Burning Passion

Chapter 298 - Story Of Nina Li


* * *

Li Villa, New Jersey 

Inside Nina's bedroom, her mother Dona, Aunt Annie, and Jessica were talking sincerely. Jessica serves them tea, Dona invites her to sit down, gesturing at the empty couch next to Annie. She bowed and sat silently. 

Annie took a sip of her tea before she asked her niece. Nina, who sat on her bed across the couch. She clasped both of her hands placing them on her lap, she met her aunt's gaze. 

"Aunt Annie, grandpa Sonny arranged my marriage with Steven," she told the woman. 

Displeasure immediately exhibits on Annie's face. She scoffs, "Huh! So they will try to manipulate my niece's marriage, like the one they tried to do mine!?" 

Annie didn't hide her resentment. It's the reason she chose to be cast out from the Li family rather than marrying the man she doesn't love. Not only that… that man is a complete a…hole. The guy is a cheater. And whatever reason the elders had this time, she knew that Steven is not the best man for Nina. 

That guy is a scum! How dare he take advantage of her niece while sleeping!? Remembering that incident, Annie looked at Dona. 

"Dona, what Nelson did after he learned that Steven was taking advantage of Nina without her consent? Why did the elders allow this marriage after all?" 

Dona's eyes widened. Her head made an abrupt turn toward her daughter. "Nina?" 

Annie furrowed her brows as her face darkened. To base Dona's reaction, they didn't know yet. "Don't tell me, you didn't tell this to your parent's Nina?" 

Lowering her gaze, Nina shook her head. Dona reaches for her daughter, she asks. "Nina? Why did you hide this from us?" 

"I'm sorry, Mama… I tried to break up with Steven, but he won't accept it…" stammering, tears flood her eyes. 

Dona pulled Nina closer to hug her tight and let her cry on her shoulder. She's patting her daughter's back. A mother's heart could not imagine what things did her daughter has to go through. "Nina, why didn't you tell us about this? What is happening between you and Steven?"

Annie could not blame her niece if she wasn't able to tell her parents. But now that she was here, it's about time to tell her Uncle Sonny what kind of man Steven is. 

"Let me tell Nelson about this," Annie declared, she sat up from the couch. She almost reached the door when Nina rushed to block her way. 

"Aunt Annie, are you really going to tell Papa and grandfather?" 

"Yes! The better they knew, Nina." Annie lifted her right hand. She pushes the strands of Nina's hair that covered her face when she cried earlier. "Listen, do you want to end your relationship with Steven? Then let me tell your grandpa about it." 

After a short thought, Nina nods, letting her aunt get out of her bedroom. Her mother followed Annie, Jessica quickly joined her side. 

Not long, they hear her father's loud voice. Later, Sonny Li's voice now rises while the father and son argue. Nina runs to the railings. She watches the five people in the living room. 

"The better they should get married soon!" Sonny Li firmly stated. 

"How could you say that!? Are you saying that your granddaughter just bears that all!? That should forget it happens?"

Nina dropped her shoulder to her sides. How could her grandfather accept that Steven has the capability of hurting her? Forcing her? 

So what then? If she doesn't like to make love with Steven, but he insists and forces her, she should only stay silent and let him bed her? Is that what her grandfather wants her to do? 

Nina ran to her bedroom. She dropped her body to her bed and cried hard. Jessica, who followed her Miss, watched her helplessly. Nothing she could do but patted her Miss' back. 

Nina sat up, she cried on Jessica's shoulder. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


Jessica is watching the dark clouds above them. According to the news, the rain won't pour that hard, but the winds are too great, so we must stay indoors until the storm leaves the country. 

However, she is worried if Nina is fine. Not from this typhoon, but from the past. 

Jessica heaves a long sigh. She tilted her head to the side, rested on the armrest of the long sofa, and cuddled herself under a quilt. 

"That's deep." 

Jessica looked up at the man who handed her a mug of coffee. She sat up, took the mug, and sip on it. She felt relieved after the hot liquid reached her throat. "Thank you," she said afterward. The man joins her on the sofa; he throws an arm around her shoulder while asking her worriedly. 

"What's wrong, love?" 

Jessica stared at this beautiful green eyes man. She rested her head on her husband's shoulder as she uttered. "Sam, do you think things will get better between Nina and Harry?" 

"It will be after his lost memories come back," Sam replied to his wife. 

Jessica fell into deep thoughts. "When will that be? Nina has been suffering for almost four decades. It was a good thing that your nephew had a wonderful end even after he lost his memories like his father." 

"Oh, speaking of Theo! When they plan to come to China?" asked Sam Muller excitedly. 

Jessica sips her coffee. Before she answered, she placed the mug on the coffee table. "I'm not sure yet. I haven't asked Nina about it." 

"Hm… I'm excited to see Nikki once again. I didn't know Lucy was in poor health. If I have known, I want to help them as well," said Sam.

Jessica heaves a sighed, distant memories flooded her head. "Seth is a good man. Sadly, Harry forgot him…" 

"And everyone…" Sam finishes his wife's words. Jessica meets her deep-set eyes. She reaches for Sam's lips and brushes hers. 

"Who would have thought… Theo and Nikki's love story are now making us look back in the past."

Sam heaves a long sigh. He agreed to his wife's thoughts. The past has many parts that are painful for everyone and maybe not needed to remember. 

~ ~ ~

SHANG MANSION, Mainland City 

Erika keenly observes Jeremy, who has been staring at the pool for a very long time already. She had guessed what's playing on his mind, but Jeremy is the type of person who is less to share his thoughts. 

She walks toward him; she stops behind the wheelchair and places her arms on his shoulders. 

Jeremy instantly reached for them and planted tiny kisses. He closes his eyes. These hands have been his source of strength to go on each day. 

I have worried Erika that Jeremy will remain silent. "Are you still bothered by what your Uncle Garry told you? You should not believe in him." 

She wants to comfort Jeremy. He has been getting through so many things alone all these years. Now, she knew his secrets… she will give all her strength and accompany him in his fights. 

Heaving a furious sigh, Jeremy realized that he was ignoring Erika. But since his Uncle Garry told him such information. It makes him restless and eager to know the truth. But the question is… Could he accept it?

'How if it was true he has a different father?'

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