Burning Passion

Chapter 236 - Story Of Nina Li


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Completing the tasks further. Finally, they were in the last room. 

"Yay! It's the last one!" Kristina excitedly raised her card above her head. Although she can get nothing from the prizes. She was happy to stroll the entire building with Harry. 

"Now I'm thirsty. Let's have a lemonade when we get out!" she muttered.

Harry nodded and replied, "Sure. I need one large cup of it." 

"Same to me! And a cheese hotdog! How about you, Harry?" 

"Let's hurry then?" 

"Yup! To the exit!" Kristina was full of enthusiasm.

Harry beamed, amuse watching her walking ahead. He followed quietly while the girl kept staring at her Task Card. In this passing week, Kristina worked hard to finish the preparation at an earlier time. Harry thinks he should reward her soon, and he already had an idea of what that would be. 

A smile playing on his lips, Harry walked ahead to open the exit door. "Let's check how many students completed the Tasks," said Harry while holding up the door. 

"Right! Let's see if the department has braver students!" 

Kristina now fully understands that Harry's concepts are brilliant! She never heard of a Halloween Party School Event that has a Horror Building Task Rewards Concept. 

It seemed like Harry was the first one to do this.

Harry was truly smart and amazing. She couldn't stop herself admiring him over again. And he is indeed a perfect boyfriend! It was what she always heard from the Senior Students. But they will also gossip if he is straight. 

They said Harry never has a girlfriend. But for Kristina, she doubts that Harry is that kind of man. He is romantic! He is also sweet and thoughtful! Harry is the total package of a husband! 

Yes. She thinks this way because he is a leader to his fellow Student Council. Most of the ideas for tonight's Halloween Event are from him. He has dreams for the future and of how he would succeed. So impossible he is gay. 

Kristina stops her head flying somewhere when they reach the EXIT table,

"Hi, guys!" Ron greeted them, the assigned Student Council to watch the exit. 

"Hi, Ron!" Kristina greeted back. 

"So, where's your Task Card?" asked Ron, surprised Kristina. 

She glanced at Harry, she then asked. "I thought it does not include us to receive a prize?" 

Before Harry could reply, Ron answered Kristina's query. "Yes, we are not qualified to receive the prize! But since it was 10:00 PM? We have an important prize just for this hour!" 

Excitedly, Kristina burst out. "Oh. Can I really pick up a prize!?"

"Well, since it is a special event. It has a special prize!" said Ron. He took out a bowl and asked Kristina to take one paper that rolled out. 

Anxiously, she takes one and gives it to Ron to read her prize. 

"Congratulations Kristina! Your special prize is a kiss from our Student Council President!" 

Harry dropped his mouth. What the heck? Where does this Special Prize come from? He never instructed this kind of prize! 

Meanwhile, Kristina's face instantly flushes red. She asked herself, 'Did I hear it correctly?' Or her ears had damaged from a lot of screaming she heard a while back? 

"Where that concept came from, Ron?" 

Kristina heard Harry asked Ron. She glanced at him; she could not determine as Harry wears a poker face. There is no trace of emotion in his expression. She could not tell either Harry was annoyed. 

To her understanding, Harry did not give this kind of prize. So why does it have something like this? 

A kiss from Harry? Surely he would not do that! 

"Maybe it's a mistake, Ron," Kristina told the guy. She was a little disappointed, but clearly, it was a prank or a joke toward Harry. 

"It's not! Steven told me about this, and Dean Collins approved it." Ron explained he wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead as Harry flashing a dark glare at him. He is just following the instruction! 

'Steven! I'm going to kill you!' Harry's head screaming his twin brother's name. He should have guessed instantly! 

Kristina studied Harry's silence. She guesses that Harry doesn't like to kiss her. So then, he should not be forced to do it. Nervously, she laughed. "It must be Steven's prank on Harry. Forget it." 

Even if disappointing that she won't be able to kiss Harry. But she doesn't want to put herself or Harry in an awkward situation. 

Scratching his head, Ron nodded. 


Kristina instantly looked at Harry. It bewildered her if what Harry means about his no. 

"I will do it." 

Harry said, which made everyone gasps. 

"Oh my, god! I didn't know it had a special prize like this!" 

"Ah! How lucky!" 

"Why didn't we arrive at exactly ten o'clock!" 


And more regret sighs they heard around. Kristina felt awkward. Her face was like bitten red. She wants to speak to Harry, but her tongue seems to disappear along with the words. 

'God! What I should do now!?' 

Kristina was in the middle of her thoughts when Harry whispered to her. She froze to her feet, and the next thing she knew, Harry now covered her mouth. 

'Wait, the what?' She tried to recall what Harry whispered to her. He said, "Let's do this. If I would not give the prize, everyone thinks my sexual orientation is what they were to think I am."

So, Harry knew that everyone was gossiping about him might be gay?

'Huh?' Kristina felt Harry's lips moving above hers… 'Harry is a good kisser!' 

She freaked out, opening her mouth and responded to Harry's kiss. She doesn't know how long they have been kissing. She was still flustered even after Harry left her lips. She heard him asking Ron. 

"Is there a limited time?" 

"Ah, yes! It says here, a one-minute kiss!" 

"How long did we kiss already?" 

"Three minutes!" Amanda, who replied to Harry. She was also a part of the Student Council. 

Three minutes?! Kristina freaks out. Is that long already! No wonder she was still chasing her breath.

They kissed that long!

My god! Harry is a kisser! It's evident that he already kissed someone before her! And who is that? A pinch of jealousy inside her chest.

Could it be Harry's first kiss?

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