Burning Passion

Chapter 17 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


Scanning the reports in her hand, Nikki put down the papers and orderly placed them in the prepared purple plastic folder before putting them inside a plain envelope.

"Leni, if something happens, call me. I'll visit sometime," she told Leni. 

"Okay, Nikki. Thanks for your help."

"Anytime! I will head out now. Bye!"

"Goodbye, Miss Nikki!" The staff bid goodbye to her before she took the exit door for the staff.

Nikki opens her car door and puts away her backpack in the passenger front seat. She forgot to look at her messages, and so; she opened her phone.

Scrolling through the messages, the unknown number caught her attention. By now, there are three more messages; and it tempted her to read them.

Debating inside her head, she finally opens them and reads.

"Hi, Nikki..."

"You blocked me on Instagram."

"You were cool today."

The last message scares her to the bones. Instantly, she threw her phone on the seat, searching around in the parking space if any suspicious people were around.

Is her stalker could be here? 

He is probably in the shop today! She freaks out.

But who might it be? They have over fifty customers just this morning.

Her chest doesn't settle down yet. Pounding so loudly, Nikki heaves long breaths then releases them. "Okay. I have to calm down," she mumbles.

Nikki picked up her phone, but then it rang. The caller's name flashes on the screen is Aunt Maria... with trembling fingers, she swipes the green button and draws the phone to her ear.

"Aunt Maria?"


The first thing that registered to her brain was Maria's cries.

"Your mother—" her words stammers blended to her cries.

She throws the phone and quickly drives her car out of the parking lot. She sped up and tried to overtake another vehicle ahead of her. Tears began plummeting her eyes and praying that her mother was okay. 

Upon arriving at the hospital, she dialed Aunt Maria's number while on her way to the 7th floor.

"Auntie? Where's Mama?" She asked the woman on the other line; after she found the room empty. 

"Miss Nikki, your mother sent to the ICU," told a nurse on duty.

Nikki runs to the 8th floor by the stairs. Instantly she headed to the Nurse Station and queried about her mother.

"Nikki!" calls out Ben, who just came out from a room.

"Doctor Ben! What happens? Where is mama now?" Nikki began shredded tears.

"Nikki, we have to do the surgery as soon as possible. If you can provide the blood tomorrow, I will do the surgery right away."

Her world turns apart hearing this bad news. And where could she find this fucking blood right now? She screams inside her head.

"Doctor Ben, how if I can't get anything by tomorrow?"

"I will be honest to you, Nikki. The remedy I am giving to her won't lead your mother to get betterment without the surgery. I also asked the city Red Cross. I already tell them to secure any Rh A negative at the blood bank. That is all I can do for now. I'm sorry."

Tears filled her eyes; she looked up and stared at Doctor Ben. He is working everything to help her somehow. "Don't be, Doctor Ben. You've helped me a lot already. I will try to find one until tomorrow night. Can we do it by the next day morning?"

"Okay. I will stay in the hospital for now. I will visit your mother every three hours. The nurses will call me once Auntie Lucy had a seizure once again."

"Thank you so much, Doctor Ben."

Ben steps closer and hugs her. "Never lost hope, okay?" he whispered while tapping her back.

Nikki nodded. She wipes her tears and frees herself from Doctor Ben's arms, striding a little away from him. She doesn't want any gossip rising involving Doctor Ben. It may be going overboard when people began seeing they were this close, like hugging in the middle of the hallway. She doesn't want any misunderstanding.

She knew that Doctor Ben's intention was genuine, but not the people's perception.

"I have to leave Nikki. I will meet Director Shang, and I must tell my Co-doctors to prepare for the surgery soon. Don't worry. I assigned Caitlin to take care of Aunt Lucy during the night."

She pressed a smile then nodded. "Thank you again, Doctor Ben."

Watching Ben taking the lift, Nikki went to the room where her mother placed. Maria hugs her tightly, who also filled with tears.

"Thank you for watching Mama Lucy all this time, Aunt Maria," she told the woman. Together, they were watching from outside. She wanted to cry once again, and so Maria rubs her back.

"You know when your Uncle Roy died, and Phil was very young? It was your parents who helped me to get through all the circumstances of my life. Lucy never left me, and your father treats Phil like his son. It felt like a huge weight lift from my shoulder. That's why, now that Lucy, who was on this condition, I promise that I will always be here for you and your mother."

"Aunt Mary—" the tears she resists coming was like a waterfall trailing down her cheeks. She cried till the last drop of tears she could cry.

Her parents were always telling her about one thing. Cherish your family, your trusted friend, and the people around you; even many of them won't give back the same amount of affection you offered to them.

Now she completely understood those words.

That night, Chris and Mae drop by to see her mother's condition. But what shocked her, is the envelope Mae handed her before they left for home.

"What's this?" she asked the couple.

"Phil raises a little solicitation to the patrons in the store. Solange put a box on the counter, and it is not only the customers drop a little amount, but the entire Shopping Center store owners sent an amount, hoping to help a little."

Honestly, it amazes her knowing this small gesture for others, but it was a great act from her point of view. Teary-eyed, she told the couple to thank the people from Shopping Centers.

Astounded, she still can't believe they could come up with this act of kindness… even it won't cover all the costs she has to pay, but everyone's effort to help them out-touched her.

But her major problem was still there, and that is the blood her mother needed most… Nikki hid the worry in her eyes.

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