Burning Passion

Chapter 143 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey

CHAPTER 143: SAVING NIKKI (Sixteen) and the Past 


* * *

Hanford City, ten years ago… 

Nikki waiting patiently inside the car. Theo and Jeremy went inside the company where they rented the car to make a new arrangement. 

She glanced at her wristwatch and noticed that she got a mark when Jonathan's brother tried to settle her down, pinning her arm on the floor, and he is tightening the grip on her wrist. Recalling what happened earlier, she felt panicked. And thinking her father being mad at her for leaving without his permission, what she must do? How she should explain everything? It was a huge mistake she left home. She didn't listen to her father when he said she should not go alone. She almost got rape. And probably, the guy was serious, saying he would bury her body.

Nikki bit her lips and clasped her palm tightly. She was thinking about whether she should tell her parents about it. Her parents surely were angry at her. 

'What should I do?' she asked herself. Nikki jolted when the car door opened. 

Theo came back to bring bottled water for Nikki and his gaze caught the panic flash in her eyes. It convinced him that absolutely something is wrong with Nikki's visit to the cemetery. 

"I bought bottled water. Here, drink this." Theo opens the cap and gives the bottle to Nikki. 

She's staring at him, awed from his sweet gesture. Shyly, she took the water and thanked him. She drank the water, and she realized she was this thirsty. She almost emptied the bottle. 

"Thanks…" she said once again. 

Nikki blushed when Theo sat beside her. She doesn't know what to say. She tried to think of things she can ask to end the awkward silence. But she still can't believe the kiss she shared with him, which Theo said nothing but just like that. Could she assume they were in a relationship now? 

Ah, her heart flutters. She's trying hard to suppress from dancing. She turned her head to ask Theo when what welcomed her is his mouth. Nikki froze in her seat when Theo kissed her again. 

Gosh! It was their second kissed! 

She gasps for air after Theo parted their lips. Ah, how she should react when her face is bitten red. Gosh! How did her teenager's heart take this? 

"Oh, my gosh!" 

"Hum? What's the matter?" asked Theo. 

Ah, what would be her parents' reaction once they found out that she already kissed someone?

Her face showed a funny expression. It amuses him watching how they're changed. "What's wrong?" Once again, Theo asked Nikki.

"I'm just wondering once papa learns that…" She can't say it! 

Theo pursues a smile. He has an idea of what makes Nikki worried. "It worries you they would know how we kiss already?" 

He watched Nikki's face flushed red; shy about the kiss. He smirks and feels to tease her further. 

"I can kiss you again." He leans over, but Nikki covers his mouth. 

"Whe— where is your brother?" 

Theo curled his forehead, he asked. "Why?" 

"Um… I—" 

"You have nothing to shy about." 

"Erm, well…" 

"What happened to your wrist?" He gently took her arm and looked at it closely. The bruise was like someone tightly gripped her wrist. Theo presses his lips. He cannot have peace of mind if he won't hear the truth. But Nikki acts as she doesn't like to talk about it. 

Theo clasps Nikki's hand and says, "Nik, please tell me the truth. What happened during your visit to the cemetery?" He watched how Nikki flinched and pressed her lips. "Nik?" 


But Jeremy came back, who's no idea that Theo encourages Nikki, to not be afraid to share what she experienced before they found her on the sidewalk.

Jeremy apologized, but in a teasing tone. "Guys, let's go? Oh! I apologize, I came at the wrong timing." 

Nikki blushed that Jeremy saw them held hands. But maybe it is normal now that Theo was like her boyfriend. 

Back to Theo, it bothered him a lot. He wanted to talk to Nikki alone, and so she won't be nervous sharing to him what happened. However, his plan compromised. He better talk to his brother and makes him cooperate. 

"Jeremy, I have something to discuss with you," he told his brother, tilted his head, gesturing to go outside. 

Jeremy nodded and closed the door.

Before he gets out of the car, Theo makes sure that Nikki is at ease from a crucial issue he asks her to confess. He told her, "Relax, okay? I am here. And I'm just worried, so I wanted to know." 

Nikki senses the sincerity in Theo's voice and the warm palm that held her hand. It was very different when Jonathan's brother held her roughly. Later, she nodded at Theo. 

Theo smiled and kissed her once again before he got out. Left inside the car, Nikki could feel her cheeks are burning. 

How many times she and Theo shared kisses? That was the third time. Yes, she is counting!

Ah! Her heart is beating crazily! 

Outside, Theo shared his suspicion about Nikki. 

"Do you think so?" 

Theo nodded at Jeremy. He sighed, then glanced at the car. He told Jeremy, "I tried to talk to her, but she's showing how scared she was to discuss it, and she flinched when it mentions something about it." 

Jeremy knew what to do with this case. But the thing they must consider, Nikki needs time, so she must not force. He asked his brother, "What is your plan, now?" 

Theo heaves sighed and raked his shoulder-length hair. His bright green-eyes narrowed. In a serious tone, he replied to Jeremy. "I want to stop at Hanford City Police bureau for a report. But I have to convince Nikki first." 

It made him perplexed about his brother's plan. But it's the right thing to do. So then, Jeremy shared his views, "It is a sensitive step. We have to make sure that Nikki is comfortable to open up with us, and to the Bureau." 

Theo nodded and requested, "Can you drive the car while I join Nikki in the back seat?" 

Jeremy rose a brow and pouted, "You're asking your brother to be your chauffeur?" 

Theo chuckled. "Just for today."

He and Jeremy threw knuckles at each other before they go back to the car. 

It confused Nikki when Theo sat beside her. And Jeremy is the one driving the car. Slowly, the car travels throughout the city. Somehow, she is a little familiar in the city, Nikki asked Theo, "Where are we going?" 

Theo clasps Nikki's left hand and says, "Nik… I know you are afraid to share it with me because I am a stranger to you. But I'm truly worried about you. It was hard. But I want you to know that I am here to help you." 

He could see the panic flashes in Nikki's eyes. But he won't give up. He has to convince her.

Pondering things inside her head, she's still bewildered if she should share it with other people. And Theo is not a stranger. He hasn't known her secret yet, that her innocent heart has been loving him.

Nikki hurled a deep sighed. She glanced at the rearview mirror and met Jeremy's gaze. He nodded at her and showed a warm smile.

Maybe it is best to share them of what happened to her earlier. It seems she was transparent to them. It means her parents would notice too… 

"Could you tell?" she asked Theo about her transparency of what she has been trying to hide. 

Theo nodded and held Nikki's face. "Every summer, I attend a camp where I receive intensive training. It was like self-defense at the same time, learning how to become a secret agent. Studying psychological logic is part of what we must learn. The bruises in your neck, knee, and your left pulse are evidence you've experienced physical abuse. Your reaction and expression compare to your behavior this morning… the way you startled now with the things that are supposed to be usual to you." Theo began explaining.

"For example, when someone approaches you, or a car door opens. You grew up riding a car, right?" He asked Nikki and waited for her to nod before he continued. "Your expression quickly shifts and the panic shows in your eyes. It is one of many things you're in a state of trouble. Maybe we better call it anxiety." Theo gently squeezes Nikki's hand and adds…

"So, you have nothing to be afraid of… I am here." 

Nikki was staring at Theo's gorgeous green eyes. It surprised her that Theo is paying attention to her like this. His warm hands and gentle touch calms her, sending bolts of electricity to tell her that everything is alright. And she trusts him.

Theo is her innocent heart's dream. And now being with him feels like a dream. He is beside her, holding her hand, and they already shared kisses three times. 

Recalling its sweetness. Nikki's head is spinning around, and she felt like it brought her to cloud nine. It helps her to forget that nightmare.

The car stopped. Nikki looked outside the window and read the name of the building. This is it, then…

"Hanford City Police Bureau"

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