Burning Passion

Chapter 164 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


"It's my honor to be the mother of your children." 

* * *

The entire day, Theo and Nikki stayed in the cottage, enjoying each other's company.

They were lying down on the floor after Theo made her pasta and lasagna for lunch. Theo also fixes a macaroni salad for her with a lot of cheese. She couldn't stop eating, so she began worrying about becoming fat soon. 

"Oh, my gosh! You!" Nikki burst out after Theo shared the mistaken text. She storms him with a pinch on his stomach, causing him to roll on the floor. 

"That was an accident!" Theo reasoned out, but with a huge smile on his face. 

Nikki sat up. Both of her hands were placed on her hips to yell at Theo. "Now you are making fun of me!"

Theo suppresses his laughs but grins and says, "But my karma came so fast." 

Nikki recalled that day. Her eyes spark from the thrill. She said, "I splashed on you the coffee that I prefer for that stalker! And I succeeded!"

Theo laughed when Nikki put out her tongue.

"I can't believe you!" Nikki pinched Theo one more time.

He leans over and utters in Nikki's ear, "I'm dying to get close to you. So, I took all the risk and embarrassment just before you became mine." 

Nikki looked up at Theo. There is a curiosity in her eyes. "Hm. Speaking of embarrassment? I sense a story behind that word." She teases.

Theo laughs. That day he was teased by his brother and Doctor Ben about the sperm cell count test. But he is not excited at all. He went out to think of ways how he could approach Nikki. And then the coffee incident, and they went to a store to buy him a new suit. 

It was the moment he realized how he is attracted to Nikki physically. He is a man. And seeing her skin through her sexy clothing, it made him excited to imagine her naked body against him. Because of that, he could ejaculate and give his sperm sample to Doctor Ben the next morning.

"Hey! Don't tell me you imagine something now, huh?"

Theo nodded, and he shared what happened later that incident. 

Nikki, once again, she attacks Theo with sweet pinches all over, and says, "You naughty!" 

Theo laughs. But then, he softens his gaze and gapes at Nikki lovingly. He said sincerely, "I'm already in love with you at that moment. But you are too beautiful, I can't resist. Also, I am happy that Jeremy considered you to be the surrogate mother. I was angry at first. I don't want to put you in such a situation. I want to help you without asking to return a favor." 

"Thank you." 

Nikki and Theo kissed passionately. It was long and intense.

Theo's hand once again has their own life, traveling in her entire body, massaging and rubbing her legs. His touch trailed upward, made its way inside to her t-shirt, and located her breast.

But Theo stops halfway. They had sex over the entire night. Also, Nikki is now pregnant. He must be extra careful about it. Although he asks for advice, Nikki needs more rest. Tonight, he has another surprise for her. 

Even though Theo stops their intimacy halfway, she's very satisfied being cuddled by him. She and Theo need not have sex every time they were alone. Holding each other is more than enough to convey how they felt.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Later in the evening, Theo brought Nikki to Seagull Resort to dine in at their Seaside Restaurant. The place has a warm atmosphere, added with a band playing at the moment. One of the assigned greeters escorted them to their table located close to the seawater, where the nearby tables, were also couples. 

Nikki is now in her jeans, plain fitted blouse, and cardigans around her body. She scanned the place, and it was perfect for either a group or couple's date to dine in at this restaurant. She already imagines a wonderful vacation with her mother that never happens after the doctor finds out her mother has a tumor in her brain. Nikki hoped that they could treat her mother by taking pills and simple treatments. But it requires surgery, and her mother's medicine costs them so much. But most of all, the blood she needs.

Grateful for how blissful she was, heaven-sent an angel not only to save her mother's life but also to save her from her lonely world. A world she thought will be her forever home because of her fear. 

Later, after they finished giving their orders, Theo asked Nikki. 

"Do you like the place?" 

Nikki nodded and replied, "It was nice. I like it. I can't help to imagine what type of restaurant I want to put up if I am ready to run my business." 

Theo smiled. He reached Nikki by hand and said, "I'm glad you also thought about it. I don't want you to stop reaching your dream. I mean your other dream aside from me…"

Nikki laughs from his joke, which she concurred. Theo is her dream. In which Theo has been dreaming of her to be a real person and be together in reality. Now, both of their dreams have come true. But she also has a dream she wants to achieve. Something she could be proud of herself and Theo can be proud of her. 

"Thank you. At the right time, and if I am confident in what restaurant I want, I will share that dream with you," she told Theo. "Besides, it will be for our family," Nikki added. 

"I would gladly be part of your achievements. And something we could pass to our children, yes. Our very own Legacy, which separates from the family I grew up with, where everyone is after who will be the emperor. I will do my best to raise our children and let them know what is the importance of family, helping each other, and love one another," Theo expressed sincerely. 

Nikki, who listens earnestly; she loves Theo having these views for his dream family, and definitely, she will support him. That is the family she dreams of too. Though she has no siblings, her parents have countless adopted teenagers that work in the diner. One arrives, another leaving to seek a better opportunity. 

Her parents are like a shelter. They were an open door for anyone who struggles to grow up as a teenager. Most of them are working in the store until they finish their course in college. Now she knows what kind of restaurant she wants to put up. It should be something that has been a part of her life. 

"A family who has a great relationship has greater achievements. Aren't you and your brother been like that? You are helping one another?" 

Theo realized after Nikki pointed it out. Nikki is right. He and Jeremy swear to help each other reach a goal.

"So, I guess you already began making a legacy along with your brother. Our children would witness this, and it will be their admiration to follow your footsteps." Nikki added. 

"You are right, Nik. I do worry about Jeremy as he cannot produce children. He needs an heir whom he asks for my help. However, I cannot just give away my child because of a reason. I don't want to raise my children, then to manipulate their lives, ordering them around and taking their freedom to choose their own goals in life if it is different from our plans. I will teach them about everything I know and things I am capable of but make them understand how important to learn about taking care of our family business. However, they have their own decision about what they would like for their life." 

Nikki shed tears to everything Theo has said. She senses that Theo was in that sort of situation. And he doesn't want to put pressure on his children. But encourage them instead. She is blessed to find a man who has wonderful values and also a responsible man to know his obligation as a father.

Theo has been proving even at the start that he is a great husband. Being gentle, thoughtful, and loving… Now, Theo is showing his fatherly side even before their children haven't been born yet. 

"We will do our best to be a good parent to our children, that we will be proud of us too as much as how we will be proud of them." 

"Thank you, Nik… I might miss something and neglect something. So I will do everything I could to be the father of our children and a husband to you." 

"I will do everything to be a great help to you as your wife. It should not be just a promise, but something I must work as your better half. And it's my honor to be the mother of your children." 

Theo cannot resist himself to sit up and leans over to kiss Nikki. He ended the kiss, to which he uttered, "I cannot ask for more, but something I must thank for more…" 

How wonderful the night is... 

Soft music… the cool sea breeze, kissing on Nikki's cheek. She cannot help not falling in love over again with the man sitting across her. She could not help to see the future growing old with him. 

Enjoying the night, the food arrives, and Nikki eats up the whole Lobsters that they ordered. She also enjoyed the fresh fruits served as dessert. She added cream and condensed milk. She couldn't help but burp after.

It embarrassed her, but Theo seems delighted to see she was full, and the life growing inside her has been demanding more food.

When they returned to their cottage, a surprise awaited her... 

A white dress finely placed on the bed and a flower crown. 

Theo told her to get dressed as he has another surprise for her tonight. It's getting late, but it must be something she cannot forget the rest of her life.

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