Burning Passion

Chapter 370 - Story Of Nina Li


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It surprised Mely to see the person who entered her ward; delights showed on her face as tears flooded her eyes. 

"Oh, Harry, my son!" Mely opens her arms to embrace Harry. Her shoulders shook from the emotion that fills her chest. Later, Mely parted from her son. She wipes her tears. "I'm happy to see you. But why did you come? You should not leave Nina." 

"I'm worried sick about you, Ma." 

"I'm sorry if I make you all worry. I will be fine soon." 

"Why don't you just come with me back to the United States?" 

"Harry?" Mely filled with bewilderment. She would love to, but she is more worried about Steven. "Son, you know I can't leave them." 

Harry doesn't need to ask. His mother refers to Steven, none other than. He heaves a furious sigh but didn't let his mother see his fury toward his twin brother. 

"Ma, you were always breaking down lately. Nina and Mama Dona also worried about you. If you come with me, they can keep you company and less stressed in your surroundings. We can go somewhere with Nina when we have no class and work." 

"I would love that, Harry. But you know the reason I can't leave." 

"You need not suffer like this, Ma." 

"Honestly, son… I am trying my best to understand Steven. And I understand if you are still angry at him until now..." 

"And worsened right now." Frowning, Harry cut his mother's statement. 

Mely fell silent. She understood that Harry cared for her condition.

If only Steven were as understanding as Harry. It wouldn't have a huge conflict between the twins, and their relationship with Li won't tarnish like this. 

Meanwhile, standing outside the ward is Raymond. He was about to enter the door when he heard the conversation between Harry and their mother. 

From the things he heard, something is not right in here. Harry is now calling Aunt Dona mama, and it seems like Harry and Nina have a great relationship. 

Raymond knocked on the door before he entered the room. He pretended like he heard nothing and welcomed Harry. 

"Hey, little brother!" Raymond raises his hand and throws a knuckle at Harry. "Welcomed back!" 

"Second brother… Thanks!" Harry lifted his arm and met Raymond's knuckle. 

"How long will you stay?" Raymond asked Harry as he strode toward the sofa and sat down. 

Harry replied, shrugging a shoulder. "Only a few days. I have to go back for school paperwork." 

"Hm… I see." Raymond nodded, scratching his chin as he tried to find another question or any topic so that the conversation continued. "I remembered, it was yours and Steven's 23rd birthday. What great timing you came for a visit! Isn't Ma?" 

"That's right! We should have a party before you go back to New Jersey, Harry!" Mely echoed. Her face filled with excitement. She almost forgot the twins' birthday, and it was because of all that happens in these passing weeks. 

"Ma…" Harry wanted to refuse. But can he disappoint his mother? Harry nodded as agreeing with the idea. It will be just a simple celebration, that's all, a family gathering. It was what he was thinking. 

Later in the evening, Jerome finally arrived along with Steven. Mely called him and asked to bring Steven to the hospital. It surprised him to see Harry was there. He glanced at Steven, who was in great shock as well. 

The twin clashes gaze. Jerome coughs to warn his sons to behave in front of their mother. He throws a sharp glare at them before he strides toward the bed and asks Harry, who is seated on the chair near the bed. 

"When did you arrive? Why are you here, by the way?" 

"I wanted to pay a quick visit. I'm worried about Mama, who was just always sent to the hospital." Harry replied. 

His words have a meaning in them, and Steven instantly glared at Harry. He understood Harry was blaming him, and it pissed him off. Seeing Harry cause his blood to boil, and he only controls himself not to rush and land his fist on Harry's face. 

Meanwhile, Garry arrived not long after his father, and Steven, shocked, filled in his face. He could feel great tension inside the room. 

'Harry is here. What will happen now?' That is what Garry mused. He glanced at Raymond, who only shrugged a shoulder. 

Raymond thought the same. It seemed like a huge drama was about to start playing before their eyes. 

Mely, who was also feeling the tension between the twins, tried to look cheerful. She has to!

Her prayer finally answered that she could have a meal with her husband and children. 

"Now that all of you were here! Let us have a wonderful dinner! I missed dining with you all. Garry and Raymond. In these passing years, all you do is go on dates," she scolded her eldest sons. 

Both Garry and Raymond scratch their heads. Suddenly, they were now scolded by their mother! But they could not counter her. They won't dare. The joy their mother is showing now is precious. And they concurred. It's been a long time since the last time they had a family meal. 

That evening, Jerome ordered his men to pick up the food he requested from his uncle Oliver's restaurant. When it arrived, Korin came along. 

"Brother Harry!" Korin rushed to Harry and gave him a big hug. It's been a while since the last time they see each other. And Korin is eighteen soon. 

"Hm. You are about to come of age. Are you planning to get married soon?" 

Korin quickly blushed upon hearing Harry's query. She would not get surprised if Harry already knew about her and Greg. 

"I will finish my college first, brother Harry!" Korin replied cheerfully. 

But then, a female voice echoed in the door. "Don't worry! I will make sure of that. I can discipline my son to behave and wait until Korin finishes studying before anything else." 

It was Annie. She was in the restaurant when Jerome called Oliver Shang to prepare dishes for them. 

Annie would love to visit Mely, but she wanted to avoid seeing Steven because it raises her blood pressure. Korin wanted to visit after she learns that Harry was here. So then, she came along, as well. 

"Annie, you're here!" Mely was delighted to see her and Alicia Shang, Korin's mother. 

"We are here to see you. Sorry for my bluntness, sister Mely. But my point is, we don't have the wealth to ask Korin's hand for marriage. Only Greg's hard work to succeed in his career, and he can support his family."

"But I didn't look for a rich husband, Mama Annie! As long as he loves and respects me!" Korin's statement. 

"Don't you worry! I will watch my son for you. I will scold him if he did wrong or cheated on you." Annie would like to add more words, but she knows she shouldn't go overboard when Mely was hospitalized. 

Blushing pink, Korin smiled shyly. She only came here to see Harry and ask about Nina, but they put her in the hot seat. 

Korin said, "Thank you, Mama Annie. Well, it's better to eat now while the noodle soup is hot!" 

Korin has to change the topic before everything becomes awkward.

Meanwhile, Steven hardened his jaw and gritted his teeth. He knew Annie didn't like him at all. But now he has a feeling that even Korin sided with Harry. He could see that Korin only talked to his twin brother and avoided him. 

'F...ck! Harry brainwashed everyone! He surely tells lies to them to hate me this way!' It was what was on Steven's mind.

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