Burning Passion

Chapter 38 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


* * *

It's him! I was thinking of him all day, and here he is; from out of nowhere, he showed up in front of me. 

I swallowed to calm down my heart. It flutters and makes loud thuds.  I don't want to look obvious that I was happy to see him, so I act casually. 

"Auntie Nikki, you know him?" 

"Erm…" How to answer this pretty girl? I glance at Theo, and he is now walking toward us.

He was too handsome tied his hair behind his head. Wearing a black suit, just perfectly paired to his stripes of a dark blue necktie. 

"Hi, pretty ladies!" 

Theo greeted us with a wide smile. I was dumbfounded, staring at him. 

"Hello, Nik?" 

"Hi, Theo. Wha— what are you doing here?"

"I came by your house, but your mama told me you pick up this cutie here."

Theo leans to Chelsea, who blushes while looking up at him.

"So, you did a brilliant job with your Math. Let me buy you the ice cream, is that okay?"

He said to Chelsea. The little girl glanced at me with pleading eyes, and I couldn't help but smile.

"All right, let's empty his pocket for ice cream." I joke.

Theo's laugh played inside my ear, but my heart burst out. He was way more handsome, showing his teeth while his eyes almost disappeared from his face.

"All right, let me buy the ice cream store for both of you."

It sounded like a joke, but it flattered my heart. I can't dodge this joke but laugh along with him. The little girl has this enthusiastic look on her face after hearing Theo's joke.

"Okay, come on! Is any shop close by?"

Theo glanced at me, and I quickly ordered my head to work and stopped being awestruck by his sudden appearance.

"Hm, yes. We will have to go around in the opposite direction to get to that store."

I responded. It is my and Chelsea's secret. We will take another street to buy an ice cream on our way home, and I could feel I am gaining weight from eating endlessly lately.

"Then, let's go!"

"We will go ride your car?" Chelsea asked excitedly.

"Yup! It was only for two people, but you can sit on the lap of your pretty auntie."

I watched them talk. Sometimes, Chelsea will glance at me with sparkling eyes. The little girl seems eager to ride in this expensive car.

I was quiet, and Theo looked at me.


His eyes are like a little boy pleading to get permission from his request. I can't believe it! There is a real kid and adult-act-like kid showing cuteness to me.

"It's not a problem for me," I said, then giggled.

We followed Theo to his car, and he opened the door for us. I stepped inside and guided Chelsea to sit on my lap. I then instructed Theo where to go.

The most excited among us is Chelsea, and she quickly runs to the store. Left us behind, Theo and I, walking side by side toward the store.

My heart fluttered when he pushed the door and gestured to me to step inside the shop first. He treated me nicely. That is why it is hard for me to take a distance from him.

We followed Chelsea to the counter and gave our orders. Now were seated at a table, Theo is sat across from us. He just ordered a coffee for himself while the little girl got her reward, a bowl of varied ice cream flavors with all the toppings available. But I only crave the mango. I like its color, too yellow. I don't know, but I find it an amusing color to my eyes.

Honestly, I want to eat with hasty, but with Theo sitting in front of us. I am conscious to eat the way when I am home.

"Auntie Nikki, when did you like mango-flavored?"

It surprised me that Chelsea noticed. Mostly, it was strawberry or chocolate flavored I would get for myself.

"Um… I wanted to try this flavor once in a while." I reason with a smile, and the little girl believes me.

I think if Chelsea did not mention this, I would not notice as well. But I find it fascinating, looking at this yellow thing.

Oops! I almost forgot that Theo sits just across from us. I glanced at him, and he quickly tears a smile. Which him, staring at me with intense gazes. I sighed in silence. He is doing it again, and I avert my eyes but concentrate on eating my ice cream. I cannot read what he's thinking, and this made me intrigued about him.

We waited for the little girl to finish her ice cream while Theo and I exchanged a few light talks. Theo dropped us home after. We don't have a proper conversation because Chelsea is around. Besides, our apartment building was nearby. There was no spare time to chat when within three minutes, we arrived already.

"Um. I think Theo meant to take us home if he didn't hear my conversation with Chelsea. Thank you for the ice cream and picking up at the school."

"Small thing, don't mention it," Theo said with a smile.

Ah, he was too damn handsome, smiling like this. The last time I saw him, he was glaring in my direction, so I wondered what happened to him, and I concluded that he was angry at me, somehow.

"What brings you here, anyway?" I asked afterward. I was curious about his sudden visit.

"About that, I made a promise I would be there when Auntie Lucy is going home. But I have to take care of some matters abroad. So I want to pay a visit once I come back.

"Oh, okay. You need not mind it. Anyway, we're just talking here outside. How about coming to the house once again?"

"I was just waiting for you to invite me."


We both laughed, and my heart went wild, so I calmed it down and reminded myself to take a deep breath. I glance at Theo.

Did he come straight the moment he arrived? My heart wanted to flip with this thought. But I should not let him invade my life like this. Soon, I have to avoid him. I remind myself once again.

But you long to see him when he wasn't around. My other self has scolded me.

Yeah. I would not deny it anyway.

That evening, Mama invited Theo to stay for dinner, which he enthusiastically accepted. But then, my jaw dropped when mama boastfully told Theo that I would prepare our dinner. I understood that Mama just wanted to show off what her daughter could do, that I was an ideal wife. But I feel embarrassed that Mama bragged like this about me. However, it was way more awkward if I won't take mama's challenge, which Theo volunteered to help me.

He took off his coat and rolled his sleeves upward. And I noticed he is good in the kitchen. The way his hands move while holding a knife and slices, even how thin the meat is, he perfectly cut them the exact sizes. He probably takes a cooking course abroad.

The course I have from Mainland University is also promising. It allows me to learn different good dishes that I can order in top-class restaurants here in the city.

I resigned from the first restaurant I applied to because the manager was flirting with me, and my coworkers caused trouble to fire me out from work. I tried to use another one, but I poured a bowl of hot soup into the customer's lap— "Ouch!"

Shot! I cut my finger! My head flew somewhere else again.

"Nik? Are you okay?"

Theo asked me. He then saw the blood dripping from my finger. He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the sink to wash it. "We have to apply some disinfectant and band-aid."

"I will ask Jasmine to do that." I tried to take back my finger. Even though cold water was flowing from the faucet, I could feel Theo's warm palm electrifying my fingers. "I will ask her for help. Thanks," I shyly smile. It's not good for my heart to feel his touch longer.

I glance at the ingredients we prepare. What about now? "I will be right back after getting them plastered," I said, then raised my finger with the cut.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. It looks a deep cut, so just put to rest."

I give Theo a confusing look, and he chuckles. "Allow me to make dinner. It will not be that long."

My mouth dropped open upon his statement. But I couldn't insist on helping him when my finger was stinging.

Sitting in the living room with these two old ladies, I rolled my eyes when that teasing smile never left on their faces. I glanced in the kitchen where Theo made our dinner alone.

"Theo, you need my help?" Aunt Maria yells from the living room. It made me astounded at this old lady's boldness. 

"No worries, Ma'am. Let me handle it," politely, he declined. 

Aunt Maria turns her head in my direction and wink at me. My mouth dropped open one more time. I can't believe they will tease me like this.

Gladly, Jasmine went back to my bedroom, where Chelsea was playing and having their world. No extra trope to tease me. I glance at mama. In which she smiled sweetly at me.

Hoping she doesn't misinterpret Theo's visit and won't conclude that there is something between us.

If only she knew what her daughter was doing, she would feel ashamed of me.

I shook my head as the drama suddenly appeared in my mind.  Meanwhile, secretly I would peek at Theo in the kitchen. It will be one in a million to be lucky to have a handsome chef like him. I thought. 

He probably feels my gaze, and he glances in my direction.. He smiled, and my heart fluttered.

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