Burning Passion

Chapter 197 - Story Of Nina Li


* * * 

Shang Mansion, sometime in the year 1980s... 

Steven woke up early the next morning. He immediately went to his father for a talk.

A servant informed Steven that the master was in the study room to sort out the documents. 

His father has been busier than he was in the US. Most of the time, it was only their mother who visits them, and his father always reasons out he is busy.

Steven stood outside the study room. He heaves a long sigh before he knocks on the door. "Good morning, father. Can I speak with you?" 

Steven remained standing between the door panel, bowing, and waited for his father to reply. Soon, Jerome lifted his head and gestured his hand. 

"Come in, Steven. What's the matter?" 

"Father, I have an important matter I would like to discuss with you." 

"It can not wait? I have to leave soon for a breakfast meeting." 

"Yes, father. Uncle Nelson would like to pass a word. He is inviting us this weekend to try out the boat he purchased." 

"Oh. That sounded great! Tell him we will. Is that all?" 

"Father, I would like to ask for your support." 

"Hm? About what?" 

"I want to ask Nina's hand in marriage." 

Jerome is a little surprised. But he perceives that among his sons, it was Steven who shows an interest in Nina. Before he replies, Jerome heaves a sigh and clears his throat. 

"Ahem. Are you certain about this Steven?"

Instantly, he replied. "Yes, father!"

"Steven, I want you to listen carefully. Pursuing Li to arrange a marriage with a Shang is a matter I discussed with Nelson," Jerome paused, he studied his son. Steven is keenly listening to him. He seemed to be serious about his proposal.

"He told me. He doesn't want to force his daughter into marriage this early. Nelson wanted his daughter to finish college before anything else. And above all, he wants his daughter to be happy and enjoy her life." 

"But we can engage this time and later to get married when Nina is ready!"

"I know that, but—"

"What's wrong? Do you think that I'm not serious about Nina?"

"No. It's not that issue here. But I promised Nelson to give him the best son-in-law." 

Steven wrinkled his forehead. He asked his father. "What do you mean by that, father?" Honestly, he doesn't like how this conversation went. He could sense that his father is leading him to a direction he won't be happy.

"Since we already talk about this, I will be honest with you, Steven. I cannot arrange you with Nina." 

"What? Why? Don't tell me you choose my eldest brother?" Steven raises his voice, and he receives a warning stare from his father. 

"It's not your eldest brother." 

"Then, who?" Steven asked his father with a rough tone. He apologized, "I'm sorry, father. I wanted to know who you want to arrange Nina for marriage." 

"Steven, it was Harry, who I arranged with Nina." 

It was like a bomb from the sky and dropped on him. Steven could not stop himself, not to yell. "What!? Father, you can't do this! Why was it Harry and it wasn't me?" 

"You know the answer, Steven." Jerome gaped at his son. He gives him a meaningful gaze to figure it out himself.

Steven meets his father's gape. He clenched both of his fists and said, "Harry is smarter than us all brothers. Is that your reason?" Steven waited for his father to nod before he continued. 

"You choose him because you believe he is most helpful to your plans?" 

"Steven! Mind your words!" he warned his son. "I need someone who will help Nelson manage his business!"

"Li has no heir, but Nina. Whoever she marries would also inherit an enormous wealth. That is why you care more about a smart son than someone who will love Nina!" 

"Nina is a fine lady. I'm sure your brother would like her." 

"But I love Nina! I want to confess to her on her birthday!" 

"What can you do to run a huge enterprise?" 

Steven pressed his mouth. He admits that Harry is the genius among them. He is the only one who is serious about their study and showing interest in managing their company. "How if I surpass, Harry?" 

A flash of excitement gleamed in Jerome's eyes. For him, this conversation is getting interesting. "Can you do it?" He challenged his son. 

"I will do it! I'll prove it to you! I will surpass Harry, father!" 

Meanwhile, Harry overheard everything. He sharpened his gaze and clenched both of his fists, leaving that place with a heavy heart. 

Steven bowed and announced his leave. Jerome heaves a sigh after Steven leaves the room. He doesn't like to do this. But maybe it was for the best. Steven needs to motivate. And maybe, he will start caring seriously for their family to take a step forward from their relatives. He needs to assure that Nelson will choose his son to engage with Nina. Also, his grandfather is hurrying him to unite the two families as soon as possible. But it was Nelson Li who didn't want to rush the marriage thing.

By now, he has high hopes, neither the twin will do better from here on. Jerome noticed that Harry was listening to the conversation.


"Mely? What—"

Jerome hadn't finished his words as his wife's hand landed on his face. "Mely? What are you doing?" 

"I should be the one to ask you this!" 

"What do you mean?"

"How dare you use our sons to the point you will let them fight each other just for your ambition!" 

Jerome sees that Mely overheard them. He heaves a sigh and ponders. He has to choose the words to the reason for his wife, or else another slap would land on his face.

"Mely, I just wanted to challenge Steven. I cannot present him to Nelson as being an incompetent man! Nelson needs a son-in-law who could help him run his empire. Steven has to understand that." 

"And that was your resolve?" 

Jerome heaves a long sigh, unable to reply to his wife. But he has to convince her to support his plans. Mely will also gain benefits from whatever fortune they will secure from the Li.

"Mely, let's have faith in our sons that they will care more about their blood than a woman." 

"But a man could kill someone just for a woman! In all the people, it was you who knew better!"

Jerome softens his gaze and gapes at his wife lovingly. Yes. He knew better. When the time he pursues, Mely. His cousin took the competition to win Mely's hand for marriage. It happens, his cousin attempted to kill him that put his life to death because Mely shows she likes Jerome.

"Alright. But we both watch our twin grow. We witness how they care for each other. And Harry is the mature one. He is not a violent person." 

"But Steven? Do you wish one of them to be against each other? To compete with each other?" 

"That's not my point, but to motivate Steven. We cannot put our son in shame when he becomes Li's son-in-law but incompetent! Nelson highly trusts us! Besides, you should be happy that Li's fortune still comes to one of your sons." 

"I never after any of Li's fortune! Yes, I would be happy that our family would look over Donna's daughter, but it should not this way, Nelson!" 

Nelson wasn't able to reply when Mely left the room. His fingers rake his hair and slam the table. He needs to give his wife time to understand his good intention. It's not only securing his position in the company but also a friendship they built with Li. 

Soon, he will make her understand. 


Outside, Steven trailed down the pathways toward the Library. He found Harry reading a book. 

"What are you reading?" 

"You were asking me to help you confess with Nina, right?" 

"Hah." Steven let out a nervous laugh. His finger is tapping the table, weighing what to say to Harry. 

"Do you mind sharing your mind?" Harry asked Steven. Although he overhears the conversation between him and their father, he understood that Steven was in deep thoughts at the moment.

"Harry, I really love Nina. I think I could not love another, but only Nina."

Remain his attention to the book he is reading; Harry brightens his face before he looks up and meets Steven's gaze.

"I could see that." He said, forcing a smile on his mouth. "Do you still need my help?"

Steven sighs with relief. He replied to Harry, "Nah. Father told me Uncle Nelson doesn't accept any suitor for Nina, yet. But I decided, I will prove to Uncle Nelson, that I am worthy and deserve to win her daughter's hand for marriage."

"Hm, sounds great. You got my back."



"Thanks, bro! You really are the best!" Steven extended his knuckle.

Harry glanced at it before he raised his hand and nudged Steven's fist.

"Blood is thicker than water," Harry phrases with meaning.


Steven rose from his chair. He strode toward the bookshelves. He asked Harry, "So, what a good book you can recommend to me?"

"Hmm…" Harry named the book he thinks Steven needs to read. Good thing that his twin brother is giving his back.. He hadn't got to see the sadness in his eyes.

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