Burning Passion

Chapter 176 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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Nikki wandered her eyes to the suite Theo booked for them while staying in this famous hotel in Geneva, Switzerland. Before Theo brings her to his house, they have to finish the filming of the commercial as the SHANG 100th Celebration is approaching. 

Her breath was taken away by this paradise country. They were on a mountain and overlooking the Geneva lake. Nikki holds the railings of this veranda as she fills her lungs with fresh air. 

It was a big difference in living in a huge city with those tall buildings compared to a city consisting of mountains and lakes. 

She would love to live a peaceful life as long as she was with Theo. He bought a mansion for her back in Mainland City, but Theo has worked here in Europe. It means Theo will often travel abroad for business meetings.

It seems that she and Theo need a heart-to-heart talk about it. She is going to marry a businessman, so then she has to prepare herself for situations that Theo will be out of the country for his business trips. Besides, Theo is working hard for her and their future children. A wife must trust and support his husband. And she trusts Theo. What makes her sad, they are going to separate for the time being. But when he comes home, she will welcome him with a warm hug and sweet kisses.

She is now able to smile after consoling herself. She drifted her eyes throughout the whole place to appreciate this breathtaking scenery before her eyes. 

Ever since Theo arrived in her life, most of her dreams came true. In these passing years, she attempted to save up money to afford a trip to the places on her bucket list. But so many things happen that she starts losing hope if she could ever do the things she dreams. 

That once in a while, she could treat herself to do something as her achievement. All of her travel plans are only with her girlfriends, which never crosses her mind to go on trips with a boyfriend. 

Sometimes, it is best to be patient. And mostly it happens are the things that are never in your wildest dreams. 

Right now, her dreams of traveling to other countries came true. And she is not traveling alone. She was traveling with her husband. 

Before, browsing her Instagram and seeing her feeds about her classmates and friends traveling to other countries with their boyfriend. A few of them keep changing boyfriends who could afford to take them somewhere.

Sometimes, it is not worth self-pity or getting jealous of what others could do. Who would have thought? That what she has now is in comparison. 

It's not about the luxury she lives in now. But what she cherishes is the person she is with, and that person is madly in love with her, which she was crazily in love with him too.

"Hello, beautiful lady. Are you lost?" 

Asked by a man with tenderness in his voice, two arms wrapped around her waist, stroking her flat belly while planting kisses on her temple.

Nikki pressed her back into Theo's broad warm chest. She partly turned her head and looked up at Theo.

"Yes, I am," she replied playfully.

"Thank God, I found you," Theo whispered before he covered her lips. 

Gasping for air from the kiss, Nikki burst out. "You are cornier each day!" 

Theo sat on the sofa; he pulled Nikki by the hips to sit on his lap. He pouted, "Ouch. I have been practicing my lines before I approached you."

Nikki could not help but laugh at Theo, frowning. But later, his handsome face tore a huge smile, and let out a loud laugh. 

He reasoned out. "I could only think of lousy jokes and lines to make you smile. But I still deserve rewards and praise." 

"Is that so?!" Nikki laughs loudly until her stomach hurts. She couldn't stop laughing when Theo was blushing like a teenager. He also smiles cutely like an Oppa. "You are so cute already! You need not copy those Korean actors!" 

"I just heard you like watching dramas. You need not fangirl over them. I am more handsome than those actors." Theo was serious while saying it. And Nikki couldn't stop giggling.

"And I love the corny you!" she said.

"Hmm. Sometimes I feel embarrassed, though. I just borrowed some confidence from Roland." 

Nikki discovered how silly her husband is... When she settled down from giggling, she told Theo. "And it does make you look cute!" 

"I'm not cute. I am your hubby, and I am way more handsome than those Oppa." 

Nikki laughs once again. Theo raises his right hand and does that famous finger heart pose and wink at her. 

"See this?"

"Stop! My stomach hurts! I should refrain from laughing too much." 

Theo gaped at Nikki with a smile on his face. He told Nikki a fact. "They said it will have a positive effect on your pregnancy if you are always happy."

"And I am happy… every single day of my life," Nikki replied lovingly. 

"I love you, Nikki Noreen Lindsey." 

"I love you too, Theo Shang." 

Theo lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers. Between their kisses, he asked Nikki.

"Nik… What was Mama Lucy's maiden name?" 

"Hum? Why?" 

"I'm just thinking. We should invite your mother's relatives to our wedding." 

"Oh. I have never met most of my Grandpa Tan's family. Mostly who introduced me to Lindsey's, and they were in the United States. The story I heard, the Clan cut ties with my great-grandfather after he ran away with my great-grandmother, leaving behind his fiancée." 

"Oh, same stories as to what is still happening in the present." 

"Yes. My great-grandparents came to Mainland City in a merchant boat. Then, they went to Remy Town to hide there and start a new life, raising their own family." 

"Hmm. That's inspiring. I won't let anyone come in our way and decide for me," said Theo.

"I would never want to separate from you." 

"I promise, Nik. I will fight for us until my family accepts you." 

Nodding, she plants a quick kiss on his lips. Theo's world was the sky, which he came down to the ground for her. She does pray that Theo's family would accept her. 

However, what would she do if Theo's family forced him to leave her? 

"Is that all?" he complains when Nikki quickly pulls her head when he attempts to claim her entire mouth. 

She giggled and teased Theo again, but she was not able to avoid it when Theo held her face with both of his palms, then kissed her feverishly. 

It was long and sensual. After the long kiss, Theo mumbled. "Your lips are addicting." 

Nikki gaped at Theo lovingly, she felt the same way for him. She was addicted to his kisses. And she won't let him go no matter what. 

"Mind sharing what you were thinking at the moment?" 

Theo truly knows her a lot. He could determine if she was having a playful thought at the moment.

Nikki smiled as she lowered her face and whispered. "I'm just thinking of how exciting it would be to flirt with my hubby." 

She gave Theo a smacking kiss. And she lied.

Nikki tightened her embrace, Theo did the same. He already foresees that his family would disagree with him marrying Nikki when she is not from a prominent family and does not belong to High Society. It is something they will force him to abandon her in the end. But he won't allow them to hurt the woman he loves so much. 

Theo was in deep thoughts when Nikki asked him. 

"How did you know I was addicted to dramas?" 

He ponders how he would respond to Nikki's question. However, he cannot suppress his smile. 

"Why are you grinning like that?" Nikki glared at him lovingly. She could sense that Theo was hiding something the way he tore a smile. He has a hidden silly act. 

"Tell me now!" 

He laughs the way Nikki pouted and glared at him. She was acting cute again, he couldn't refuse her charm. He is forced to confess. 

"Um, remember the time I was stressed, and I sat in your car?" 

"Oh, yes! What about it?" 

"You did mention that you stayed the night to binge-watch dramas." 

"But I did not mention it was K-dramas?" 

Nikki got him. How would he tell her the truth? That he found it out because he is stalking her every night in the hospital before he went home? 



Theo told Nikki the truth about how he always sneaks in to see her in the hospital. Every time he's peeping at their ward, he found Nikki fangirling, covering her mouth like she would like to shout, but her mother was sleeping. Or she was crying in those sad episodes. 

Nikki's mouth dropped, and eyes widened, she smacked Theo in the shoulder and other parts of his body.

"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe you! I hate you!"

"Ouch! You're hurting me now." Theo acted like he truly hurt. But he was laughing. 

"Ugh. So embarrassing!" 

"And you are so cute," he smirked. 



Outside, Roland is scratching his head. He was taken aback if he should knock and spoil the good moment of his master with his wife. He could hear him laughing loudly. 

"What is happening to you?" asked Margaret when she found her boyfriend was crying in front of the door. "Did the boss scold you?"

Roland shakes his head. He shoves his hand in his pocket to take out his handkerchief. She sneezed on it. 

"No, he did not. I haven't even dared to knock." 

"Eh? Then why are you crying." 

"I just can't believe that my master is a big guy now." 

"Huh? What are you? His father? Besides, your master is older than you for two years." 

Hmm… that was true anyway. But when he was assigned to watch the young master and become an assistant. He was following him around to finish his degree at Oxford University and then assigned to take care of Shang investments with European business partners. His master has no life at all. He doesn't laugh nor talk unless necessary. His master always contemplates things he is curious to know when he doesn't like to go out and bring a chic home. 

But now, after nearly nine years he followed him. A big change happens after he meets his wife. He would surely cry with joy. 

"I'm just happy for my master…" he told his girlfriend and decided to bother his master later.

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