Burning Passion

Chapter 212 - Story Of Nina Li


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Nina was in deep thoughts when her phone rang again. This time, it was Jessica.

"Hello, Jessica?"

"Chairwoman, thank God! I was too worried about you!"

"I am fine. How about you? Are you in a safe area?"

"I'm glad." Jessica sighs with relief. "And yes, I'm still in the Peony Hotel. I asked your secretary, and she told me you are still in the office. How are you? According to the news, the temperature dropped today."

"I am okay. I am warm here."

"But your food? How would you survive not eating a meal?" Jessica knew that Nina doesn't keep any food in her office.

"Don't worry. Harry stocked up like a month's supply of food."

"What? Did I hear correctly? Are you in the penthouse?" Jessica burst out.

Nina has to draw away her phone when Jessica freaks out. "Yes. I was at Harry's penthouse."

Jessica takes a silence on the other line. In the end, Harry could not hide that once he loves Nina. Jessica thought.

"Jessica, are you still there? Is the line losing?"

"Yes, I'm still here, Chairwoman. And the line is fine. I'm glad you stay warm. I guess nothing I should worry about now."

"Well, yes. Anyway, what happened at the meeting?"

"I'm about to email you the agreement and tell me if you want to revise or you have additional clauses for the contract."

"Okay. I will review it."

Jessica is now the Vice President of Li-Shang Enterprise. Nina was very grateful to her attendant, who never left her side from all the roller coasters she rides in her life.

"By the way, Chairwoman—"

"We are not officially working, so you can drop it." Nina interrupted Jessica and reminded her to call by her name if they were alone, or they are not in the company.

"Right, Nina. Um, the thing I wanted to say is… I receive an invitation from Peony Palace."

"Invitation, for what event?"

"It's a wedding. They invite you and Chairman Shang."

Nina ponders if the Tan family she associated with… "Who is getting married?"

"It was the grandson of the Chairman."

"That is surprising. We were never associated with the Tan family. Why are they inviting us now?"

"I'm uncertain. Can you guess who the bride is? It was Miss Min Xi's younger cousin!" Jessica told Nina.

"Oh. Is that the reason they invite us? But Master Robert Hong is now infuriating to us."

"Right? The arranged marriage between Shang and Hong is over."

"It is unnecessary to unite with Hong. Shang is a hundred percent stable without their influence."

"That is true. They could never rise again unless we have to move and take away their company to pay their debts. Anyway, I have more important news than talking about them. The Peony Hotel wants to order an amount of wine from us for that wedding celebration." 

"Oh. What did Hong say about it?" 

"I have no information. It was the hotel General Manager who approached me. He gives me the invitation, then opens up about their orders." 

"Hm. How sudden. We have enough stocks, but it was for our old clients. I will try to talk with Theo if he could do something about it today. So then, maybe we can accept their orders." 

"Okay, Nina. They will wait until the typhoon passes away. The wedding would be in two weeks. We have enough time, right?" 

"Yes. After Theo makes a new deal and ships the wine by the next day, we will accept their order." 

"Okay! So, you and Harry would be okay with whom Theo chose?" 

"Jessica, I'm actually happy that Theo chose someone he loves." 

"Right. How about the Chairman?" 

"He doesn't mind. The only person who disagrees is Father Shang." 

"But at least, the Chairman and you are supporting the couple?" 

"Yes, we are. It doesn't matter if Theo marries an ordinary girl." 

"I understand." She witnessed how sad this marriage is, which is supposed to be a happy ending. But it ends tragically. Jessica heaves a sigh, which Nina hears. 

"What's the matter?" 

"Oh, nothing. Alright! I finished emailed you the documents." 

"Okay. I will check later. I have to tell Harry about the invitation. I think he already has countless engagements, so I'm uncertain if he wants to go." 

"Right, especially that the founding celebration is closer. I will hang up now." 

"Thank you, Jessica." 

"Your welcome, Nina." 

The other line cut. Nina put down her phone on the bed and took the pill from the platter. She eats it and empties the glass with water. 

It surprises her that Harry has these kinds of medicine and medical tools in his penthouse. Or maybe he is just always prepared? 

She heard that Harry has a gym where he practices martial arts or even gun shooting. Maybe he got sometimes injured and is treating himself. She has several guesses as Harry remains a mystery to her.

Nina gets up from the bed and carries the tray outside. "Harry?" 

"Nina! Why didn't you wait for me to take that?"

"It's okay. I only had a minor cut in my finger, not my entire hand." She beams. Suddenly, Harry looked cute in her eyes. "Well, there's something I wanted to say with you." 

"Oh. Does your mind change?" Harry asked Nina in which he realizes that was a stupid question. When Nina said she had something to say. What crosses his mind is that Nina wants a divorce from him… Now he sounds like a fool!

"Oh, about what?"

"I— I mean, if you want a particular dish for lunch." Harry quickly thinks of a reason.

"Oh, no. I want to speak with you about the Tan family." 

"Ah, okay." Harry sighed with relief. He could finally be at ease. "Did something happen? But we don't have business with them, right?" he queried while taking a seat after he gestured at Nina to sit down.

"Yes. But they wanted to open one." 

"Oh. Maybe it is a good start?" 

"It surprises me. But the purpose of their orders. The heir is getting married, and they wished to order a huge volume of wines for that wedding." 

"Really? That's interesting." Harry fell into deep thoughts. 'How sudden? Can it be related to that?'

"Harry, I will call Theo to place new orders to ship right away. So I could give the ones in our warehouse. What do you think?" 

"It's great! Theo was still in Switzerland with his wife." 

"I'm contemplating now. How if the Peony Hotel will become our new client? I'm thinking of introducing our new product." 

"Looks great timing." 

"I know, right? A potential first client for our new product. Ah! I have a better idea! I will ask Theo to come to China before they go back to Mainland City." 

"Sounds a great idea." 

"Maybe we can do a business partnership with Tan's? I will ask Theo to make a proposal and taste sampling. Then during the celebration. We could announce our collaboration with Tan Holdings! I will add that in the program." 

Nina is full of enthusiasm. Suddenly, she could not stop herself from making plans for a potential new client. Peony Palace is one of the famous hotel chains in China owned by the Tan family. Its main branch is located in Liang City, a neighborhood of Zen city.

"All these years, the Tan isolates itself and works independently. They are one of the most outstanding business firms not only in China but Internationally," Harry uttered.

"And it will boost the Shang's reputation!" Nina spoke with meaning to Harry. 

Harry glowed. When it comes to business, Nina is a brilliant partner.

It's just that they never become lovers....

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