Burning Passion

Chapter 159 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


"But I'm crying because I am happy."

* * *

It was late lunch...

Nikki had a video call with Jasmine. She is now using Theo's laptop while she waited for him to finish grilling the fish they caught a while back. After her late breakfast, Theo brought the yacht around the island. 

She also meets Roland and his girlfriend, Margaret, Theo's secretary as their company on this trip.

Margaret was four months pregnant, and the couple looked so in love with each other. Well, she and Theo were also so in love with each other, and that makes them two couples in-love.

They spent all-day kissing if they need not move around. Theo taught her how to steer the yacht. And while she's steering the yacht, Theo is showering her with kisses on her shoulder, on her forehead, on her cheeks, and neck.

At the moment, they docked on the shoreline while Margaret and Roland did an errand after Theo talked to his assistant in private.

She was having a video call with her mother, Lucy as they were also celebrating her 25th birthday in the diner. She learned that Mae and others are helping as she what she could see, the diner are full.

"Nikki, it's a free meal for your birthday!" They told her.

"Really? That was nice! But did the store funds enough to cover? You should have asked me, and I withdrew some cash." Since she hasn't touched her savings when Theo and his brother pay for her mother's medical expenses. Also, she forgets that they are supposed to prepare something for her birthday. Honestly, all she thinks in these passing days is only about Theo and their child.

"Heh. Why are you worried? Not a CEO, but a rich husband who covers everything!" 

"Huh? Do you mean that?" 

Nikki glances at Theo, who is making her smoothies, a mango flavor. She can't believe that Theo also did that. Their diner is giving a free lunch. It was no wonder how the store is crazily crowded, having a long line outside. And he spotted her friends and neighbors helping to assist everyone. 

Later, Jasmine focuses the camera toward her mother. Lucy was seated at the table near the Memories Corner, which on the table, place the photo frame of her father. She was happy her mother brought it with her. She knew that her father was also happy at this moment.

"Nikki, just enjoy your day with Theo, okay?" 

"Yes, Ma... Thank you. Don't tire yourself, okay?" 

"Don't worry about me. I'm happy to know the store is doing well and meet my friends again here in the Shopping Center." 

She understood that her mother misses those times she is well and running the store herself after her father died. 

She wishes to be there with everyone, but she's happy to be with the man she will share her life with forever. 

It was the moment she gave Theo a seductive glance which the guy lifted his head and met her burning stare. 

"Ahem! We're still here, just to let you know." Mae teases Nikki. 

Instantly, Nikki blushes and tries to reason. "Hm, I'm just checking out this not CEO, but rich husband making me some smoothies." 

"Ah, lucky! When can I find a not CEO but a rich husband?" Mae daydreaming, which Jasmine giggled, and Nikki dropped her jaw. 

It happens, Chris, was standing behind and clears his throat. 

"Excuse me, Miss. I want you to know that your fiancé may not be a billionaire, but he owns an apartment building and a few spaces for lease." 

Nikki laughs out when Chris adds. 

"Do not forget, I am as handsome as those CEOs and Billionaires you guys are talking about." 

Including Lucy, who giggles at Chris's jest. Mae kisses Chris on the lips before she shoos him to leave the girls alone to chat with Nikki. But she requested to talk with Chris. She wanted to ask something. 

"Brother Chris, have you recognized Theo from before?" 

That was like a whisper, in which Theo still overheard. And it intrigued him why Nikki asked about it. 

Chris laughs and nods. "Yes. I remember him from before. He's rare to visit the country, but I could not forget him. I also remember how Uncle Seth used to say when everyone got drunk, that he wants Theo to be his son-in-law." 

Nikki wipes the tears, now flooded her eyes. Theo places the glass of mango shake beside the laptop and joins Nikki talking to them. 

"Brother Daichi also remembers," said Theo.

Hearing this, the more she cannot stop sobbing. It just made her happy to learn that her father's wish was now granted. Also, no wonder why Chris has been teasing her since in the beginning. That coffee incident and Chris about to give Theo a ticket after he parks his car in the lane that is not allowed to park.

Chris knew! Also, that morning after their first meeting to make love. Theo suddenly shows up and Chris still teasing her. So, this is all about. 

Later, Daichi showed up, and it surprised Nikki to see him wearing an apron. Not only that, but even Matt, Attorney Kier, and brother Rudolf were also serving at the diner. She covered her mouth, laughing. No wonder the diner is so crowded. It's not only about the free meal. But also because of how handsome and famous the store servers they have. 

These men never change. They were still the same teenagers as before, helping her father in the diner for free meals. But, she later realized, they were like her father's sons he wishes to have.

"Hello, Nikki! Happy Birthday!" Daichi is waving at the screen. 

"Brother Daichi, thank you for helping mama to hold my birthday for everyone." 

"Don't mention it, Nikki! Someone is paying us a full month salary after this!" Daichi joke. 

Theo laughs and complains. "Hey! You're making me poor even before I could marry Nikki!" 

Daichi widened his smile but stunned to see Nikki crying. "Hey, Theo Shang! You promised not to make cry our Nikki!" 

Overwhelm with everything that happens today, Nikki wipes her eyes and tries to reason out. 

"Don't worry, brother Daichi… my tears are of happiness." 

However, it made Theo worried about seeing her cry once more. She has been crying since yesterday. He caresses Nikki on the cheeks to help her wipe her tears.

"Hush now. Is it not good for your pregnancy to always cry?" 

"But I'm crying because I am happy," Nikki answered. 

"I don't want to see you cry. After we get married, I promise you will only get to smile every day." 

"But after we get married. I would be happy every day… so then, you will have used to see me cry." 

Theo chuckled, kisses the part where the tears trail down.

Meanwhile, they did not notice they have more audiences who keenly watch them exchanging words. 

Theo notices that Daichi is signaling him with something until he understands it. He holds Nikki by hand; he pulls her gently to sit up. 

Nikki wondered, but she followed Theo when he guided her to stand up. She covers her mouth, seeing Theo kneel to one knee.

"I'm saving it for tonight after our dinner date. But I want to take this perfect moment to ask you this, Miss Lindsey…"

Theo paused when he reached into his back pocket and took out a small, rich purple box that was obviously what was inside. Them, watching through the video call gasps and squeals. Holding their breaths for the next scene.

Now, Theo opens the box, and it displays a 24-karat diamond in the middle, but around the ring are tiny diamonds that make the ring glamorous.

"Nikki Noreen Lindsey… WILL YOU MARRY ME?"


Squeals by Jasmine, Mia, Solange: including Jean, Attorney Kier's wife, and her sister Lena, who help in the diner, and now join to watch this unforgettable moment in Nikki's life. Meanwhile, the boys shush their wives not to make noise because they were not the one that asks to marry.

Nikki laughs while peeping at the laptop screen. Her eyes search for her mother, who also wipes the tears in her eyes. Lucy nodded at her daughter and was like telling her it's time for her to be happy for the rest of her life. Nikki returned her attention to Theo, who is waiting quietly. She smiled and answered…

"Director Theo Shang… Yes! I will marry you!"

Teary-eyes, Theo puts the ring on Nikki's left fourth finger. It looks perfect and beautiful on her hand.

He stood on his feet and kissed Nikki in front of everyone who greeted them.


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