Burning Passion

Chapter 349 - Story Of Nina Li


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Nina was sitting alone on the bench when Jessica came back. Mary and Lucy went to the washroom, then Jessica didn't hold ranting in a low voice. 

She noticed the frown on Jessica's face as she queried. "What happens?" 

"It's nothing, Miss." Jessica was pondering whether she will tell Nina about Sam's question. 

Nina stared at Jessica. She could tell that it was a serious matter. Jessica never agitated like this before. 

"Hmm… It looks like someone annoyed you. Is he handsome?" Nina teases her attendant. 

Jessica stared at her Miss with shock. She could not believe it. Her Miss now knows how to tease her! But what soured her face is when Nina mentioned the word, handsome. 

"Never mind, Miss. It's just a stupid species of humankind." 

"Stupid species of humankind?" Nina tilted her head to the side, racking her head about what Jessica is trying to say to her. She only got confused. She is not so good at Science. 

"It's a stupid Homo Sapiens!" Jessica blurted out loudly when she saw Sam coming over and sat next to Seth.

Sam's head is partially bowed, but his shoulder is shaking. It means Sam is laughing. Jessica shot sharp glares at Sam, but she didn't make it obvious. 

"What was funny, brother Sam?" asked Seth.

He and Harry are talking seriously, but now they wondered why Sam laughing discreetly. 

Jessica heard Seth's query, the annoyance she felt only worsened. Nina, who is trying to figure out Jessica's mood, has no idea what is going on. 

"Come again, Jessica? Homo Sapiens?" Nina is sure that she heard of it and had a brief lesson back in High School, but she doesn't understand how it relates to Jessica's anger. "Isn't that the course you are taking now? About Biology?"

'Did Jessica see a Homo Sapiens?' Nina thought. She was thinking of a person who was in a costume and acting like the first man walking on earth. 

Hurled a sigh, Jessica rolled her eyes when Sam glanced in their direction with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

'This idiot is being disrespectful to me! I'm two years older than him!' 

Until now, Jessica's chest was in a rage. 'Who wants a boyfriend if that person is stupid? Not if someone like Steven!' 

Now her preferences for men are getting high standard. She added to her Hate List, she should not trust someone like Sam—an annoying man is not a perfect boyfriend. Jessica imprinted it in her head. 

Meanwhile, Nina remains to stare at Jessica. Her attendant's facial expression keeps changing.

'Maybe Jessica was on her period that's why she has a tantrum.' It was what Nina concluded.

She didn't ask further but decided to go home. Nina approached the boys and told Harry that she wished to go home now. They waited for Mary and Lucy to bid goodbye. 

"Goodbye, brother Harry! Goodbye, pretty sister Nina and sister Jessica!" 

"Bye, Seth!" Nina smiled, waved at them. 

Silently, Sam watched the three people that now disappear when they take a turn in the bushes. Sam heaves a long sigh. 

Later, he also asked his company if they wanted to go home since Mary already bought all she needed. 

On their way to Princeton, Jessica was weighing whether she would inform Nina and Harry about Sam, who was inquiring about them. 

But Nina also observes Jessica's sudden strange behavior. She asked her, "Did something happen earlier, Jessica?" 

A little surprised, Jessica was glad that her Miss is more observant now. It seemed like her relationship with Harry changed her a bit as well. She was now more aware of other's feelings. 

Gathering her thoughts in one place, Jessica breathed in. "Miss Nina, Sam asks me a few questions earlier." 

"Oh. About what?" Nina had a guess, but she wants Jessica to spill it out. Sam saw them in the store being intimate. Whoever sees that scene would suspect what kind of relationship she and Harry have now. "Did you tell Sam the truth?" 

Nodding, Jessica's eyes were apologizing. "I'm sorry, Miss. I believe that Sam should know the truth rather than denying it." 

Nina and Harry shared a glance, the latter spoke. "I will call Sam after I drop you home. I better talk to him." 

"Okay, Harry." 

Nina could not hide the worries in her beautiful face. Harry reached for her hand to convey that things will get better soon. 

After hours of traveling from New York City, Harry calls Sam when they arrive at the villa. But it was his mother who answered the call. 


"Hello, Mrs. Muller? This is Harry…" 

"Oh, Harry! Are you looking for Sam? He left just now when the phone rings." 

"Ah. When will he come back?" 

"Sam only briefly explains to me. It will be two to three years, or maybe five years. He didn't know." 

"What? Why will it be too long, Mrs. Muller?" 

"Last year, Sam signed up for a research expedition in South Africa. A letter was delivered personally today. Sam immediately packed up; he didn't have time to bid goodbye to his friends. He was so excited. The only message he could leave is for me to explain once his friends ask about him." 

"I see. Sam didn't share it with me. Thank you, Mrs. Muller."

Harry put down the telephone receiver. He still can't believe that Sam suddenly flew to South Africa. Honestly, he had the same decision as Sam before.

When his family and Nina's family showed up in the mansion. He thought he had no chance to love Nina once she and Steven got married. 

He made a plan of signing up for any expedition in Africa. But then the tide changes.

Now he and Nina are planning for their secret marriage. There's no need for him to run away and hide to mend his broken heart. 

"What happened?" Nina was seated next to Harry, patiently waiting for news from Sam. But after the call, Harry was in deep thoughts. "Harry?" 

Blinking a few times, Harry came back to reality. He extends his hand to reach Nina's head, pulls it closer, and kisses her lips.

Nina suddenly felt nervous about what Harry did, but she remembered no one in the villa but the maids and Jessica. She has nothing to worry about if she and Harry were intimate like this. 

"Sam was on his way to South Africa." 

"Huh? So sudden?" Nina could not believe either. Just a few hours ago, they spent time with Sam. Now he was leaving for an assignment. "Wow. I'm speechless." 

"Yes. It was surprising because Sam mentions nothing to me." 

"What happened to Sam, Miss Nina?" Jessica queried.

She was approaching the couple with a tray in her hand when she kept hearing the name of the man she hated most now. 

"You won't believe it, Jessica!" 

"Hum? Why?" 'Is that guy met his wrath?' Jessica thought inwardly. Honestly, she doesn't want to talk about that guy because of what he told her. 

"Sam is going to South Africa. It was so sudden, and so no one knows he is leaving now. I wonder if Mary knew about it."

Nina imagines. If Harry would suddenly leave like this, she might cry every day, or maybe she would go with him or follow him after a few days. 

Jessica, on the other hand, even though she has resentment toward Sam, this sudden news also surprised her. 

Harry and Nina were staring at Jessica with astonishment. It surprised them when Jessica suddenly burst out laughing. 

She apologized. "I'm sorry, Miss Nina… Young Master Harry. I just remember a funny movie. Alright, I will help the chef prepare dinner, Miss..." Jessica bowed and made an abrupt turn. She was murmuring when she left the living room. "Huh! The Homo erectus is visiting his origin land!" 

Nina and Harry shared a glance. Still, a wonder to them what causes Jessica's burst out. Now she was murmuring to herself. 

Later, Nina leaned at Harry and whispered. "I think Jessica was on her period." 

Harry tried to process what is period. It took a long moment before he understood Nina's meaning. Both giggled, but then Nina stopped laughing. 

"What's wrong?" asked Harry. 

"Harry, how if I will also behave like Jessica?" 

"Huh?" It stupefied him. 'What was that mean?' 

Nina explained, "I mean if I have my period. How if, I am also moody and have funny behavior?" 

Tearing an amusing smile, Harry wrapped Nina inside his arms. "Don't worry, I will comfort you." 


"Yes. Anyway, when will it be? It has its cycle right?" 

"Oh. I don't know. I have an abnormal cycle of menstruation." 

"Ah. I see…" Harry contemplates a moment, his thought interrupted when Nina handed him a mug of coffee. 

Sipping her mug, Nina looked at Harry with worries. She asked, "What will happen now, Harry?" 

"We didn't know that Sam would see us, and he would ask Jessica. And then now, he was leaving for South Africa. Maybe heaven is siding us," said Harry, rubbing Nina's cheek. 

"Hmm… Okay." Nina pushes a smile. She's praying that soon they need not hide their relationship with everyone. 

"You know what, I'm actually thinking of signing up for an expedition too." 


Harry wanted to burst out laughing. Nina is giving him a shocked facial expression. "Don't worry, it's just a plan." 

"Don't you dare leave!" 

"No way! I would never ever leave your side anymore." 

Pouting, Nina mumbled, "Then why did you say that?" 

It amused Harry by the way Nina was like throwing a tantrum now. "It's just my plan when our families arrange your marriage to Steven." 


Harry poke Nina's nose, he said, "Yes. I want to forget you, and it was my only way." 

"Can you really forget me that way?" 

"I think no. I might still come back that the only woman in my heart is you." 

After saying this, Harry lowered his head and claimed Nina's soft lips.. He gives her a long and passionate kiss.

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