Burning Passion

Chapter 368 - Story Of Nina Li


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Before Steven threw a fuss, he was happy. His chest filled with excitement reading everyone's letter. Not only that, but they also sent him a bunch of photos, and a few of them are Nina in it. 

But then it surprised him that Rosie also sent him a letter. He was about to throw it but changed his mind to check on it. 

He first read Rosie's letter. After that, he opens the envelope where he saw Nina's photos. 

But she isn't alone, and it's not just an ordinary photo. Nina was with Harry!

In some photos, they are kissing in the middle of the flower farm, one inside a car, and photos where they stroll around New York, holding hands like a couple. 

He threw the photos and flipped the coffee table, and he began throwing and kicking things on the floor. 

Seeing those photos enraged him. It felt like they betrayed him. 

Nina is his girlfriend! Why would Harry kiss her? 

Not long after, Mely rushed to the bedroom and caught Steven throwing a tantrum by destroying everything he saw. 

"Steven, what happened to you!?" Mely was shocked to see Steven acting like this. 

"Ma! I need to see Nina, now!" 

"But Steven..." 


Mely gathered her strength by holding on to the headrest of the accent chair. She breathed as she spoke. "I'm sorry, son. But they forbid you to see her." 

"And why is that?! I am her boyfriend! I love her!" 

"But she didn't love you!" Mely tightly closed her eyes, praying that Steven woke up and understood.

However, Steven only shook his head. Everything is a lie. He needs to talk to Nina, begging her to come back. 

It's unfair! It Is what he believes. He also loves Nina very much. He probably loves her more than how Harry loves her. 

He could not accept that only Harry had the chance to be with her. He would do everything for her. Whatever Harry could do, he can do as well. That is why he could not accept that they prohibited him from being with her.

Harry is telling lies to everyone. It is what Steven believes. 

"Ma, I need to go back to New Jersey now! I want to tell Nina the truth! I want to explain to her why I hid Harry's letters, Ma!" 

Mely felt helpless. It hurts her seeing Steven being like this. Until now, he has not accepted the truth. 

"Son, you need to understand. Nina is breaking up with you. She doesn't love you. So, you need to forget her and look for someone else that would love you back." 

"No, Ma! Harry is telling her lies!" 

Mely hopelessly staring at Steven. Afterward, she told Steven. "Son, you need to come with me. Someone, you must meet. She can help you." 

"What are you telling me now, Mama?" 

"Steven… I just wanted to help you." 

"Are you telling me I'm crazy? Ma? How could you think of me that way?" There's a pain in his eyes. He was in disbelief, shocked.

Steven's voice was so loud that Garry heard him, even though he was still on the front patio. He rushed inside and flew down the stairs. 

Garry found Steven screaming while their mother, massaging her chest and having heavy breaths. 

"What are you doing, Steven!?" Garry shouted at his younger brother when he didn't stop yelling. He rushes to their mother's side and asks her with a panicked voice. Their mother didn't look good. "Are you okay, Ma?" 

Steven studied his mother. She looked pale, and her eyes flooded with tears. Once again, Garry shouted at him. 

"What the hell is wrong with you again? Why are you keep giving trouble to our mother?" 

"I just wanted to see Nina!" 

"Bullshit! Nina, Nina, Nina again! Why don't you just forget her? There are too many women out there!" 

"But I only wanted Nina! I won't allow Harry to continue pretending like me! I should be the one on Nina's side!" 

"What are you talking about?" Garry was in disbelief. What is happening to his brothers? Why are they losing their heads over one woman? 

Meanwhile, Mely fought her tears. She pressed her eyelids and bit her lips. Steven refused to accept the truth that no matter how she would explain, he would not listen. 

She could not believe that Steven would accuse Harry, who did nothing but understand his twin brother. 

"Steven, Harry didn't make lies. How could you think of him that way? He's even helping you pass your college!" 

"And I don't ask him to do so! I can pass my college if you and Papa just let me go back to New Jersey, now!" 

But before Steven finishes saying it, Mely already lost consciousness. Garry is calling her, trying to support her body not to hit her head on the floor when she slowly slides down on her feet. 

"Ma!? Steven! Why are you standing there!? Call an ambulance!" 

Steven just realized what happened. He rushed outside to order the bodyguards to call for an ambulance. He then goes back to his bedroom and helps Garry to carry their mother to his bed. 

"Ma! Wake up! Please! I'm sorry!" 

Later on, an ambulance arrived and brought Mely to the nearest hospital. 

Jerome, who was in the middle of the meeting received the news. He didn't delay and rush to the hospital to see Mely's condition. 

He immediately barked at Steven. "What did you do this time!? Why are you keep stressing your mother!?" 

Steven remained silent. He knew that even if he explained and defended himself, his father won't believe in him, which he got used to, already. In his eyes, Harry is a good son who would only do the right things. And they always condemned him only. 

After conducting a complete examination, their family doctor advises the usual advice that was given to them. 

Mely needs a peaceful environment, and she should not stress out or depress. 

After the doctor left, Steven was wearing a long face. His father continues to reprimand him. As usual, they blamed him. 

"Look at what you've done? Aren't you satisfied with what you did last time in Hawaii? When are you going to stop losing your head, Steven? Do you wish for your mother's early death?" 

"Is it my fault? Why was I always the one to blame? Why didn't you ask yourself?" 

"What are you trying to say now, huh?" Jerome grabs Steven's collar and sneers at his son. "Who clothed you and gave you a good life? Now that your bones are stronger, you talk to me like that? Huh!" 

Garry and Raymond tried to calm down their father and Steven by separating them. But Steven could not take his father's lectures. 

"It was so simple what I wanted to father. I just wanted to see Nina! If you only let me stay in New Jersey, this will never happen!" 

"And do you think what would happen if you stayed in New Jersey? Do you think you can still talk to Nina?" 

"Yes! After I coaxed her and courted her over again. She will forgive me, and we will be okay again! That always happens! She would listen to me in the end!" 

"And do you think that was the case? Nina only bears your sick behavior! She has no choice but forgives you because you are so persistent, and she is tired of arguing with you like what I am feeling right now! You don't understand a single thing!"

Jerome, who's controlling not to punch Steven, hurls a deep breath. This son of his was truly hard-headed. He was in a fury that Steven never understood a thing, even how he explains.

"This is because of Harry," said Steven afterward.

Jerome wipes his face with his palm. He was too angry to speak. He gives up explaining to Steven. 

"Harry did nothing to you but give way! However, you only wasted your opportunity by assaulting Nina over again! What do you think her parents would feel? Nelson forbids you to get near Nina, especially talking to her! So stop your idiocy, Steven!" 

"That's what I'm talking about! All of you don't give me a chance to talk to Nina! Uncle Nelson is doing this because Harry is telling lies!" 


"Please... This is a hospital. The patient needs rest, and what you are doing here, but the arguing has worsened her condition. So better for you all to go home." 

The nurses who were attending Mely called the doctor when her family continued fighting and the patient, crying endlessly. 

"Master Shang, your wife doesn't want to see any of you. Please, you can go home now." 

"No! I won't leave my wife alone here."

"Then, please stop creating any noises." The doctor left, displeased with how they acted like animals.

Jerome has no choice but to control his anger for Steven. He gestured at Garry and Raymond to bring Steven away from the ward their mother confined, or they would only continue fighting.

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