Burning Passion

Chapter 272 - Story Of Nina Li


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The next morning. Steven went to the hotel to pack up his things before his flight in the evening. After he arranged for his leave, he drove back to talk with Nina. 

In his hand is a bouquet of pink peonies as his peace offering. He made a careful thought last night. He wanted Nina to know he regretted doing things that made her unhappy. 

At the apartment, Nina, who was reading a book, wondered who was knocking on the door. If it was Jessica, she always announced her presence before she entered the room. If her Aunt Annie, she did the same as Jessica.

Is it Greg? Or Sarah? 

Guessing that might be Sarah, she rushes to the door and opens her bedroom. 

"Sarah? Is that... Oh, it's you... Why are you..." Her eyes landed on the flowers and pizza box in Steven's hand. It surprised her that the guy stayed outside her bedroom. Unlike his habit of coming inside without asking her permission. 'Is Steven serious when he says to change as a better boyfriend?' Nina mused. 

"Can I come in?" Steven spoke softly, asking for her permission. 

Nina nodded and widened the door for Steven to come inside. She has no reason not to let him when he decently asked her permission. 

She gestured to the couch for Steven to take a seat. He gave her the flower first before he sat down. 

"I hope you like the color." In a low voice, Steven utters. 

Nina nodded but didn't say a word. She mused if Steven was sincere in his action. 

"Here, you're favorite cheesy pizza. I asked Jessica to bring plates and soda," said Steven. He places the box on the coffee table. 

Quietly, Nina took the couch across from Steven and peered at the pizza. In the passing days, she was sick. All she had was porridge and fruits. Now her mouth is drooling, watching the fast food. Its flavor made her stomach growl in hunger. 

Steven took a table napkin, wrapped one pizza, and gave it to Nina. Hesitant, she accepts it. Slowly, she took a small bite, pretending she doesn't have the appetite for pizza. 

Later, Jessica arrived with a tray. She doesn't want to go out, but she seems not needed. Exciting the bedroom, Jessica declared, "I will be outside, Miss. Just call me if you need anything." 

"Thank you, Jessica." Nina felt relieved. Jessica has been sensitive when it comes to her. She was always there to convey her moral support to her. 

Informing her like that will suppress Steven to do such things to her. But at the look of Steven, he seems to have no plan to do things that will upset her. There he was, keeping an arm's length from her instead. He didn't ask for a kiss from her either. That was truly not Steven for her. But she sees he keeps his promise to behave. 

"Here, have some more." Steven places another slice on her plate. 

She has no reason to be rude to him, and Nina shows her gratitude. "Thank you. You should eat it too." 

Upon saying that, she saw when Steven's eyes lit up and his face brightened. It seems the guy considers her mood now. He was careful to anger her. 

After they finished eating, Steven was waiting for the right moment to talk to Nina. 

"I'm leaving soon for my flight." His voice is full of sadness. He waited for Nina to say something. He wouldn't wait for flattery and sweet words, but at least she won't break up with him. 

Nina nodded, she wished him a safe flight. It disappoints him, of course, but he prefers that to the fight before he leaves. 

"I'm worried you'll catch a cold once again, so stay warm. I will ask Mother to send you ginseng and other herbs for fever and colds."

"Thank you." Flatly, Nina said. She couldn't force herself to be sweet when she didn't feel like doing so. 

"Nina, we didn't need to break up, right?" He can finally ask the girl he was so in love with... He is ready to do everything to keep this relationship. 

Heaving a long sigh, Nina pressed her lips before she spoke up. "Honestly, Steven. I'm tired of having this relationship." 

"Give me a chance to correct my mistakes! I admit I became an asshole from the beginning. From now on, I will do my best to become the boyfriend you want." 

Nina remains silent. 'The boyfriend I want, huh?' Sadness flickers in her eyes. 

"I'll say it again, Steven. I don't love you. It is unfair to you." 

"I don't care!" 

Disbelief was written on her face. Nina wants to laugh. Or maybe she would cry about how ridiculous it was. 

"That wouldn't work, Steven," she said nonchalantly. 

"Just give me a chance, Nina," Steven begged. "Just let me love you. I won't ask for more." 

Nina pressed her eyelids. She has to control her emotions and bear patience instead. Heaving another sigh, she responded, "That is unfair to you, Steven. I won't force myself on someone who doesn't love me back." 

It's not what is in Nina's mind. The truth is, she could relate to Steven's feelings. It is painful to love someone who doesn't love you back. She doesn't want Steven living in that relationship. She will only let Steven hope for nothing. Rather be, she keeps her love to herself than force herself on Harry, who has someone he loves.

"Nina, I don't mind at all. It is my happiness to love you. I won't ask you to love me back. Just choose me." 

Nina stayed, closing her eyes. This is insane! How to live a life with a person who doesn't love you back? 

The question lingers inside her heart. It exhausts her to think of a more convincing word for Steven to stop and accept that it was the end. 

"Please, enough, Steven. Let's not hurt each other further." Listlessly, she told the guy. 

However, Steven didn't show that he is giving up. Instead, as he rose from the couch, he kneels once again. 

"Nina… I promised you. I will be a better man! Someday, you will be proud of me! Don't reject me like this. Nina… Whatever you like, I will change! Just tell me what you don't like me to do. Please... I will follow whatever you want..." Steven keeps begging at her. 

"But not about us breaking up."

Before Nina can say it, Steven already reminds her.

After a long talk, which Steven needed to leave for the airport, Nina gives up refusing and gives Steven another chance. For Steven to leave, she gave him another chance. She just wanted Steven to disappear now rather than stay another day bugging her after he will miss his flight. 

After she agreed not to end their relationship, there's no denying his joy. Steven didn't ask for a kiss or try to hold her hands as he promised not to do what she doesn't like.

Looking outside the window, it confused her if she made the right decision. Steven's persistent irritates her. She said yes and let their relationship continue for him to leave. She will deal with him next time. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Shang Manor, New Jersey 

"Who are you?" 

Steven just arrived from a long flight. It shocked him to see someone sleeping in his bed. 

The guy was still sleepy. He forced himself to sit up. 

"Good morning, brother…" Seth blinked several times, his eyes widened. He suddenly jumps to the guy in front of him, who quickly dodge him when he attempts to hug him. "Brother Steven, welcome back!" 

"You know me? Then who are you?" 

"Eh? Have you forgotten? Besides, we're brothers!" 

"And when will my mother give birth to an ugly son!" 

"Ouch! You are heartless than brother Harry! Huhuhuhu…" 

"What? Did my father have a mistress and give birth to you?" 

Before Seth can respond, Harry steps out of the bathroom. 

"Hey, you're back," said Harry. He turned on the light in the bedroom. 

From that moment, Steven had a better look at the guy who occupied his bed. "You!?" He then shifted his gaze toward Harry. "What is he doing here?" he asked, pointing his index finger at Seth. 

"He keeps me company since you abandon me here." 

"See! Brother Harry adopted me!" 

"What? You must be kidding! Who wants you as a brother!" Steven jokes. 

"Boo hoo… Brother Harry, brother Steven is bad!" 

Harry is grinning as he enjoys the show. Now someone can piss off Steven. "Just ignored him. Still early, you can go back to sleep," he told Seth.

"I love you, brother Harry!" 

Seth attempts to hug him. Harry steps backward, which his back is pressed to the closet; he hugged himself and yelled at the guy. "Hey! Don't you dare do that!" 

He only had a bath towel wrapped around his waist. This guy wasn't thinking!

Meanwhile, Steven shook his head. He dropped his body to his bed. He declared, "I'm tired from the flight. I want to take a long sleep." 

"Wait, where should I sleep now?" Seth got confused with the setting; he scratched the back of his head. "Brother Harry?" 

Harry now finished putting on clothes. He replied to Seth, "You can choose any of the guest rooms downstairs." 

"Eh? I don't want the rooms where brother Sam and brother Lee sleeps with their girlfriends!" 

"Then? You are welcome in the living room," Steven chimed in. 

"Eh, so cold! I will just choose the room used by sister Kristina!" Seth announced. 

Hearing it, Steven suddenly sat up and grinned at Harry. "Kristina, huh?" he teased Harry, who rolled his eyes. 

'Damn. This annoying guy. Now two of them I have to deal with from now on!' he mumbles to himself. He left the two guys. He ignored Steven's taunts. 

"Don't tell me you already have scored?" Steven teases Harry. But the guy didn't reply, instead, he left the bedroom. 

Seth, who didn't understand what Steven meant about scoring... Choosing not to ask, he took Harry's bed and snored. 

It stunned Steven watching the guy. He couldn't believe how fast Seth slept. 

"Whatever…" he shrugged a shoulder and lay back on his bed.. He has to do something that Harry and Kristina would be in a relationship soon.

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