Burning Passion

Chapter 239 - Story Of Nina Li


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Since its weekend. Nina remains in her bedroom. She was so lazy today that she didn't bother to get up from the bed. 

After Jessica brought her breakfast, Nina curled up on her bed, reading a book. After two hours, she was startled when her bedroom door swiftly opened with a force. 

"Bonjour!" Greeted a girl who stops in front of the bed, smiling widely to Nina. 

Realizing who it was, Nina jumps from her bed and rushes to the girl for a hug. 


"Sister Nina!" 

They were jumping while hugging each other. Later on, they sat down on Nina's bed and cried. Korin already stops crying while Nina continues sobbing on her shoulder. 

She could sense that there is a deeper meaning of these tears, and she only knows one reason what causes this. It involves her heart. 

Nina Li, who was extremely beautiful, wealthy, and life envied by everyone. However, she has a problem with whom she should love. 

The one who keeps chasing her? Or the one she wants to chase? 

Korin heaves a sympathetic sigh. Lightly patting Nina's back is all she could offer. She is still inexperienced because she never falls in love yet. And she had no time to meet someone she would like or to love since she focused on training how to run their restaurant at a young age. She just waited when her grandfather arranged her marriage to someone. If that guy is decent and likable, she might not raise a protest. But if the guy is an asshole and jerk to become her husband, she will only decline her family to make her marry a stranger. 

"Why didn't you tell me you are coming for a visit?" Nina asked afterward. Remain leaning on Korin's shoulder. 

"It will not be a surprise anymore if I told you I'm coming!" 

Both of them giggled from Korin's response. Nina parted from Korin and wiped her face. 

"I'm sorry. Your dress now drenches with my tears," she apologizes. 

Korin waves her hand like saying no problem. "That's okay! I'm so happy I could lend my shoulder to you. And I could cry with you too." Korin softens her gaze at Nina, she hugs her one more time. "I'm so worried about you." 

"I'm fine. But it was so nice to cry wholeheartedly. A huge weight on my heart lifted now." 

Korin tears a warm smile, she then remembers something. "By the way! Introduce me to the prince!" 

"Prince?" Nina tried to dig her mind about who Korin was talking about. "Are you talking about Albert?"


"Oh..." Nina suddenly recalled the last time she talked with Albert. The guy wasn't only pursuing her to be his girlfriend but proposing marriage to her. However, she doesn't have a feeling for Albert, whom the guy keeps hoping she would accept him one day. 

But Albert's persistence teaches her to be true to herself. She was now thinking of asking Harry a straightway answer. Even if it was a hurtful truth, at least, she knows that nothing is waiting for her. If Harry said he doesn't like her, then that is the moment she would stop dreaming of him. 

"Sister Nina?" 

Nina came back to her senses after Korin called her name several times. 

"Oh, I mean. He is busy. Albert starts doing Royal duties," she replied even though she wasn't sure if Korin's query was still about Albert.

Korin gape at her earnestly before she spoke. "I'm asking about brother Steven and brother Harry. " 

"Hm? What about them?" Nina blinks her eyes and then smiles timidly. There is a small hint of bewilderment on her face. She fell into her thoughts, the reason she doesn't hear what Korin is asking her. 

"I'm asking you. Is it true about you and brother Steven?" Korin wants to ask Nina the times they exchange letters. But she was thinking, maybe it's better to ask Nina personally.

Nina, on the other hand, weighing how to answer Korin. The articles about Steven kissing her become a trend gossip back in Zen City and people assume that she was now arranged to marry Steven Shang. But the people don't know the real story. There's nothing between them, and she already told Steven that she doesn't feel the same way. 

"Steven already knows my real feelings for him," she told Korin after her long silence.

Korin listens intently, waiting for the next words that come out from Nina's mouth. She knew that Harry, whom Nina has a crush on. 

Heaving a long sigh, Nina continues. "I asked Harry what he feels about me. But Harry wasn't replying to me. Maybe, he doesn't like me at all." 

There's sadness in her voice. In fact, she is on the verge of crying again. 

Korin couldn't find the words to comfort Nina. She is innocent about love, and so, she could not offer her advice or whatsoever to comfort her. 

"I wish I knew about love. But I have nothing I could offer to you."

Nina shook her head. She took Korin's hands and said, "Visiting me this far is enough to comfort me." 

They embrace each other again. Nina remembers to ask Korin for something. She was trying to get a chance, and this is the right moment. 

"Tell me. Did someone pick you up at the airport? I didn't notice Mr. Long left today." 

Korin pursed a sweet smile, her eyes twinkle, and face brightened. Nina guesses that something is going on with this girl. 

"Your cousin is too cute! And he smells so nice!" 

Nina dropped her mouth. She couldn't believe this girl. Korin obviously has a crush on her cousin Greg. 

"Someone is saying she knows nothing about love. But you were like a kitten that was bitten by ants while sitting on my bed. Smell nice, huh?" Nina sounds teasing.

Korin blushed. She giggled and covered her face while mumbling. "You can't blame me! All I could smell every day are the onions, garlic, chilies, noodle soup, and grease from cooking oil! And truly, your cousin smells better than any of the foreign customers I encountered in the restaurant!" 

"Hm..." Nina's curled a teasing smile and teasing look. She runs to the window and looks below. "The car is still here. So it means my cousin hasn't left yet." 

"Oh." Instantly, Korin glowed her cheeks and sparks her eyes. 

"Come on! Let's have a chat with my cousin!" 

"Huh? Wait, sister Nina!" Korin's heart suddenly beating wildly. 

During their long drive, she was able to smile and talk a lot to Greg so that she could cover up her shyness. Now that she realized that she had a crush on Greg. She doesn't know how to face and talk to him again.

But Nina already dragged her to the first floor of this apartment. Korin just followed her toward a room that looks like a closed-door living room. 

"Hi, Greg!" 

Greg immediately put down the teacup and stood on his feet upon seeing them entering the room. 

"Hello, Nina!" Greg greeted back, his eyes flashing toward the girl behind his cousin. 

Nina caught that glance, and she is guessing that Korin is doing the same. 

"Please, take a seat, again!" Nina said while she pulled Korin toward the opposite couch Greg occupying.

"Thank you for picking up my little sister!" Nina said afterward. She instantly notices the two blush and nods at each other. 

Greg instantly replied, pushing a warm smile. "No problem! I have nothing to do today, so I'm free to pick up Korin." 

Nina suppresses her lips from tearing a wide smile. It seems like these two have a crush on each other at the first meeting! 

"Well, then! You will stay for lunch?" 

"Sure! I love to!" 

"Oh. I have a better idea! Let's have lunch outside, then let's buy some ingredients for making buns! Do you know that Korin is a good chef? She makes tasty fried buns!" 

Korin dropped her mouth in how Nina praised her in front of Greg. Though she was already helping the kitchen for two years. But she is far from calling a good chef. She hasn't started college yet.

"Sister Nina too much complimented me. I'm beyond compare to the master chefs back in China. I'm just starting to learn," humbly, she told Greg. 

The guy has sparked in his eyes like he was excited to try the food she cooked. 

"I love Chinese food! Mama makes noodle soup and simple Chinese cuisine, so I love to eat other Chinese dishes!" 

Nina lightly elbowed Korin who stayed silent next to her. Korin glances at Nina and then Greg. Afterward, she nodded and smiled. "Sure. I'll cook for dinner later." 

"Yay! I truly missed them!" Nina cheerfully said.

Jessica just came back from the kitchen. On her hands is a tray to serve tea for Nina and Korin. She was happy seeing her Miss showing life now Korin was here. She's praying that her Miss stays cheerful and stops waiting for love that is unsure if it will be returned. 

Jessica always curses Harry for being an idiot. Her miss is such a gem! Several men are chasing after her, but that idiot guy only ignores her Miss!

The next time she will see him, she will give him a good punch! Her miss shed tears for him. He deserves to beat up for hurting her miss like this!

"Jessica?" Nina notices that her attendant frowned like she was mad with someone. 

"I'm sorry, Miss! Here's your tea!" Jessica set aside her imagination of beating up Harry. Because in reality, she couldn't do that.. All she can do is curse him inside her head.

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