Burning Passion

Chapter 287 - Story Of Nina Li


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"As you can see, Mama… Harry has a girlfriend now. It hurts me because I thought he felt the same way as me. But when something happens and I needed someone, Steven was there for me..." Nina narrated to her mother about what happened at the Charity Ball.

"He loved me, Mama. But I'm scared. His love is overbearing. It was exhausting to handle. And now, Steven and Harry's relationship is not in pleasant condition because of me. I don't want them to fight because of me." 

"The twin loves you both," Dona commented, which made Nina crease her forehead.

"How can you say that, Mama? Harry ignored my confession," she murmured. A trace of sadness is present in her voice. 

"Really? Did you confess to him?" a bit surprised, Dona's tone was like teasing her daughter. Nina's cheeks flushed instantly. "Why didn't Harry respond to you?" 

Shrugging her right shoulder, Nina muttered, "Because he already has a girlfriend." 

"Hmm… when do you think it started? And when did you confess to Harry?" 

"Um, I don't know when Harry and Kristina's relationship started… But I confessed to Harry when summer was almost over last year. That was the time Steven came back here in New Jersey after my birthday. I asked him to give Harry my gift, and I included a letter on the card." 

"Does Harry receive the letter?" Dona was more like talking to herself, but Nina heard it clearly. Dona witnessed a scenario back when she was in an Academy for all girls. Two best friends girls, at the same time, are roommates. One is the bridge to the other girl. But she is hiding the letters from this boy that has a crush on her. Could it be possible? 

"Mama? What do you mean by that?" 

Donna came back to her senses, hearing Nina asking her. She replied, "Oh. I remember something, but not important."

"Mama, Steven is so jealous if Harry and I talk or if Harry did something for me. It's too exhausting to be like that, Mama. Both are my friends before Steven and me in a relationship." 

With both hands, Dona holds her daughter's face. She uttered, "Like what I said, they both are in love with you." 

"How could you be so sure, Mama? As I said, Harry ignored my confession, and he has a girlfriend now," she pouted. "But I want to break up with Steven, Mama. But he won't accept it."

"I can see that Steven is truly in love with you. But it's not healthy if you are not comfortable with it." 

Shaking her head, Nina was on the verge of crying again. "I'm not, Mama." 

Dona heaves a sympathetic sigh. She didn't wish her daughter to put in a relationship that will cause her depression, and worse is a mental breakdown. However… 

"We need to talk to your Papa because the elders already decided without us." 

"What does that mean, Mama? No! I don't want it! Please, talk to papa! Ask him to stop grandpa!" 

"I know, honey. But…" Dona sighed. She hugged her daughter tightly. Even she doesn't want this arranged marriage for her daughter. Maybe it works for her, but she wants Nina to choose for herself. 

Nina could sense that her mother was hiding something. She's hearing her sighing a lot. "Mama? Did something happen?" 

"Your grandpa and your father fought." 

Nina's shoulders fell on her side. It means her grandfather decided for her already. But she doesn't want to marry Steven, her grandfather should understand it! In Panic, Nina coaxes her mother, "Mama, please, let's go talk to grandpa! I don't want him to arrange me with Steven!" 

"Don't worry, honey. We will…" 

"Mama…" Nina rubs her face into her mother's shoulder. Once again, she cried.

This time, Dona joined her daughter crying. She also sheds tears because she could relate to how it feels to have no freedom to decide for herself. The difference is, the person who arranged for her is a gentle person. She later sees that Nelson is a good man. He is patient with her naivety. He is already a mature man when she meets him. But in her daughter's case. Steven is childish than Harry. She would consider Harry over Steven. But the elders are already meddling in the children's love life and quickly plan for the marriage soon. 

Meanwhile, outside the door, Mely was about to knock when she heard Nina's cries. She felt embarrassed. Dona is like a sister to her, and she would be ecstatic if Nina became her daughter-in-law. But it complicates some things. Even with her, she has no power to say against the elders' decision. 

Besides, it involves two of her sons. As a mother, it's harder for her which one she should take sides with, which she doesn't like, but her husband…

Jerome wants Harry, who will marry Nina. But Steven, who happens to be Nina's boyfriend, and the elders made a final decision about it already. It is a pain in the head. 

She needs a private talk with Jerome. They need to make a wise decision that no one of their sons gets hurt. Not Steven, nor Harry, most especially not Nina. That sweet girl is a doll. If she has a daughter, she will protect her with all her might.

Ah, she should not forget Harry's girlfriend. She needs to talk to her sons. Mely left that place with bewilderment in her chest. 

Why do things have to be complicated? 

She is certain. The kids just wanted to love and be loved… 

~ ~ ~

That night, in the grand dining hall of the mansion: the Shang and Li family shared a merry dinner. Elder Shang and Elder Li seated opposite each other at the long table. On their right side are their wives, while on the left are Nelson and Jerome with their wives. 

Nina is seated between her mother and Steven. While Harry is seated next to grandma Mei and Kristina is on his right side. Lucy and Seth also joined the table, eating quietly. 

They opened the Dining Hall to hold the dinner. It was the first time they saw this room from this passing month they were coming to the mansion for visits. 

Kristina, Seth, and Lucy were not a part of the family, but they could feel an extreme tension on the long table. It seemed like the parents were in deep thoughts while the elderly didn't hide their delight that finally, the two families will unite soon.

Elder Shang and Elder Li were recollecting memories of the past.

And of course, the happiest person among them is Steven. He is responsible for why everything is happening now. 

He sent someone to relay his message to Great-grandpa Shang. It's the old man he directly contacted to help him ask Nina's hand for marriage, and he was happy that his Great-grandpa made a quick move. He set a meeting with Nina's grandfather, and the old men immediately agreed with the marriage. 

However, Jerome is not happy at all. He just quietly ate his food. He couldn't bring himself to speak when he's racking his head, pondering about many things. He needs to do something soon. 

His son Steven too pissed him. How dare his son compromise his plans! He went to the Elder without consulting him first! He has another plan on how to unite the Li and Shang. But now? How can he change the situation? The elders already decided for themselves!

And as for his son, Harry. He annoys him because he is so slow! Now he has a girlfriend? How could he pursue him for Nina? 

Ah! He's going crazy!

Among the people on the long table, Kristina is observing silently. She knows that she doesn't belong to this family dinner. It felt so odd to be present at this family dinner. The elders were talking leisurely, but both the parents of Steven and Nina were silent. It's easy to perceive that something is going on with them. Kristina mused. 

Even Harry and Steven are not talking like the usual. They seem distant from each other. And it all begins when Nina arrives. 

The twin's relationship seemed to have a wall in between them. She witnessed how the twin works together and laugh together. But now? All she sees is tensions. Maybe the reason is that Harry also loves Nina, and Steven knew about it. 

Halfway through the dinner, Madam Mei suddenly speaks up, which makes Harry and Steven freak out. 

"Nina, I missed your tea. Can you make tea for this old lady after this wonderful dinner?" 

Hearing the elder woman, Harry quickly throws a glare at Steven, who also raises his head. The twin met eyes, and in a flash, they were talking to each other. 

'Do something, Steven!' Harry shot a glare at his twin before he lowered his head again to eat quietly. 

Steven darkened his face. 'It seemed like Harry found out the bruises in Nina's pulse.' He thought. And he doesn't like that Harry is minding his business. But he has no choice but to agree to the message Harry sent him in silence. He understands that Harry wants him to do something. 

If Nina makes tea, she has to roll up her sleeves. By then, it will show the bruises that were marked in her pulse. Her skin is creamy-white and too smooth, that gripping her arms left bruises. Her skin was too delicate. 

But what excuse should he say that his great-grandmother stops requesting about the tea?

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