Burning Passion

Chapter 336 - Story Of Nina Li


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Jessica drove the car toward the Shell gas station after Nina's class. She pulls over behind a Porsche, Nina hurries to move to the other car, Jessica goes home alone. 

"Hi!" Nina greeted Harry. She was about to lean over to kiss him, but she remembered that they were still near the university. 

She sits properly on the passenger seat, buckling the seatbelt while pushing a sad smile. Harry understood. He reaches for Nina's hand that rested on her lap and squeezes it.

Harry drove the car like half an hour before they arrived at the place. 



Nina hurried to get out of the car after she read the name of the farm. She gasped after she realized what place Harry brought her in. 

She glanced at him before she ran toward the field. Nina swirled to travel her eyes the entire field. 

She turned around to watch Harry, walking toward her. In his hand is a basket. 

"What was that for?" Curious, she asked. 

Harry partly lifted the basket and said, "We can cut flowers we wanted to bring home." 

"Really?" As delight glowed in her entire face, Nina's eyes glimmered, and a huge smile tore her lips.

Nodding at Nina, chuckling, he replied, "Yes."

Harry felt relieved that Nina liked the place he chose for their date today. He wants to be alone with her before the day ended.

And after what happened earlier at the university, he wanted to do something about it. But he didn't expect what Nina would do.

Nina tiptoed and grabbed Harry by the neck to reward him with a passionate kiss. Harry always knew what makes her happy. She didn't need any luxurious gift like how Steven showered her with jewelry. 

With simple things, it is what could make her happy. It doesn't need great effort; all she desires is to be with Harry every single day.

"Thank you for bringing me here," lovingly she told Harry once their lips parted. 

Brushing his mouth into Nina's forehead, Harry uttered wholeheartedly. "I want to see you smile. That's all I wanted in this world." 

"Harry..." tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, it choked her to respond.

"Steven robbed the glow in your eyes. It hurts me seeing you sad and in a bad mood. Now that I have the opportunity to make you happy, I will seize this moment." 

Nina shook her head. She smiled at Harry and looked at him with tenderness. "Your love makes me happy. Your existence makes me happy. Everything about you makes me happy. Besides, you always know how to make me happy. It does not need a great effort to make me smile." 

Warmth surge in his chest, Harry clasped Nina's face with both of his hands. He brushes his lips on top of hers playfully while mumbling… 

"That was too wonderful. Now I could not beat how beautiful it was phrased. The only answer I could have is ``I want you to always remember how much I love you, Nina Li." 

"And that is what I only need in this life, Harry Shang. I will cherish our love every breath I have. And I wanted you to know, there's no one I could love, only you." 

Harry rendered silence. He kisses Nina to convey the overwhelming emotion he has at the moment. 

"I can't wait to marry you," he mumbled above her lips.

"So, do I, Harry!" 

"Soon… Let's build our family." 

"Yes!" At this moment, tears finally escape her eyes. Harry gently wipes them, rubbing her cheeks to dry. 

"Let's eat first before cutting some tulips. You haven't had a proper lunch today." 

"Oh, you brought food?" asked Nina. She lowered her gaze and found out that the basket was filled with food packs. 

"Yes. Let's find a perfect spot we could sit on." 

Hand in hand, Harry and Nina choose the spots in the middle of the field. Harry spread the picnic blanket on the ground, Nina cheerfully took out the food packs after. While eating, Nina muttered in a low voice. It was more like she was talking to herself.

"Can we cut all of them and bring them home?" 

"Huh?" Harry tilted his head to the side to process what Nina just said. In his understanding, Nina wanted to cut all the flowers here to bring home. 

Wait… How many tulips grow each year from this field? Isn't that? 

His eyes widened, Harry was dumb staring at Nina. His girlfriend's lips are playing a silly smile! 

"Hey!" he groans.

This time, Nina was laughing hard. She was just silent when Harry leaned over to seal her mouth with his kiss. 

"There, that's your punishment." 

"Isn't it more like a reward?" Nina teases Harry, who rolled his eyes, groaning. 

"Ah. You won a lot today!" he remarked. But it delights him that Nina is smiling ear to ear now. When he had a glimpse of how gloomy she was earlier, it breaks his heart. 

After they finished their food; Harry and Nina strolled through the whole field of Tulips. Harry brought a camera, he took Nina countless photos while she cut different colors of tulips. 

The smile on her face never disappeared until Harry dropped her home. 

"Good evening, Aunt Annie." Harry greeted the woman who is having tea with Jessica in the living room. 

"Hello! How was your date? Oh, my, how lovely they are!" Annie's gaze caught the beautiful flowers, she stood from her seat and took the basket from Harry. "Jessica, get a flower vase!" 

Jessica immediately went to the storage room. She's carrying two beautiful vases when she came back. While Annie occupied herself filling the vase with tulips with Jessica's help, Nina poured Harry a tea. 

Nera came out when she felt bored in her bedroom, she caught how intimate Nina and Harry were. The old woman retreated and turned around, but she pondered. 

Her granddaughter is in love with Harry, and to look at the guy, Harry is looking at Nina with tenderness in his eyes. 

Her son, Nelson warned Shang's that there will be no wedding until Nina finishes college. But to look at them, they act like a couple. Could it be that these two had a secret relationship? 

Nera was hesitating if she goes back to her bedroom or joins them in the living room. And before she could decide, Harry noticed her. The guy sat up and bowed at her.

"Good evening, grandma Nera." 

Now that she was caught, Nera walked toward the living room and replied to Harry. 

"Good evening, Harry. Please, sit down." She waves her hand, Harry politely bowing before the guy sits down again. 'Hm. He's truly different from his twin brother.' Nera mused.

"Grandma, have some tea." Nina offered to her grandmother. She actually freaked out a little. It worries her might her grandmother notice anything. 

Nera smiled at her granddaughter; she picked up the teacup and drew it close to her mouth. 

From the corner of her eyes, she watched her granddaughter playing with her fingers. It seemed like Nina wanted to say something to her but cannot decide whether to share the good news. 

"Grandma…" Nina lowered her head, biting her lips as the thump in her chest grew louder. 

"What is it, darling?" 

Nera He was from a prominent family. She was also an only daughter, and all her life was learning stuff as a noble lady for the Li Household. 

So then, she is not good at communication. Ever since she married Sonny Li, her life is just like a queen. And because she was already wealthy, she doesn't rely on Sonny's money to buy all she needed. 

All she had to do was stand elegantly next to Sonny at all the parties and events they attend. She was never involved in any businesses, either from her own family or Li's company. 

That is why Li earned more influence in high society, that even Shang's, would not dare to mess up with them. 

Nera placed her teacup and looked at her granddaughter earnestly. In fact, if things got out of hand and Nina was forced to marry Steven, she was planning to race a protest against her husband with the power of He Household. 

He Household established a Martial Arts School through the decades. Too bad she was the only He descendant of her father, and she was prohibited to learn martial arts, not even allowed to step inside the Academy.

Nera clears her throat. Since Nina could not decide to share what is on her mind, she spoke up. 

"Nina… Your grandpa and I are about to fly to Hawaii in a few days now. I'm thinking of contacting the Academy to send our best students." 

"Grandma?" Nina displayed a shock on her beautiful face. 'A bodyguard!? No way! If so, I can't sneak out to meet Harry!' Nina mused inwardly. Now it worries her if her grandparents insisted on sending bodyguards for her. "Grandma, I think that is not needed. The Shangs has many men here in New Jersey and New York. You had nothing to worry about me." 

"That's true, grandmother Nera. I will assure you that nothing will happen to Nina. Also, Steven wasn't here anymore. And if ever he was here, I will never allow her to get near Nina again." 

"Hm. How a wonderful boyfriend you are, Harry." Nera said it between sipping tea, so it sounded casual. 

And it made Nina and Harry drop a jaw on the floor. 'No way!' Both are screaming inwardly. 

Harry and Nina shared a glance, their eyes converse.

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