Burning Passion

Chapter 34 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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Finally, Theo left. I dropped my body to the long sofa and closed my eyes.

My body was still all sore. And then Theo came to drop by and spent a little while for coffee.

I have to go to the hospital soon, but I am exhausted. I told mama that I would just come over after lunch, and she encourages me to get rest instead. I need a nap. I don't want her to see me like this, and then she will worry about me again.

Am I starting to like him? But he has a girlfriend. Besides, I have no right to like him now that I was someone's possession.

That's the right word for it. And Theo belongs to someone else. Why is it happening to me when I meet him?

For the first time, I want to love a man. But to my part, it is the last thing I should feel.

Why are things complicating my life? Do I have to chase happiness every time?

It is just simple things I ever wish for myself, and that my life goes right for once. I tried to lead my life into something easy for me, but now things seem to get even wrong.

I wiped the tears that began plummeting my eyes. But it won't stop, so I let it flood down to my sleeve. I think I fell asleep and when I woke up; it was past noon.

I dragged my body and headed to the kitchen. I have the food Theo sent over earlier. All I need to do is preheat them.

The next day, it surprised me to see the person my mother was talking with... I wasn't prepared or even put in my head that mama and Theo meet one day.

There is a wide smile on Mama's face while talking to him. It will look bad if I will drag Theo outside and ask him to leave. But I wonder how she contacts him?

"Nikki! I heard from Maria, your friend here who brought you the food yesterday. So I thanked him."

I stride to Mama's bed, and my eyes caught that bouquet of varied colors of calla lilies on the bedside table near Theo's chair. They were my favorites.

I meet his eyes, and he smiles at me like we are this close friend and have known each other for a long time that he could visit mama anytime, and it was okay with me. But it's not. I don't want him to barge in my life just like that.

"Hi, ma. How are you feeling today?" I asked my mother and then shifted my attention to her, averting my gaze from Theo.

"I feel much better, Nikki. I want to go home already."

Seeing mama like this, everything feels worth it. I smile and sit on the bed.

"Alright. It will be so soon. And you have one more treatment for this month."

"Ah, I don't mind it anymore as long, I can go home after. Thank you, Nikki."

Mama reaches for my hand, squeezes them. Hearing mama saying this, my eyes were on the verge of crying, but I fought back my tears as Theo was here witnessing this scene.

"Mama. I will do everything for you."

"Anyway, Nikki. I want to thank the person who gave his blood. So, is he giving another bag soon? Is he okay doing that?"

"Um…" How to reply to her? Especially when there are other people here like Theo? Besides, I can't just blurt out to her that there's no need to thank him because I am paying this man with my body.

I glance at Theo, and I can't stand the way he gazed at me. What's wrong with him? Why does he have to look at me like that? I hope mama did not notice that, which made my heart suddenly beat aloud.

I forced a smile and then replied mama. "Don't worry, Mama. I will thank him for you." I said, plastering a nervous smile on my face.

I hide my face from Theo's view. I was blushing and lost at the same to this moment of our conversation. Now I want Theo to leave. I don't want him to see me restless and uncomfortable.

I realize I was easy to read, and I don't want him to discover how I seem troubled with this question.

"Oh, I remember Nikki. It is your birthday next month. I am happy I can celebrate it soon with you."

"But I am old already. We don't need a celebration. Having a gift of your healing is more than enough to ask for more."

"But I want to celebrate. It will be your 25th birthday. I thought I wouldn't stay alive this year. So I won't miss this chance."

Mama starts a drama again, which it's hard to dodge. A few drops of tears landed on my hand, and I wiped them quickly and smiled at mama. "Okay. We can celebrate it, but the usual, with our closest friend. You need not work out too much."

Mama looked delighted when I agreed.

"But we have to invite Theo," Lucy said.

I panicked hearing this. I look at Theo, and he is giving me a big smile. Gladly his gaze is softer this time, but it made me wonder. Why does he look at me intently and sometimes a serious gaze? He is becoming very mysterious to me.

I fell in deep thoughts once again while mama and Theo continued talking about my birthday.

"Don't forget to come by Theo."

"Sure, Auntie! I will be there."

I want to stop mama. He doesn't need to come. But since mama invited him, I cannot disagree with her.

Gladly, my phone vibrated. I quickly read the message to avoid meeting Theo's eyes. It was Tracy, relaying the message that Doctor Ben wants to talk with me.

"Mama, I have to see Doctor Ryan. He has a few things to explain to me."

"Okay, Nikki."

"I will leave now too, Auntie Lucy. I will visit you again before you go home soon."

"Ah, that's sweet of you. Thank you, Theo."

I give Theo a questioning look. Does it mean he will come back again? No, he should not. But I did not voice it out.

Outside, we walked down the aisle toward the elevator. He gestures for me to go inside first. Now I am uncomfortable. I don't know why. But him being close to mama, I feel like it's not supposed to go on.

How if mama assumes that he is my boyfriend?

I should have avoided him from now on. When mama finds out, I suddenly get pregnant. She might think it was Theo I slept with.

I must distance myself from him before it becomes a misunderstanding for many. How embarrassing to drag him into my troubles, soon. It will also create gossip with him and Min Xi.

Since everything still at an early stage, we should not get close and friendly to each other. We must stay strangers, and this is my sad decision.

I hurl a long breath. I quickly step out of the elevator when it stops, and the door opens.


I heard Theo yell at me. The first scene that plays in my head is that man kneeling behind me while his hands gripping my bare hips, constantly thrusting my inside. I shook my head while biting my lower lip. What's wrong with me?

"Are you okay? Be careful, looks like the floor was just mopped."

I nodded, then swallowed. I almost slipped on the wet floor and Theo quickly catches me, and he is now holding my hip, and his other hand is on my arm.

I must be crazy imagining the moment I made love with that man, which just happened the other night. I don't know why I am thinking of him when Theo was around. How embarrassing if he learns what's running inside my head.

"I'm fine. Thank you."

I said and quickly freed myself from his hold and kept a distance from him. His hands were like a fire, burning my skin underneath my clothes.

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If he plans to test the durability of his floor-ceiling window, he should ask me to bring a sledgehammer instead.. My poor body pushed to the window while he made his way constantly.

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