Burning Passion

Chapter 264 - Story Of Nina Li


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The Play received thunderous applause when the curtain closed down. After the beautiful finale, they invited the guest to the room where champagne and desserts were served. 

Mingle with the other guests. It overwhelms Nina with the attention she got from everyone. They complimented her all night. What's more, she received several party invitations before New Year's Eve. Nina didn't turn them down or accept it, but Annie will take care of it.

She has to choose wisely which party Nina should attend that will be beneficial for Li's future. Since Nelson begins his sails to the International Market, they need good relationships with people who will help them secure a huge International contract in future business proposals.

Walking around the Hall, Steven patiently follows Nina. Talking to different guests. There is the time his expression darkens and at times plastering a warm smile. But often, he flashes a sharp glare when someone tries to flirt with Nina in front of him. Rage crept in his chest all night, suppressing lost control of his mood when a few aristocrats and executives threw obvious words that meant for him. 

They were bold enough to criticize him as incompetent when he was just a student while they have already proven themselves and already built a name in the Business World. It angers him, but of course, he won't cause trouble for Nina when the girl doesn't forbid him when his arm is clutching tight around her waist.

But she is flirting back when someone is giving her a hint. Nina's behavior surprised Steven tonight. He had guessed for a reason, but he ignored it and pretended it was a casual conversation. He didn't give them a chance. But showing off in front of these men that Nina is his. 

It satisfied him every time these men got annoyed and shot him a sharp glare when he looked at them mockingly and showing where his hand rested on Nina's body.

Before midnight approached, Nina bid farewell. Someone jokes, telling her she is not Cinderella to be anxious for midnight to approach.

She replied, "I'm not afraid when my Prince Charming is on my side."

Upon saying this with a sweet smile pursed on her lips, she turns her head toward Steven and wink at him. Everyone saw what she did, and they were envious of Steven to have a girlfriend like Nina.

He didn't see it coming that Nina would do such a gesture tonight. His jaw dropped on the floor. It shocked him for a moment before he put his senses back together. For what Nina did, this makes him even prouder. Not only that, but his heart also dances with joy.

But the entire trip was wrapped with silence. Steven is preoccupied with his thoughts of how he can ask Nina to stay over tonight. He badly wanted to be with her tonight. But he could perceive that they would only fight. All evening Nina was in a good mood, and so he didn't want to ruin that. But his lust is killing him. He wants to hold Nina all night. 

"Ahem!" Steven clears his throat. "Nina… how about if we went to my suite?" 

"What suite, you are saying?" Although it shocked her, Nina pretended she didn't understand what he was talking about. 

"I'm saying that if we stay overnight in my hotel room?" 

Hearing him, Nina replied flatly, "And what are we going to do in your suite?" 

Steven remains silent for a moment; weighing what are the best words he should use that Nina won't upset him. 

"Umm… We are going to pass at the hotel. Maybe you would like to drop by." 

Hiding the smirk on her face, Nina wears a poker face not to show Steven that she knows what Steven is trying to happen tonight. But of course, she would turn him down. She is not crazy not to understand anything. 

"Maybe some other time, Steven. I'm sleepy and tired. I just wanted to rest soon." 

Pressed his mouth, he would try his chance to convince Nina. Cheerfully, he continued. "That's it! You can take a rest in my suite! You can stay inside the bedroom. I will sleep in the living room. The sofa is big enough for me, I'm fine with it." 

Nina suppresses not to scoff at Steven's statement. She wants to laugh at how Steven is trying hard to convince her to give in to his scheme. Hell no! 

"Just drove me home, Steven." Nina did not give him a chance to open his mouth again. She closed her eyes and pretended she was really exhausted and wanted to rest. 

Even with her eyes closed, Nina observes him while driving. Their speed is slow, so Nina secretly opens one eye and checks if they are heading in the right direction. She sighed with relief when they were taking the correct road, Steven speeding up the car. 

Maybe he realized it won't benefit him if he forces her tonight. Steven should better know that aside from her Aunt Annie and Greg, her uncle Gregory is serving in the Royal Army. He could not do something stupid that will end their relationship. Although she looks forward to that situation to happen, not tonight yet. It exhausted her socializing in high society.


New Jersey, USA

Waiting for Harry's reply, Sam mused. What he wanted to ask Harry if he is Kristina's boyfriend. So he added, "You know what, Harry. I know you better. I would be happy if you were my cousin's boyfriend." 

Hearing this, Kristina's face was like bitten red. She was stepping down the stairs, on her way to the kitchen when she heard Sam asking this to Harry. Her chest beating so loud thrilled what Harry would reply to Sam. She was very curious, but she doesn't want to have high hopes, even though in the deepest part of her heart, she dreams of Harry as her boyfriend. 

Since she met Harry, she couldn't stop herself from falling in love with him. Biting her lower, she eavesdrops further. 

After a long moment, Harry finally opened his mouth to spill out the words. "I want to invite her to watch the fireworks display on New Year's Eve." 

It is what Kristina heard from Harry. After she listened to Sam retorting to Harry, she slowly climbed the stairs and went back to her bedroom. She took a pillow and shoved her face, screaming in silence. 

In her understanding, Harry didn't deny or admit anything. But he is open to the possibility. And this is enough to make her chest flutter that makes it hard to breathe; overwhelmed that Harry wants to date her on New Year's Eve. She would love to go! 

Pondering over it, Kristina sat straight on her bed. She should pretend she heard nothing until Harry would ask her himself. Although she was thrilled already, she needs to act casual around her cousin. 

That night around nine in the evening, Harry called the Muller Residence, asking for Kristina. Instantly, her chest beating so loud from excitement, but she tried to calm down her heart not to sound obvious. 

"Hello, Harry?" 

A husky, sexy voice from the other line echoing in her right ear. Even though she didn't see the person, her cheeks were flushing red. 

"Hi, Kristina! Did I trouble you tonight?" asked Harry. 

Kristina took deep breaths before she replied, "Oh, no. I haven't gone to bed yet! In fact, I was painting right now with the tools you gave me. Thank you so much for the gift. It made me speechless receiving this much."

From the other line, Harry beamed, "I'm glad you like it." 

"Not really…" 


"Oh, I mean not like, but I love it!" Kristina explains. She giggled as she couldn't hide her delight anymore. O else, she'll explode with so much joy. 

Hearing Kristina's laughs, Harry felt relieved. He was glad he chose the right gift for Kristina. Actually, he was musing between a human-size teddy bear and painting tools. He settled with the latter. 

Harry's plan is only to have a quick call to invite Kristina. But they talk longer when he complains about Seth being nosy and silly. His craziness is worse than Steven, Harry told her. That made her laugh out loud.

After realizing how loud she is, Kristina instantly lowers her voice that ends her giggling. 

After a few moments of silence, Harry gathered his courage to mention the reason he called her. But what came out in his mouth made Kristina scream in silence. 

"Kristina, can you tell Sam I'm inviting you guys for a barbecue party tomorrow?" 

"Sure! I will tell Sam about it," she replied with a big smile.

"Okay! It will be around lunch, so I'll see you guys tomorrow?" 

"Yes! Tomorrow, then!"

Kristina is waiting for Harry to invite her to watch the New Year's Eve countdown— at Times Square, New York. But she didn't feel disappointed when Harry mentioned nothing as he has better plans. She was happy to see him too soon!

Harry bid goodnight, Kristina couldn't contain how happy she is. Harry, on the other hand, has no plan to throw a barbecue party. But he couldn't bring out the New Year's date he plans to invite Kristina. And before he could decide, his mouth already spilled out about the barbecue party.

Well, since everyone wasn't here.. He could have thrown a party.

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