Burning Passion

Chapter 186 - Story Of Nina Li


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Two days had passed since the Li family visited the Shangs. 

Nelson prepared a generous gift for the old Shang's 90th Celebration. It was an ancient scroll of a Dragon and Phoenix painting. 

Nelson would not mention how many millions he spent to win the painting in an Auction. It was a real possession to keep. 

Placed in a golden box, Nelson's assistant and secretary delivered it to the Shang mansion a day before the party gathering. 

Instantly, the Li family won the old Shang's heart.

It was the night of the Old Shang's 90th Celebration. Despite his age, Master Shang remains enthusiastic about meeting his guests. 

The Li's enter the hall, instantly Master Shang brightens his face seeing Nelson's family. 

"Happy Birthday, Master Shang. May heaven bless you with long life and prosperity." 

"Thank you!" 

"I'm hoping that the Chairman likes the gift I sent?" 

"It was absolutely beautiful! In fact, it was my favorite!" Chairman Shang laughs and entertains Li.

In that banquet, the Li family is only one of many families Shang invited tonight. Gathering tonight is mostly from prominent families in High Society who are leading the business world. 

Everyone sent a generous gift for the old Shang, but amongst others, it was the Li's he was happy with. 

Rumors say Li attempts to establish a good relationship with Shang to take advantage of the benefits Li could earn from. 

And one thing, Li has a daughter Shang could marry. It was obvious from the picture they perceive. 

Meanwhile, Nina instantly lost enthusiasm to be in this gathering. 

She was pushing down the skirt of her Cheongsam. Her mother invited a seamstress and tailored a skimpy pink cheongsam for this gathering, and she felt like her parents were about to sell her away. 

Nina heaves a silent sighed. She senses all the eyes that looked in her direction. It's not only the younger men, but even the adult steals a look in her. It seems like it will be a long night for her to bear this atmosphere. 

The banquet begins, and Nina sits silently with the table that reserves for their family. Later, Mely joins their table to chat with Dona and Jerome with Nelson. 

The two women talk about dresses and jewelry. While the two men talk about business. Nina wants to get away from the Banquet Hall and go to the Shang Library.

At the moment, the Old Shang gave thanks and his appreciation to all the guests and gifts he received. 

He announced that it was time for him to step down as the head of the Clan, and he already chose the one to replace him. 

The entire Shang stirred, hearing good news. Many of them prayed to point out an important role in the Clan. It will determine who is the next boss below the Old Shang's position in the Clan. 

"Now, for the years, I have been watching each of you. I know who deserves the position and who is not," the Old Shang began appointing his family to important positions in the Clan. "I appoint my second son Jared Shang as the new Chairman of the SHANG EMPIRE, my first grandson Jerome Shang will be the CEO of the main office." 

His grandfather's news greatly surprised Jerome. He sat up from his chair and walked toward his grandfather to show his gratitude. 

"Thank you very much for your trust, grandfather." 

"I believe you will bring the Shang to glory," said the Old Shang. Before Jerome stepped on the side, the Old Shang whispered to him. "And it will be great if you make Shang and Li unite soon." 

Old Shang patted his first grandson's back. Jerome met his grandfather's eyes, his gaze giving him the message. That he expects of a job well done, and it should happen sooner. Jerome bowed. His grandfather tore a smile at him before he continued announcing for further changes when he stepped down as a Chairman of the Shang Empire. 

Jerome, who is quiet, standing next to his uncle. He smiled at the crowd and bowed as his gratitude for congratulating him. However, his mind brothers and feel the pressure of being the third-highest position in the Clan. The seat he is taking is not free. It has a return, and clearly, his grandfather ordered him to marry one of his sons to Li's daughter. 

If he would not make it possible, he would lose his position and even his honor being Shang. 

Jerome pondered while he observed his four sons. He has to please his grandfather, so he remains in his position. To make sure that he will get the highest position soon, he needs to assign his smartest son to marry Li's daughter. 

Nina Li is a beautiful girl. She was modest, a well-bred young woman. The Li couple raises their daughter well. 

Amongst his sons, Steven, who showed a liking toward Nina. But it should be his older son, Garry. However, Garry is not a reliable one to run a business. He doesn't excel as much as Raymond and Harry. But his second son, Raymond, is a happy-go-lucky person. He could not make him as his right hand running the Shang and aim for the highest seat.

It was Harry who was the smartest amongst his sons. He excels in all of his subjects. And doing great even in sports. 

Harry is the best candidate for him to arrange a marriage with Li's family. But first, he has to make sure that Li would truly help him secure his position. He won't sweat it, because his wife Mely, has a good relationship with Dona Li. Things will be easy for his plans. 

That moment, Jerome made a brilliant plan to secure the seat he dreamed of taking. 

Jerome is on his way back to Li's table when Robert Hong greets him. 

"Congratulations, Jerome!" 

"Thank you, Robert." 

"How I wished I had a daughter to marry one of your sons!" 

Jerome laughs. Hong indeed has a great status in society. If one of his sons married Hong's, that was another step closer to the seat. With a wide smile, Jerome replied to Robert. "Don't lose hope, Robert! Our grandchildren can marry in the future!" 

Jerome assures that his voice is loud enough to reaches the Old Shang's ears. He glanced at his grandfather, the old man grinning widely. And Jerome perfectly knows. He has a great advantage to have Hong on his side.. He could earn more great favor from his grandfather.

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