Burning Passion

Chapter 305 - Story Of Nina Li


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Following Harry, driving toward the Princeton area, Jessica continued chatting. 

"What do you think is the reason that Steven was not present on Sam's birthday, Miss?" Jessica only out of topic. Honestly, she doesn't like to mention that guy, but what a miracle he isn't at the party. Since Steven wasn't there, she notices how Nina smiles brightly. "Do you think your parents already talk to the Shangs, Miss Nina?"

Rendered a moment of silence, Nina replied afterward. "I don't know, Jessica. I am more curious about what happened to Harry that he has a bruise on his lip. Harry will not get into a fight if it's not an important matter. I have an intuition it involves Steven." 

"Hmm. Maybe Harry knew already, Miss, then he beat up the guy now couldn't walk." 

Nina turned her head to her left, staring at Jessica with a funny face. "Do you believe Harry would do that? Besides, what things Harry should know?" 

"Maybe…" Jessica shrugged her shoulder as she went on. "It was about what Steven did to you back in England. That's not something to forgive him, Miss." 

Nina heaves a sigh of sadness. She treated Steven as her closest good friend, but he is a completely different person now. 

In the past, truly Steven is a great teaser and makes fun of her. She thought he was only teasing her as fun. But now that they were in a relationship, Steven's love feels so dangerous that she wanted to run away from him.

She's hoping that with the help of her parents, Steven's parents would understand that his behavior scared her so badly. She hopes his grandfather changes his mind.

After an over half-hour drive, they finally arrived. Jessica entered the gate of the villa. Harry just parked the car outside. 

He was pondering whether to ask Nina for a talk. But before he could decide, he saw Nelson walking toward his car. 

Hearing them arrive, Nelson quickly got out of the villa, he came out to meet his daughter. 

"Welcome back, honey. Go inside first. I want to talk with Harry," he said without waiting for his daughter to respond.

"Okay, Papa." Confused, Nina did not question her father. Even though she wanted to thank Harry first, she obediently followed her father. She went straight to the door. 

Annie and Dona are having tea in the living room. Nina guesses they were waiting for her as Annie immediately offered her tea. There are already clean teacups waiting in front of the empty sofa. 

"Come, Nina! Join us too, Jessica, and have some tea with us!" Gleefully, Annie poured the two empty cups with the tea she made.

"Thank you, Aunt Annie," said Nina. She inhaled the aroma coming from the tea. 

Jessica bowed slightly and thanked the woman. "Thank you, Mrs. Grant."

"You are welcome, dear. How was Sam's birthday?" 

Drawing her teacup away from her mouth, Nina responded to the woman's query. "It's cool, Auntie! The food is great! We should visit Seth's uncle's restaurant once in a while." 

"Sounds like a good plan!" Annie accepted gleefully. She took another sip of her tea; placed her teacup on the table before she asked Nina another question. "Did Steven come to the party?" 

Nina shakes her head. "No, Auntie." After she replied to her Aunt, Nina shifted her gaze toward her mother. She's been dying to ask these questions in her head since yesterday. "Mama, did something happen? Have you already talked with Aunt Mely and Uncle Jerome?" 

Nodding, Dona tears a warm smile. "Yes, honey. You need not marry Steven." 

"Is that true, Mama?" Truly, this news gladdened her heart that she cried because of happiness. "Thank you for talking to them, Mama! Does this mean grandpa would not meddle about whom I want to marry?" 

Stroking Nina's hair, Dona assures her daughter. "Yes, honey. You are free whom to love." 

She threw her arms around her mother. Feel an extreme relief, something still bothering her. "Mama... I'm scared... How if Steven would not just agree to end our relationship, and he keeps insisting for us to get engaged and get married?" 

"Don't worry, honey. Whether he won't like it, your uncle Jerome promised to take care of it. He accepts when your father tells Shang that we put the engagement off. Besides, your father would not let Steven get closer with you anymore." 

"I hope so, Mama..." With the behavior Steven showed to her in these passing months, fear lingering in her chest. Steven has the capability of hurting and forcing her. Gratefully that Jessica was already here, she was at ease to have a company around.

"Nina, tell us. Did Steven do something about the time your parents hadn't arrived yet?" Annie asked afterward for a moment of silence. And the way her niece reacted to her question, something happened. 

Nina looked at the three women who were keenly waiting for her reply. She heaves a long sighed to prepare her confession. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she began.

"When I arrived, it was Steven who picked me up at the airport. I didn't tell him I was coming to New Jersey. But Steven is the Vice President of the Student Council. The dean assigned him to take care of all I needed during my years as an Exchange Student. For two reasons, Steven and Harry knew me. Second, the dean heard I was Steven's girlfriend, and he wasn't aware that I am avoiding the guy. Coming here, I expect that they will provide me a room in the girl's dormitory. But Steven has another plan. Instead, he prepared a room in the mansion for us to live together, Aunt Annie." Nina breathed a moment, as she went on...

"I think Harry and Steven's conflict began when I arrived. The first night, Steven got jealous when Harry cooked noodles for me because I got hungry. And that same night..." Nina hurls a long breath before she continues. "Steven kissed me without my consent. When I struggled, he pinned me on the wall. He just let me go when I started crying. The very next day, I'm so happy you arrived Mama along with Aunt Mely and the elders, not knowing it was Steven's trick." 

Nina's face flush. She was weighing if she should mention her persuasions. Maybe her family should know. Stammering her words, Nina gathered her courage to continue. "Steven has been hinting to bed me. He's insisting on us to get married sooner and have offspring. He… He's been touching me, which I felt disgusted. Also, I'm thinking that he planned to sleep with me that night because you are coming. I got the bruises... I am... Because of that I intentionally refused to make tea when Great-grandma Mei requested during that dinner time because I was afraid you would see the bruises on my pulses." 

"Dammit! That scum! I wanted to slap him hard on the face!" Annie did not hold herself to fret. She felt ecstatic to beat that guy. "I want to see that guy and beat him up!" 

Outside Li's Villa, Harry stepped out of the car the moment he saw Nelson coming out from the gate, walking toward his car.

"Hello, Uncle Nelson." 

"Good to see you, Harry. Thank you for escorting my daughter," said Nelson, patting Harry on the back.

"No problem, Uncle. It's my pleasure." 

Clearing his throat, Nelson muttered, "I intended to make you come because I wanted to talk to you. Can I have your time?" 

"Of course, Uncle! I have nothing to do from here but go home." 

"Good. Your father made a quick call to me before they left. He told me I could ask you about what happened." 

"Sure, Uncle Nelson."

Harry followed Nelson to the Villa, they were in the entryway when they heard Nina sharing what she got through with Steven. Nelson clenched both of his fists, listening to her daughter's story. Now he wished to beat that guy first before they left.

Hearing this horrid story, Nelson swears to himself. From now on, he won't allow that guy to get near his daughter. Nelson glanced at Harry, who silently stood behind him. He gestured to follow him inside. 

Annie noticed Harry walking behind Nelson instantly, a smile tearing from Annie's lips. "Hello, Harry." 

Sipping her tea, Nina almost choked when her Aunt greeted someone. So, Harry hasn't gone home yet? Nina glanced over her shoulder. She met Harry's gaze. However, no words came out of her mouth, such as thank him for escorting them home. 

"I will talk to Harry in the study. You guys can sleep." Nelson announced.

Hearing this, Nina wondered why her father was staring at her when he uttered that? Is he giving her a message he doesn't want her to talk to Harry? 

Perplexed, Nina watched Harry and her father entered the study. She glanced at her mother, eyes searching for an answer to what's going on. "Mama… What does Papa want to discuss with Harry?" 

Although Dona had an idea, she shrugged her shoulder. "I'm not sure, honey. It must be a boy's talk." 

'Boy's talk like what?' Nina mused inwardly. Why does everyone act strange? So what will happen now? Her mother said that she could love freely now.. But the man she loved has a girlfriend. So how would that happen?

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