Burning Passion

Chapter 152 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


"Let's Bring Her Home" 

* * *

Theo looked in wonder at the full moon. Finally, the satellite ATHENA located the ship where Nikki is.

Using the advanced satellite technology, they could take pictures of the entire ship and the room where they placed Nikki. Theo's heart wrenching found Nikki lying on the sofa without a blanket. She must be cold to how she bends her body. It worried him if she had enough to eat or drink plenty of water. 

He's alarmed and upset that she was into this situation. He cannot remember the past, but he wants to kill that Brandon Hale. He was responsible for putting him into a coma, and this leads to forgot Nikki…

Hell! He will bury him alive!! 

Theo clenches his fists. He cannot wait to destroy Brandon's face. He has a different scenario playing in his head of how to kill that man. If only he could kill him every single day within ten years, for the time that wasted when he and Nikki separated from each other.

Daichi, who was quietly observing Theo, sees how edgy the guy was. He truly loves Nikki. Then, he should not worry and trusts him to fix everything, including about his rumored fiancée and his lies to Nikki. But Uncle Seth must be happy now that the son-in-law he dreams is soon to marry his daughter… First, this guy has to confess and propose. And the question is, will Nikki forgive him? What will Nikki's reaction be? 

Daichi tore a playful smile, and Matt caught it. 

"What are you grinning about, brother Daichi?" asked Matt, curious about interesting stuff playing on his mind because he's ready to join. 

Daichi answered Matt. "It's nothing! I'm just intrigued!"

David, including Theo, who sat across from them, was eager to hear about it. Matt asked further, "About what?"

Daichi glanced at Theo. Grinning, he replied to Matt. "I wonder what Nikki will do once he finds out that he is the guy!" 

Theo dumbfounded that he was gossiping now. He already panicked. It should not add by these men his tense how to confess to Nikki.

Matt smirked, he said to Theo, "I will teach Nikki how to give you a nice kick in your groins." 

"Hey! How can I give her more children if you do that?" Theo complains. 

Matt beams and patted his back. "You're the man! Nikki is a nice girl. I will beat you until you turn into a pulp if you make her cry." 

"I would never make her cry! I swear! She will no longer cry her entire life!" 

David elbowed him, seated next to him. "Hey! She should cry, but tears of joy!" 

"Yes! She will!" He swears it's not because these men tell him, but his promise to himself. He will cope with those days he forgets her.

David shakes his head but raises a thumb. They have the last battle to face against the Hale's. "We're closer now!" he informed his company.

He read their location through a waterproof gadget that was specially made by Rudolph Lao for this situation connected to ATHENA. It also showed the submarine's position and the ship where Nikki is with Brandon Hale. 

The thing is, with the influence of the Mafia Alliance, and the International Law; they received permission to use the Navy's force. A submarine is now waiting for them on the surface.

Meisha Ivanov, a brother-in-law of Chairman Crow, lowered the helicopter to the water. The men salute at him. From the chopper, Theo and the others jump off; now they swam and now climb aboard the submarine.

"Hello, gentlemen. Welcome to the Lady Of South Waves!" Major Miles greeted the four men, now joining them inside the submarine.

Well, his greetings are a code. The men salute at him, David replies to Major Miles while handshaking hands.

"The full moon smiling in the north. Thank you, Major Miles."

The major brought them to the bridge to discuss the plans. They entered inside, and the major ordered to dive the sub underneath and make a gradual swim.

"Alright. From the information sent to me, you have seen the standing of the ship that we will pursue." Major Miles pointed at a red dot blinking on the sub monitor screen.

He went on. "We prepared the two mini-sub you were requesting to borrow. Also, we boarded the four marines that were specially selected for the mention." Major Miles gestures his hand to the four men standing straight in the corner. "These are the men who will help you seize the core of the ship." 

One man moves forward and extends his hand at Theo. He accepts it but pulls him over and gives a friendly hugged. Next, the guy greeted him and introduced himself.

"Man! I thought I would not meet you again. I heard you had amnesia, so then, you won't remember me. Captain Carlos Rodriguez, byway."

"Ah. I'm sorry if I remember anything. Where do we meet, anyway?"

Carlos smiled, he slaps Theo in the back. He replied, "We were attending the Camp together, and we were in the same lodge."

Hearing this, Theo expressed his apology. "I wish I could remember back those days."

"No problem! I'm glad to work together with you. When this mission is to offer to me, I accept it instantly. The Agency has been working everything to track down any member of that organization. We want information that could lead us to whereabouts of the International syndicates we were chasing all these years."

Theo wrinkled his forehead while pondering this matter. Later, he sighed. "All right. I can't wait to kill that man. But it looks like I have to keep him alive."

"I'm sorry, man. I heard that he had your girlfriend and the past that related to him. But we need him alive."

Theo furiously heaved another sigh, then said, "I will beat him good first."

Carlos grinned and patted Theo's back. He nods at Major Miles to proceed. David and Daichi help with the plan.

"Alright. Major Miles will bring the sub to the surface and request the ship for a stop and do a dialogue with the captain. Upon having this conversation, the two mini-subs will advance under the ship." 

"The eight of us will secretly enter the ship. We will secure Nikki by bringing her to the mini-sub and stay away from the ship while we captured Brandon Hale. Then, after we apprehend Brandon Hale, the International Law forces together with the United Nations forces, will come forth to take Brandon Hale and his men."

Every man of that room nods.

"Now, let her advance, to catch up with their speed. Enjoy the ride, gentlemen!" 

The four men look at each other. Later, when they dived deeper, they could feel the pressure in their bodies, and they wanted to throw up. 

"Dammit! I should train with the Maritime soon," Matt murmured.

"Same. Maybe I should enroll for it after tomorrow," Daichi concurred. "I want to drink as much after we get home!"

"Jeez. It was just a few minutes. But I like the plan. Let's celebrate tomorrow night!" David is also experiencing the motion. But he is more trained among his brothers and all the boys in their circles.

"It's Nikki's birthday…" Theo told the men who now take silence and become serious.

Daichi patted Theo's back and said, "Let's bring her home."

Shortly, the sub emerged beside the ship and matched their speed. It alarmed the fishermen to see a submarine surfacing near the fishing ship.

An alert went out!

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