Burning Passion

Chapter 226 - Story Of Nina Li


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"Hi! Have you introduced yourself already?" Kristina asked Harry and Seth, shifting her gaze back and forth. 

It was Seth who replied. "Yes, we are, sister Kristina!" 


Kristina looked at Harry, she suddenly felt shy. Harry has said nothing yet, but it surprised her to see him drove a car. And it was an expensive car. Now, she realized, Harry didn't mind coming late. The theater was ten minutes away for a bus ride and by car, it will be like six or seven minutes if no traffic jams.

"Let's go then!" said Harry; he opens the passenger seat door. 

Delighted by Harry's romantic gesture, Kristina could not stop herself from fluttering.

"Thank you," Kristina said while she settled in the passenger seat. She is nervous. 

It surprised her that Harry showed up in a car. She only expects them to take the bus or walk into the theater. No wonder Harry did not arrive early. Nothing to worry about if they miss the start of the movie when they go in a car.

She glances at Harry when he sits in front of the steering wheel. She observes him driving carefully until they join the traffic. 

In her impression, Harry is a man who measures his actions. It is what she finds out after hanging out both with Steven and Harry for months already. Every girl in the school wants a piece of these twins. And she is lucky that they were Sam's circle of friends; she got close to them easily without being too shy to talk to them.

Opposite to silent type Harry. Steven is enthusiastic all the time and isn't afraid of the risk. The guy is friendly to anyone and easy to talk with, while Harry is always putting up a wall. But she found him very calm and mysterious. The reason she was more intrigued about Harry; not to mention she met him first. Her attention has much drawn toward him. 

Talks are circulating on the campus that Harry is the smartest student. So, it was a wonder why Steven is the top student now. However, the twins did great this year. Together, they work hard to manage the Student Council, and everyone didn't make it an issue anymore.

Everyone loves Steven's personality while they admired Harry for being an excellent student. 

"We're here," Harry announced; he slowed down and pulled over in the parking lot. 

"Oh, we're here already!" She was pondering, and of a sudden, they arrived already in the theater. That was like only five minutes, she guesses. 

Kristina pushes the door open. It surprised her when Harry was already in front of the door. She realized. "Oh, I..."

It made her lost with words to say. She is stupid! Harry is about to open the door for her. But lost with her thoughts, anxiously, she just opened the door by herself and got out. Harry is acting as her real date, and she was not acting as a fine lady.

Harry pushes a timid smile, he's said, "Yeah. I was about to open the door for you." 

"Right! I'm sorry! It's the first time to go on a date, so I'm not in the right mind." Kristina honestly explains herself. She was embarrassed, but it was true. 

"Don't worry. I'm not also going out often, but group dates. So, it might be a boring date." 

"Oh, that makes two of us! Well, we're watching a movie, anyway. We are here to enjoy it." 

"Right! So we better go in?" 

"Yes! Before it started!" 

Harry bought a ticket, they also bought some snacks before they entered inside. 

Five minutes after they sat in their seats, the movie started. The awkwardness they felt a while ago now replaces with excitement and enjoyment. 

Harry feels relieved when Kristina chose an action movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger is her favorite American actor, so Kristina chose the movie COMMANDO over a love story.

After the movie, Kristina couldn't stop talking, which made Harry sighed with relief that she somehow enjoyed their date. He admits he had no idea how to entertain a woman while on a date.

Harry opened the door to the car. Kristina once again admired Harry for being such a gentleman. 

"How about dinner? Do you prefer certain food?" Harry asked after he settled in front of the steering wheel.

Kristina thinks for a moment before she replies. "Anything is fine!"

"Okay." Harry started up the car he drove West. The restaurant Kristina works at is located East, and they head South to watch a movie. 

"Would you be okay with Pizza?" 

Kristina glanced at Harry. Her eyes twinkled, she replied, "Sure! That is fine! I have been eating a lot of Asian food lately, so pizza is perfect!"

Harry pushes a smile he drove to a popular pizza diner in the city. It's nine o'clock, so the store was not that full this time. 

Luckily they got a table in the corner; they could have a little privacy when the Pizza House was loud from the customer's conversation and laughter. 

"This place looks nice." Kristina traveled her eyes to the entire area. Since it was a pizza house, it didn't look classy like a formal restaurant. But the diner gives a warm ambiance since it has a lot of family dining.

Harry stared at Kristina for a moment before he followed her gaze around the place. "Yeah. I'm glad you like it." He told her.

"I do!" answered Kristina. She turns her attention back to Harry. She pushes the few strands of hair that cover her face. She lowered her gaze, contemplating whether to voice out what was playing on her mind. "Have you brought your date here?" 

She anticipated what Harry would reply to her.

It took a moment before Harry replied. He never goes out with a girl alone. But an all-boys' night out and a group date.

"No. I haven't on a date before." 

"Oh, do you mean?" 

"Ah, I was on dates, but it's a group date. It happens I was dragged around by Sam and Ashton to complete the pairing." 

"Oh, I see. You haven't gone on a date alone like what we are doing now." 

Harry notices when Kristina's gorgeous green eyes twinkle. Though he goes out with Nina, Steven is always there to talk with her. And the last time was a Royal party. When it becomes boring, they escape to go to Carnival, but they are not alone. Harry shook his head to forget Nina and focus on his date. 

"We come here sometimes. It's an all-boys' night out." 

"Hm. That is fun!" 


They fell in silence when their food served. 

"Here you go! Enjoy!" 

Harry and Kristina thanked the server, they immerse themselves in eating the pizza, Kristina's face brightens, and she shortly finishes one large slice. 

"It's good, right?"

Kristina nodded, she swallowed the food in her mouth and replied, "Yes! It was delicious!" 

"It's a family recipe. So, a lot of families come here to dine or buy the ones not cooked yet." 

"Oh, that was nice. All needed is to put in the oven when they feel like eating pizza," said Kristina. She picks another slice and takes a huge bite. 

He found Kristina as easy to talk with. They exchange a few topics about school and the upcoming rugby game next Saturday. They agreed to watch it together.

Kristina couldn't believe how they finished the eight large slices of pizza. They were heading to the door, Kristina thanked the man in his mid-50s in front of the cash register.

"Bye!" Kristina waves at the woman, who serves their orders. She blushes instantly upon seeing Harry open the door of the diner and let her step out first. 

"Thank you." 

Harry nodded. He quietly matched Kristina's pace as they walked toward the parking lot. Suddenly, Kristina burps. Blushing, she apologizes to Harry. 

"No problem." Harry beamed.

"That's so not a lady of me!" Kristina couldn't move on to how embarrassed she was.

"That is proof that you are full, and it gladdens me you enjoyed our simple dinner." 

"What are you saying? I love the food! It's not just simple!" 

"No, I mean. I am a boring companion, so at least you won't get hungry." 

Kristina giggled, she uttered. "No, you are not! I mean, you are not the person everyone thinks of."

"Hm, like I'm putting on some air because of my silence?" 

"Kind of... But I think if someone got to know you, they would be impressed by how cool you are!" 

"Am I?" 

"Yeah! You're cool!" 

Harry pursed a warm smile; he uttered, "I know I could only bore my date, so I don't really go out. So, I will take your impression on our first date that you enjoyed it." 

"I do!" Hearing Harry says it's their first date. Then it means there are other dates to follow. Thinking about it, Kristina could not help to feel delighted that it was not their first and only date to happen. 

But that happiness was brief. Kristina felt horror when she saw Harry's car windows were all broken. 


Harry quickly raises his guard. He looked around and studied the parking lot. They need not wait that long as a group of men stepped out from the cars that parked across his car. 

Kristina understood the danger these men were firing at them. The ridiculous smirk and evil grin plastered on their faces are proving they were here to create trouble for them. 

"I'm sorry about the car. We are playing baseball, and it slips on our hand." 

Kristina is pressing her lips not to yell at these men. What they are saying is far from the truth… Everything is clearly intentional. And they are waiting for them to get out of the diner.

"Just stay behind me," Harry whispered at her. 

Kristina nodded.. She keeps her eyes open for possibilities.

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