Burning Passion

Chapter 134 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 134: SAVING NIKKI (Seven) and the Past


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Meanwhile, Nikki's heart flutters from joy. Her father wants her to meet her crush! Ahhh! Stupid Nikki! Why did you leave home!? But her father didn't tell her any of his plans! It never crosses in her mind that a day would come, because her mother hates arranged marriage. Her mother once arranges for a stranger. The reason she fled and flew to the US.

And she doesn't want her daughter to tie a knot to someone without love. But if she will arrange with her crush. Not so bad!

However, he is already engaged to someone else. She only has little chances. Unless he falls in love with her? Gosh!

But it hurts her when he said that she was just a child. How could he judge her quickly? She will still grow as a woman! She will go to Senior High and College and earn a degree. She can be sophisticated and elegant! She can be a socialite!

Ugh. Why is she ranting like this? She blushes to her thoughts, almost giggling. Ah, my goodness. She should stop whining like a child. Besides, she shouldn't change herself to be a match for him. Ah, her innocent heart began to have the ambition to become a woman who will match him.

That's right. They appear like rich people. It is also a matter if his family accepts a poor like her.

Now, the brothers seem quiet. But she could feel a hot gaze at her face. She wonders who is looking at her.

Another thirty minutes had passed, and she needed to go to the restroom. She made an excuse to pass. But it confused her when the guy named Theo startled and quickly hid his sketch pad. What happened to him? Is that how precious he draws at the moment that he doesn't like other people to look at it?

Humph! Nikki frowned while passing him, and she marched toward the restroom.

Ah! Nikki Lindsey! What are you doing? She acted as it affected her. It made the promise during the time her father and Theo were in the spirit of alcohol. She should not hope that much. Nothing to look forward to and nothing to think about. They were strangers to each other. They have their own lives. She has a lot of things she dreams of too. So she should not think about anything.

She's still a child. Theo is correct. She is papa's girl, and she doesn't know about anything like a boyfriend or a relationship.

Nikki sighed, looking at her reflection. Indeed, she still looks like a child. He was short. A lot of girls were taller than her when they were younger. Gosh. How disappointing. Nikki's lips twitches.

Ah! But she can take vitamins to grow taller!

Oh shit, why is she thinking like this stuff? Gosh. She need not please him. Child my ass.

Nikki stubbornly goes back to her seat. The Theo guy was on the phone and talking with someone. Nikki looked outside the window. She gasped from the scenery they passed. So beautiful. She never tires of watching this scene every time she travels for Hanford City.

"So… What did Daichi say?

"Ah, he will send it to me."

"Hmm…" Jeremy noticed when he seemed surprised while staring at his phone. "What? Can I see it too?"


"And why are you hiding it?"

"I'm not hiding it."

Curious from her seat, it tempted Nikki to glance at Theo's direction. He was talking with Daichi. It intrigues her what they talk about. She was glad they didn't know her, else, they will mention to Daichi that they saw her on the train and her father found out she is missing at home.

Ahhh… so much happens today. How crazy she met her crush, and while eavesdropping she found out her father arranged a marriage for her. Sadly, his marriage was already arranged with someone.

But why did he agree? It was because he was drunk at that time. That's all.

Ugh, she was doing a Q&A to herself. She's losing her sane.

Speaking of arranged marriage. She wants to go home right away! She will only have a quick visit to her grandma, chat with Maureen, and visit Jonathan's grave before going home. She has to be there and meet Theo formally. The plan she came up with, now she learns her Papa has a plan behind her back.

If only she had known, she better went to the mall and had shopping and to prepare for tonight! But she didn't know. Ugh.

Ah! She decides to ignore her possible arranged marriage, but why is she very excited and looking forward to tonight?

All right. Calm down, Nikki Lindsey. Remember what you pondered a minute ago.

Nikki closed her eyes once again to pretend to sleep. She needs a real nap. It will take a while before they arrive in Hanford City.


She doesn't know how long she's been sleeping. All she feels is an arm around her, and she pillowed to a firm body.

Wait… isn't she on the train? Why does she like hugging a hard stuff toy but smell so fresh? No. His odor seems mixed up to his sweat, but the compartment is air-conditioned.

Later, she freaked out.

Oh, my god! Is she hugging someone? Ah! What is going on?

She's afraid to open her eyes. Maybe this is just a dream. The train didn't run? This isn't a dream? Ah, she needs to wake up. But it's so warm. She likes the feeling of being locked in someone's arms. Nikki buried her face with whatever she was hugging.

She was dreaming, so it's okay to take advantage. Hehe… But why does she hear voices?

Dang! She's not dreaming? Then is she...???

"Aren't they woken up yet?"

"Oh, I will wake them up. Sorry about that. My brother just arrived from the US yesterday. He's tired and jet-lagged."

Nikki heard Jeremy's reason for someone.

"All right. You all need to get off soon. The train will continue its route after 15 minutes."

"Sorry, sir. I will wake them up."

Oh, my god! It is really not a dream! Then how long was she hugging him? And she could feel his hand holding her waist. Gosh, she's blushing knowing that she even brushed her face into him. But he's still sleeping, right? So she is safe.

Ah… she should pretend like she just has woken up. But how to act, by the way? Oh, shot! Sucks.

"Hey! You can now stop pretending to be sleeping."

What? Does Jeremy know she is just pretending?

"Stop kicking me!"

Nikki would like to pass out when the guy groaned so close to her ears.

He's awake!

And just pretend to be sleeping like her!

Ah! How embarrassing! He must feel when she buried her face into his broad chest.

'Ahhhh…' She freaked out.

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