Burning Passion

Chapter 45 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


Theo and I look at each other's eyes. I cannot take my gaze away from him. I was trying to avert my eyes, but he captivates my attention. What is he trying to convey to me? I don't understand him. But I want to know what he's thinking every time he's staring at me, hoping to open up with me one day.

"Nikki? You haven't responded to me yet."

"Oh, I'm sorry, John! Give me your phone, and I'll type my number."

I said. John handed me his phone, and I quickly saved my phone number.

"Here." I handed back his phone.

"Okay, thanks," John widens his smiles.

"Oh, well. The slut flirting with every man tonight, I see."

John looks past me to where someone speaks from out of nowhere.

"Brianna, what are you doing?" John darkened his gaze at her.

"Not bad for a social climber to get men's attention," she smirked.

Brianna looks at me from the head down to the toe.

"I never thought you're this expert." She mocks.

The way she approached me, I sense she's making a scene. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't act like you are clean," she glares. "As for you, my darling, you should be careful. Who knows if you are her next aim."

She turned to John while giving a disgusted look to me. Clearly, she was trying to shame me.

"What are you implying, Brianna?"

It was John who asked her irritatedly. I could see he's somewhat annoyed at her.

"She's a slut. So be careful with a social climber like her. I know girls the like of her."

Slut. If she put me to that level, I might accept it. But I never tried to be a social climber and acted slut.

"Huh! Are you talking about yourself, Brianna?" I countered.

"Shut up, bitch!"

She hissed at me. "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. I want to warn John to stay away from girls like you." She stated bluntly, lifting her proudly.

"Brianna, have you realized that you are talking about yourself?" I taunt her back.

Her glare darkened, and she wanted to growl at me. "I was talking about you!"

"Then, do you have to make a scene if you have a problem with me?"

"Nikki is right, Brianna. Don't start a scene in Miss Michelle's birthday," John said in a firm in his tone.

"And you sided that slut? Don't tell me you already slept with her?"

"Brianna! Stop this already! What's your problem with Nikki? Ever since I remember, she has done nothing to you!"

It surprised me how John defended me. But I had this feeling that Brianna saw the bite marks below my nape.

"Great! Now you take her side. How was it? She must be great in bed and—"

"What is your problem?"

John grabbed Brianna's elbow. That left me speechless. And we are now getting everyone's attention.

"That girl has bite marks on her back. Don't tell me it was yours? But I doubt it, and it must be from random men she seduces."

John glanced at me with an intriguing look. I clenched both of my fists, but I need not explain myself nor clean my name. There is nothing to argue about, but I feel embarrassed that this is happening during sister Michelle's birthday, and all the people I was part of causing a scene. I turned around and chose not to argue with Brianna anymore.

"See? She can't defend herself because it was true."

What I don't like is provoking me on the verge of my patience. I turned around to face Brianna again.

"As I know, we are not on the same level being a slut, Brianna." I begin.

"What are you saying, bitch!"

I posed and crossed my arms below my revealing cleavage. "Never I slept with my professors to give me an exemption without me handing my thesis, which including to that, receiving the highest score."

"What are you talking about, bitch!"

Brianna has gone pale, but she's still like a tiger growling at me.

"I need not mention our professor's names who you'd slept with, so you can pass our college." I snapped at her face.

After throwing these insults at her, I turned around, and my gaze searched for sister Michelle. I found her with her in-laws' table and Theo standing close by where Min Xi was like pulling him away.

I focused my attention on sister Michelle and bowed. Hoping she'd understand that I was ashamed for what happened, and I apologize.

"You bitch!"

"Enough, Brianna!"

"And do you believe in her?"

"Brianna? Have you not realized why I broke up with you back then?"


"Now you win to get everyone's attention, leave Nikki alone! Besides, she need not say it because I knew it already before we graduated."

It is what I heard while I'm leaving the pool area. I saw her parents, and they also look pale and seem shocked about what they have heard.

Ah, I need a breather right from this drama.

* * *

I strolled the Lee Mansion's maze garden. I gather the air as much as I could take into my lungs. Probably by now, everyone thinks I do sleep around. Partly true. But I don't just sleep with a random guy but with the same man.

Although Brianna received greater shame than me, people would think I was indeed that kind of woman.

'Oh, I think I'm lost now.' I looked around. It was way darker in here, with dim lighting around the garden. I turned back and took another path. I head to the mansion after asking a maid for a way out. I was passing a room when I heard Min Xi's raging voice.

Is she fighting with someone? Ah, it's not my business. I resume heading out when her voice raised higher.

"Whatever! She will be only the Mistress among us!"

I am unsure who she argued with and whom she pointed as a mistress.

"Don't you dare to touch her!"

I froze. That was Theo's voice. Who are they talking about? Later, Min Xi screams on top of her lungs. She seems upset, but at the same helpless in her situation? It intrigues me, but Mae is texting me now. They were already waiting at the gate. I hurried and looked for sister Michelle.

But she was busy talking with the Chairman of the Crow Corporation. It feels embarrassed to approach her after what happened. I want to apologize. I have to speak to her first thing on Monday. Then, I will relay my message to someone.

"Manager Kim."

"Miss Lindsey?"

"Um, can you tell Mrs. Lawrence I head home already if she noticed I wasn't here? My pick-up was here."

"All right, I will tell her."

"Thank you." I bowed and bid goodbye to the rest of the managers at our table. I took long steps toward the gate. I wanted to leave this place sooner.


I paused and turned around. "John?"

"Going home?" He asked.

"Yes. It's getting late." I reasoned to him.

"I'll give you a ride."

John's offer surprised me. I thought, after what happened earlier, would make him stop bothering me anymore. But what I see now, he's more determined. Is he pursuing me?

"Um. Thanks for the offer." I declined. "But I have someone to pick me up," I went on, pointing to brother Chris who was standing outside his SUV, observing us from there.

"Your boyfriend?"

"Ah, no. He's a neighbor. He and his wife are picking me up tonight." I added, or more like explaining to him. Gladly, Mae rolled down the window car and waved at us. Somehow, I don't want him to think it was true I am sleeping with random men around.

"Then, I'll head first." I wanted to get in the car because I am feeling dizzying suddenly.

"Nikki, can I call you once in a while?"


I haven't understood what John was asking me because I seem like passing out. Suddenly, everything is black.


The next moment, I don't know what happens next.

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