Burning Passion

Chapter 42 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


He said he would unlock the door after he spends preparing the food for me. This house has that kind of security system. The owner could monitor everything in his place, even if he were away.

Then he watched me from his office? Oh, shot! Yesterday, I messed.

I raided his drinks and got drunk. Because of it, it looks like we had intense lovemaking than the last time we did before.

My body was sore all over, and from what I could recall, I was responding wildly. Oh, my gosh!

I will stop drinking from now on. I should not forget that I purpose to get pregnant, and I want a healthy child.

Ugh. I hope he won't get angry at me. I wish I could talk to him before going home, but we exclude it from our arrangements. I heave a lonely sigh.

I glance at my phone screen. It was 4:20 in the morning. Finally, he texted me that my breakfast is ready. Last night, I didn't have dinner. No wonder my stomach growled this much.

He unlocks the door in my room. I wonder if he's still here. I glance at the door in the corner. He must be in that room right now, watching my actions around. I swallowed.

Okay. I'll have a quick meal then go home. Gradually, I made careful steps down these grand stairs. My legs are still wobbly. What exercises did we do last night? I felt like my body would break at any moment. I hope I wasn't partly at fault, like doing something stupid while I was drunk. Even that, I'm reluctant to ask him.

Hmm, it looks like the food were too tasty, like the food Theo makes for us. Darn it. I did remember him when I was just as someone's arm sharing heat an hour ago. I heave a sighed.

My eyes feasted at the food offered to me. The spice even made me crave. I wonder what kind of soup he made for me? My mouth is drooling just looking at it, and hmm...

The soup tastes on top of the world, and the garlic fried rice he makes is spectacular. He added bacon and ham in stripes cuts. I didn't notice I emptied the bowl and the large platter.

Before I headed out, I sent him a message.

"Thank you."

I was blushing while typing this. And before I could get out the door, he replied.

"Erika was waiting below."

Hmm, we're back being strangers. Like we're not too work up under the shower a while ago or make love like a real couple the entire night. Well, indeed, we are strangers to each other, so why do I expect more of his attention for me?

Besides, my mind was filled with a particular man, which made us EVEN in this AFFAIR.

I tilted my head to the side while I pressed my back to the elevator's wall. I should use to this already. It will never have a special relationship between us, but only as a parent of a beautiful life soon.

I shook my head. I more look forward to getting pregnant soon than to know him more.

I stepped out of the lift, and Miss Erika is already waiting nearby. I walked toward the car and sat beside him. I hope she's not waiting for me all night.

I scanned her, and I'm happy she's wearing fresh clothes. I'm glad she didn't wait for me and sleep in the car all night.

* * *

I bowed and watched the car until it disappeared before my eyes. I quickly head to the entrance door and a few of my neighbors I meet in the lounge, just next to the elevator.

"Good morning, Nikki. Oh, went out with friends all night?"

"Good morning, Mrs. Lim. Yes, ma'am," I replied, then smiled at my former teacher in Junior High. My heart is beating fast. I felt like it caught me, but I calmed myself. She's a retired teacher, and she goes walking around the neighborhood every morning. I'm hoping she won't gossip about me to the other residents of this apartment.

Well, I care more about mama. Jasmine is already awake this time around, so I message her if Mama has woken up already. It calmed me; she replied to me.

"Aunt Lucy was still sleeping, and do not worry, sister Nikki, Miss Erika already called last night that you will stay overnight." 

Oh, she covered me up? Wait, she called mama? I did not expect she would do that, but I have to thank her for the next time I saw her. It puts me at ease; however, something is a bit off here.

Quietly, I entered the house, and I saw Jasmine making coffee in the kitchen. She waved at me but did not make any sound.

I just nodded at her. I don't want mama to know that her daughter is sneaking home when the sun is about to rise.

I was about to push the door of my bedroom when a sudden realization popped up in my head. I turn around and glance at Jasmine.

Why haven't I thought of this before? Jasmine was assigned to me when I was in the hospital. She knew Miss Erika and possibly that man?

By chance, did Jasmine work for him? Or for Miss Erika? By chance, is it everything was just a coincidence? Or is she watching us for that man?

However, I cannot directly ask Jasmine about it. Also, I could be wrong in my conclusion. And even if Jasmine is working with him, in our arrangement,t I should not raise a lot of questions to him. Most especially about his private life.

Ah, my bed. I want to sleep more. I'm yet, sober up. I dropped my body and felt heaven. I rolled to my bed and laid on my belly.

His touch was still burning into my skin. I compressed my thighs. I could still feel a tingling sensation between it. I could still feel his warm hand holding my frail body upon devouring me completely. It seems we overdo it.

Ugh, before I am losing my mind, I need to sleep first.

* * *

It must be noon already. The sun shines too high in the sky, and it's a pain in the eyes, and my headache throbbed.

Oh, goodness! How should I face mama today?

I have never been a bad girl, but she will be disappointed in me after learning what makes me stay out till morning.

Ugh. My head is hammering deep. I won't drink ever again. Also, I have to apologize to her. I stepped out of my room, and I saw mama in the living room talking with aunt Maria.

"Oh, finally, you awake."

"Hello, mama."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Ma. I was just too hungry now." I said.

"Perfect timing. We're about to have lunch."

Hmm, so I sleep for over five hours. I watched aunt Maria's head to the kitchen and began setting the table.

"I will help, Aunt Maria." I declared and was about to sit up.

"Don't worry, Nikki. I'm good. It will not take long."

"All right, Auntie." She must have noticed I was sluggish and wobble. Then, I turned to mama.

"Ma, I'm so sorry I stayed late overnight and got drunk."

"It's okay, Nik. Have you forgotten what I am telling you? You should enjoy life while you are young."

I feel the guilt. But this is not how I am supposed to enjoy my life. Meeting friends is not wrong. But should not get drunk and turned into a wild. I mean, having sex and such. I sit closer to mama and lean to her shoulder.

"I missed your Chili Chicken and stir-fried noodle."

Her body shakes, and I hear her chuckles. "Do you want it tonight?"

"But you shouldn't do chores yet."

"Don't you worry. I will instruct Maria on how to prepare them."

"Thank you, Ma," I said.

"I'm sorry, hun."

"Hum? Why are you apologizing?" I asked her, glancing at her teary-eyed face.

"All of our savings, supposed to be yours to start a restaurant. Even in the land of your grandfathers, it is a good start for a high-in-class restaurant."

I laughed. At the same, it touched my heart. I didn't know mama had dreamed of this for me.

"Did you still want to work in the hotel? If only I don't need treatments, you need not work with a boss, but to be a boss yourself."

Now my eyes are on the brink of tears. "Don't worry, ma. Maybe someday, our dreams will come true! On that day, you are thereby side, as you are fully healed by then!"

"I will be in the front seat, always."

"And before anything else, both of you come and join me here at the table."

It surprised us to find aunt Maria wiping tears on her eyes. She was listening to our conversation, and she was the one who got carried away by the sentiment mama, and I shared.

Well, if the day comes and I could reach my dreams, everything of my hard work will honor my friends who were also a family to me.

* * *

After lunch, I locked myself in my bed since mama took a rest. I was about to close my eyes when my phone rang. The number that registered on the screen is not familiar to me, so I ignored it. But then, it calls me back one more time.

Who could it be? Curious, I answered it.


"Hello, Miss Lindsey?" A deep baritone voice is what I heard from the other line.

"Who is this? And how did you get my number?"

I know, I asked rudely. But I was actually not in the mood to answer any calls from a stranger.

"Ah, that hurts me. Anyway, we just met once, so I assume you don't remember me anymore."

"Okay, then... is there anything we should discuss?" I asked, trying to be polite. I don't know, but I felt like my blood was boiling just hearing his voice.

"If you don't remember, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brandon Hale."

Brandon Hale? I remember nothing.

"I'm sorry. You must have made a mistake. Hope you will find who you're looking for."

I hang up the phone.. I don't remember him, and my head is throbbing; I want more sleep.

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