Burning Passion

Chapter 334 - Story Of Nina Li


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Steven brought a bottle of rum with three clean glasses to the cocktail table before he went to fetch cubes of ice in the fridge. He was then cheerfully mumbling while pouring drinks for his two brothers. 

"So, what happened to your girlfriend?" Steven asked Raymond with curiosity in his tone. 

The very day he arrived in the city a few days ago, Raymond was in the news along with his rumored girlfriend. 

He never met her in person yet, but he could perceive what kind of woman she is. And the way Raymond shared what happened earlier, he was right to her perception. She wants to boost her name. 

"Congrats, bro! You don't need that kind of girlfriend." 

Raymond concurred. He raised his glass and cheered, "Yeah. So, let's celebrate tonight!" 

The three brothers' glasses clank after having joyous cheers. Steven looked at his second brother downward, pushing a smile. 

He was glad that Raymond is smart, not to mention anything about his request to eavesdrop on their father. 

Garry had no idea anything either, and Steven doesn't want his older brothers to know anything about the conflict he has with Harry. 

On their way to Zen City, Elder Shang wanted to keep the scandal a secret. The Elder Shang would like to hide it as he believed it would be a great controversy for the Shang Empire, and it will affect their influence in society.

In the past, there were issues the Shang had to face. However, the elders just shrugged their shoulders because those families are not as important as the Li Household. 

If it weren't for Mely, Shang and Li would not have a great relationship. So then, Elder Shang was very careful not to mess with the Li's. 

But Steven thinks it was exaggerated. Like Garry's opinion, Nina was his girlfriend. So what if they were intimate? 

He has the best solution to their overreaction, a marriage between him and Nina. But his father doesn't want to support him in pursuing Li to give their consent. Instead, they forced him to separate from Nina because they wanted to marry Nina is Harry. 

His father only believed in Harry and favored him. Their father didn't believe that he could also do what Harry could do. 

'But they believe that Harry is better than I!'

Steven darkened his face, having these thoughts. His hate for Harry is worse than before. It seemed like Harry was taking everything from him. 

First, Nina and now is the trust of their parents. Even the elders are now choosing him. But it was because of their father. Who else would convince the elder? 

Steven gritted his teeth, pressing his mouth after a long gulp of rum. 

'I hate you, Harry!' 

Steven constantly draws the glass to his mouth. 

"Why are we celebrating, by the way?" asked Garry after a long time they were drinking. He added, "Mother was still in the hospital. We should be by her side, is it?" Garry remembered all of a sudden, regrets struck his chest. 

"But Father doesn't allow me to go back to Hawaii," said Steven. He lifts the glass and has another gulp in one go. 

"Nah. Aunt Dona and Nina were there, so Mama will be fine," Raymond uttered who is too drunk now. 

Steven raised his head and looked at Raymond with shock. 

"Say it again, Second brother?" 

"I heard Father told Uncle Nelson. Before you people came back, Mama requested to see Aunt Dona, and our men reported that Nina was there too." 

Steven tightened his jaw and sharpened his glare. It cannot be!

'What is the meaning of this, Father! Mama? How could you both do this to me!?' 

Garry and Raymond didn't notice the displeasure on his face. Both the older brothers were arguing with no sense stuff that it shocked them when the glass in Steven's hand broke, followed by his blood gushing from his palm. 

"Oh, shit Steven! What happens?" 

"Why are you wounded?" asked Raymond who suddenly sober up. 

Steven forced a cheerful smile to hide his fury, and said, "Nothing. It looks like the glass was too fragile." 

Garry and Raymond gave him a perplexed facial expression. 'How come?' 

Both brothers thought the same. They knew that the glass would not break just like that without great force. 

'Is this guy jealous of Harry when Nina was there?' Garry thought inwardly. He wanted to say it as a joke on Steven. But Garry is familiar with his younger brother's behavior. He better mind his own business. 

"You need to go to the hospital?" 

Shrugging a shoulder, Steven refused. Honestly, it was a great opportunity. But he has to make a plan first. To escape this time around isn't a good time yet.

"Nah. I will ask the butler to tend my wound," he announced. He sat up from the sofa and walked to the door. "You both can continue drinking. I will ask a maid to clean the broken glass." 

"Okay." Garry and Raymond said at once. They watch Steven's retreating back, the older brothers sharing a glance after the closing door swallows him. 

"What just happened?" Garry asked Raymond who only shrugged. "Have you noticed that something odd is going on here?" 

"I guess so," Raymond replied, his tone is uninterested. But then something came to his mind. He thought that maybe Garry was right. 

They miss out on something important that is happening lately. Steven was supposed not to be here. And what was strange, Steven is asking him to share whatever appointment their father had with the Li family. 

He told Steven to do it himself. But Steven was a prisoner in the mansion, in which he works with their father in the office. Now he should find out what is going on here… 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

New Jersey, USA 

The plane just landed; Harry and Nina had a long kiss before they sat up from their seats and headed to the exit door. 

The moment they will step out of this airport. They could not act like a couple. 

Walking toward the EXIT door of the airport; Harry had a stop in the telephone booth to call certain people. 

Nina wondered when Harry told the cab driver to go to a restaurant in Monmouth. She asked later on when curiosity is eating her up. 

"Did you make a reservation, the reason you made the call?" 

Harry nodded. "Yes, I did. Let's have dinner before heading home. Also, I invited Aunt Annie and Jessica. Mr. Hans is on his way to pick them up." 

"Huh? Why did you…" Nina paused after she recalled what Harry told her on the plane… He promised to deal with her aunt Annie. "Are you going to tell them about us?" 

It worries her, but she believes that it was the best rather than no other people know. Besides, how would she explain to her aunt and Jessica when she suddenly disappeared because she was meeting Harry in secret? 

So maybe this is for the best. Nina rested her head on Harry's shoulder, which the latter kissed her forehead. 

"Are you sleepy?" 

"A bit." 

"Then take a nap. I will wake you up when we arrive at the place." 

"Okay." she tightens her hold on Harry's waist, resting comfortably on his chest. 

After a long trip from Newark to Monmouth, Harry patted Nina's back to wake up. The moment she saw Annie and Jessica, she hugged them both. 

"How was Hawaii?" Annie asked her niece the moment they all sat in the dining chairs. "Oh, by the way, I already ordered dishes for us all. Hope you both are okay with that?"

"No problem, aunt Annie!" said Nina. 

"Same to me, Aunt Annie. No worries." Harry seconded. 


"Ah! I want to go back to Hawaii, Auntie! If only I could stay there forever! The island stole my heart!" Nina uttered dreamily. 

"Ahem." Harry coughs when Nina mutters that the island stole her heart. Nina instantly understood why he did that. She flashes a glare at him, kicking him lightly under the table that caused Harry to wink at her. She blushed.

Well, the two women in front of them have an unbelievable sense not to understand their actions. Annie and Jessica shared a glance; both are suppressing not to smirk. 

They already guessed that a relationship would develop after a week of being together on a beautiful island. 

Anyway, it would not be that difficult when both are already in love with each other. The only thing is, Harry, has a girlfriend and what everyone knows is Steven, who is Nina's boyfriend. 

Now how will they manage their relationship? They could not just display it. 

"So, Harry. You were requesting a conversation with me?" 

"Yes, aunt Annie." Harry glances at Nina, he reaches for her hand, and their fingers intertwined. 

Although both women already perceive it. Still a great surprise that brought warmth to their chest.

Nina's eyes spark with delight, showing how in love she was. Jessica fought the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes. 

In these passing months, her Miss was in great misery because of Steven. Now finally, her Miss joined with her true love. 

"Congratulations to the both of you!" Annie sat up from her seat and hugged her niece, as well as Harry.

She wants to celebrate this moment with her niece. Nina deserves to be happy after a hell of an unhealthy relationship with Steven that only gave Nina anxieties from his aggressive behavior. 

Staring at Harry and Nina, Annie mumbled inwardly. 

'Now that's what can you call pure love for each other.'

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