, her papa would not know anyway! A playful smile is playing on Nikki's lips while staring at the train's glass window where she could have a glimpse of his reflection.

'I would never forget this day….'

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