Burning Passion

Chapter 20 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


Nikki is staring blankly at the wall across her. She keeps playing the conversation she and the mysterious guy had. She doubted him, but did she have another choice?

He emailed his medical records proving he is an Rh A negative like her mother. Although he covers the rest of her information, like his name and age, etc... only she would know of his identity. 

But she told him she would think about it first. He told her that once she agreed, he would go to the hospital to take his blood first thing tomorrow, and then they could begin the surgery.

Hearing this was the moment she waited for a very long time. However, could she trade her freedom?

Nikki recalled his conditions.

First, he wants a natural way to get her pregnant. It means they have to sleep together.


He will tell this story to their child; everything is just a whirlwind romance between them. It sounds stupid, but there is no other better version of a lying story.

Second, it is about medical purposes. They both know that Rh A negative blood type is a rare type. He wants to raise one. He is confident that it will be 99% as her mother, Lucy, was an Rh-negative. But they have to be careful and watch out that this child won't have a problem with his growth because it was on his side who has a genetic problem.

So it was more like; he is experimenting that both blood type A with the positive and negative Rh could produce an average child.

What is this about? She wants to protest about the experimenting thing. But he may correct. She has a relative who has a special needs child; because their gene is not compatible. Until now, her uncle was taking care of by her old mother. He is moody and violent at the same time.

Now she has fear if the child turns out not healthy. It freaks her out already.

Could she take the risk? How if it turns like that? How would this man accept that?

And if a healthy child gets pregnant, will they take the child from her? It seems she could not agree with this. She wants to laugh at how stupid his reasons about genes abnormalities are, but it is true.

It was way more complicated now than she could imagine. Both of them have a history of genetic depletion that leads to illness when growing up. Is this even work?

Nikki heaves a long sigh. She wishes there was someone she could find aside from this guy. But if she has no other choice then, she will force to accept the offer.

She glanced at her mother. Sitting next to her, as a daughter, her heart throbbing with pain watching her mother was just breathing only from oxygen. She watched her until she fell asleep on her seat.


She quickly opens her eyes as tears flowing down her face. It looks like her father visits them.

"Papa, what should I do? Could I give up for mama so you and she will be together now? Or I will fight this battle no matter what would come?"

She sobbed quietly, not for Lucy to hear her cries. She cannot just give up for a selfish reason because she doesn't want to get pregnant.

But she has too many uncertainties about what kind of man that guy is. How could she assure that he is from a good family? Also, why he seems to hide his identity? Is he that ugly? Seriously, it should be a matter?

She doesn't know the answer to her suspicions. Nikki shook her head. Maybe someone would—


Nikki heard the unstable sound from the heartbeat monitor, and the screen showed odd signs, and then Lucy began groaning.

"Nurse!" She cried as loud as she could. She also pressed the emergency button.

"Nikki!" Caitlin quickly responded and entered the Intensive Care room. She ran outside again and called the other nurses. "Somebody gets Doctor Ryan!" she yells.

Meanwhile, Nikki freaked out and was crying. "Mama! Please, don't leave yet!"

"Nikki? Caitlin, bring Nikki outside first!" Doctor Ben instructed the nurses. He also requests the medicines he usually gives during Lucy's seizures.

Another doctor joins Doctor Ben, and after 20 minutes, they step out of the room after saving Lucy from a deadly attack. He looks exhausted. It was 3:00 in the morning. It seems he was just waking up the time he showed up earlier.

"Nikki?" Doctor Ben sat beside her, who was still sobbing in a muffled voice. He's too exhausted, and so he leans his head on the long couch and stretches his legs.

Nikki glances in his direction and forcibly wipes the tears that keep coming from her eyes. "Doctor Ben—"

Ben placed his elbow on his knee while clasping both of his palms. "Nikki, please be prepare yourself. The next seizure your mother has, I cannot promise if she could survive. So, please stay strong."

She could feel Doctor Ben's hand stroking her back. Her faint sobs become wails. Ben offered his shoulder, and Nikki cried until she lost consciousness.

* * *

She finds herself in the cold room. She wonders if it brought her to the room on the 7th floor. She turned to her other side when her ear caught light talks outside.

Where is she? And who're these people having a conversation with inaudible voices? Sometimes there is a distinct voice talking with a firm tone and one countering like was angry. Are they fighting?

She wanted to open her eyes, but the exhaustion of her body dragged her to return to sleep. Now she doesn't know how long she's been sleeping.

Nikki was staring at the ceiling. Is she even in a hotel room? She sat up of a sudden and wandered her eyes in the entire room.

The room is grand, but medical equipment is on the corner, so she was still in the hospital. She turned her head to her right side, and what meets her is a floor-ceiling window of this room. Wow, it was really like in hotel rooms. Is this the 9th or the 10th floor? She asked herself.

She checked her clothes, and she was still on them. Then, she was just sleeping all night?

She steps down from the bed to open the curtain, but she staggers on her feet as she feels dazed.

"What are you doing, miss?" a nurse entered the room.

Nikki was still in great wonder, but she replied. "I just wanted to open the curtain."

"Oh, just call me. Just stay in bed, Miss." the press button was on the left bedside table.

Nikki made a sudden turn to look at the table, but it caused a throb on her head. She reached out and pressed the part that aches.

"You should stay in bed."

Another woman came in and scolded her just like that.

"Who are you? And why am I here?"

"I arranged this room for you, and if you haven't remembered, you lost consciousness last night. The test results say your hemoglobin is too low, and so, take the vitamins Doctor Yonah prescribes for you."

"Doctor Yonah? Who's she?"

The woman gives her an arrogant look. She doesn't like it, but she keeps her cool.

"If you haven't known or heard yet. Doctor Yonah just came back from New York last week. She is a specialist obstetrician-gynecologist."

Nikki's eyes grow widened dramatically. What an OB-Gynecologist did to her?

Nikki looks around for her phone, but she can't find it. "My phone? Where is my phone?"

"Miss, here's your lunch, and you need to take this vitamin." the nurse came back with a tray of food and a cup with three tablets in different colors.

"What is this all about?" it confused her. And she was uncomfortable with this woman. "I want to talk with Doctor Ben. I need to see my mother as well as…."

"He should not be disturbed right now. The surgery will take till evening."

"Surgery? With whom?"

"Your mother, none other than, of course," the woman replied, shrugging her shoulder.

Annoyed, but the pain in her head is getting worse. "What? But, how? There is no blood yet?"

"You need not concern this matter and just leave it to Doctor Ben's hand. I think the better you should do now is to care for yourself first. How could you look after your mother if you will get sick as well? Besides, you must prepare your body."

"My body?" It even confused her. This woman sounded like a terror headmistress of an Academy; she was blunt and talked firmly in her tone.

"It is past lunch; you better to eat now," the woman ordered.

She wants to argue, but her head is killing her. Besides, she's hungry.

"If you need anything, just press the button." What the woman told her before she left the room. "And oh, nurse, get her phone."

"Right away, Miss Erika!" 

"Who is she?" Nikki asked the nurse once the woman swallowed by the door.

"Um, I'm sorry, Miss. I cannot answer you. I will find your phone!" said the nurse, then hurried to leave.

What's going on?

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