Burning Passion

Chapter 53 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


* * *

Miss Blaire introduced Miss Mina to me. She is a Junior Floor Manager appointed to oversee the front desk. 

I followed her to meet more staff and teams from other departments of this hotel.

She also brought me to the kitchen, and two of the chefs are my parents' wonderful friends. It made me happy as they are learning I will work at The Peninsula soon. 

The next place Miss Mina toured me was the Glass Castle Garden. We were riding a golf cart to visit the area from the hotel. My eyes cannot contain wandering the entire place, in which the flowers are in full bloom, and even the trees are generous to show such a view.

The whole place is like paradise, a dream for many couples to hold their wedding in this garden with a castle in the setting. It would be like a fairy tale. But it comes to the price of having a grander wedding at this place. But it satisfies all the couples having a memorable wedding.

Can I also have a grand wedding? It seems impossible and would be only a dream for a girl like me.


We were just approaching the Castle's primary gate. Brother Daichi was talking to a few securities in the area when he saw us coming. And we have the agreement to call each other by name after or off work.

"Director Isagawa, we're still at work," I reminded him once I stepped out of the cart.

Brother Daichi just laughed and retorted. "Since you haven't signed a contract with us, you're not officially hired yet!"

"Eh?!" It was an unbelievable silly reason for him. I laughed, influenced by his wittiness.

"Touring the place?"

"Um, yes. I don't want to miss having early training."

"Great! I will tour you myself since I don't have another appointment this morning."

"Oh, is that okay?" I glanced at Miss Mina, and she nodded.

"This is our last stop for today, and so I will leave you at Director Isagawa's care."

"Thank you, Miss Mina. Nikki is my little sister, so I will tour her as a guest and not as an employee."

I watched Miss Mina get surprised but then hide her curiosity. She bowed and bid goodbye to go back to her post.

I know why brother Daichi said this in front of other employees. He's helping me out for other people to keep their suspicions in me.

"Let's go, Nikki!"


Brother Daichi drove another golf cart, and he toured me around the Castle Garden. He also brought me to the back of the castle and showed me the doors, secret exits for the artists or important personnel during an attack; if someone gets through their security. 

Since he became Head Security under the Crow Corporation Mainland branches, he handled all the events smoothly. Neither big concerts nor international events attended by Royal guests; no one gets through under his watch but quickly caught the attack attempt.

I tried to learn everything about what brother Daichi shared with me. At our next stop, he took me to where the models had a photoshoot. They were doing an outdoor photoshoot surrounded by varied colors of a Chinese Magnolia. We watch for a little while, and then we proceed to the Glass Castle. I gasped in awe to see how splendid the inside was from outside. I came here twice, but it was during nights, which was way back in college days.

"Director Isagawa, sir!"

"Yes, Simon?"

"Captain Han requests to speak with you. He brought the added security, and he wanted to introduce them."

"Oh, great! Nikki, can I leave you for a while? I have to meet our recent recruits."

"Sure, brother Daichi! I'm fine here."

"I will be right back!" 

I nodded and watched them leave.

Now I am alone. I may take this opportunity to roam around more rooms here. I entered the concert Hall, and a few models were rehearsing at the age. I sat nearby and watched the stage director at the same time as the choreographer of the show teaching the models. He's yelling when posed, walk, pause, pose, walk. Ah, it looks easy to do, but the truth was a pressuring career.

After ten minutes, they take a break. The choreographer leaves the hall, and the models seem just able to breathe. He looks like a terror one, so everyone is mindful of his command. Once he's gone, the hall is filled with chattering. It's time for me to leave as well.

"Hey, you!"

I turned around. Two models are now standing in front of me. I lifted my head to look at their faces. They were too tall.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I think they might need something, and I can assist somehow. My manager instinctively activates at this moment.

"Are you working here, right?" Asked one.

"I was in training."

"Then, take them with you and throw them in the garbage."

I raise a brow. I weighed things to what was my actual job here? But since I haven't begun as a Receptionist behind a desk, I can do other things. Throwing someone's trash won't harm my training. Although the choreographer reminded them to throw their trash, they mistook me as a cleaner?

Though I realized they were just arrogant and self-entitled, not such famous models. Surely they were just a trope to this show and not the important ones. They were acting as VIPs as I could perceive.

"Okay," I said to make a story short and leave this hall. 

I stretched my arms to take the garbage.

"What are you doing?"

A cold, firm voice suddenly speaks from elsewhere. Theo is walking toward us. I need not turn my head to look at him, but I stayed my gaze at the garbage.

"Mr. Shang, we just ask her a favor to throw them."

Suddenly, the models became kittens in front of Theo. They were meowing, desiring to get attention, attempting to flirt with him.

I laughed inside. She got some nerves to flirt with Min Xi's boyfriend, at the same time as their major sponsor on this show. She's jumping hell, I guess. They're lucky Min Xi wasn't here and did not witness this scene.

"Do you know what her job is?" he asked the models.

"She said, she's a trainee, and so—"

It seems they bite their tongues and shudder. I glanced at their faces, and they were now like scared cats.

I was curious, but they seemed now frightened of the person in front of them.

"So? Did she tell you she is a cleaner?"

Theo's voice is rough, enough to tremble someone's knee. The two models shook their heads, lowering them.

"It's not her job throwing somebody's trash. But you? You can keep the trash to yourselves, throw them inside your bag, and leave this hall. I don't want to see your faces anymore."

Theo's voice seemed calm, but it was full of sarcasm. He looks around, then adds. 

"Next time, I don't want any of you acting like there's special among you!" This time his voice echoed inside the hall.

Though I think Theo's statement to the model is too much. There are words he need not point out, and he should encourage them instead. Telling them no special will hurt their confidence. 

But to ponder what he said, there's one particular person to him, and surely that was Min Xi.

Now everyone seems in great tension from Theo's words.


"Huh?" Still, I was stunned at his statement. Wait, why is he calling me by name?

"Where's Director Isagawa?"

"Oh, Brother Daichi goes—" 

Uh-uh, it was too late when I realized not to call brother Daichi in front of other people. "He meets the new team for the event."

"I see. Come with me."

I froze for a few moments. I debate within myself if I should follow him. But before I could decide, my feet were already moving on their own, and I followed him.

"Ouch!" Did I bump into a door?

But it was Theo who stopped walking. I raise my head and stare at his back.

It startled me when he turned around and held both of my shoulders. I couldn't pull my gaze away from him.

"I told you not to accept this job! Why are you so hard-headed?"

He almost yells at me, but I guess he just controls his voice not to shout. 

Wait, is he calling me hard-headed? What is his problem? When did we talk about me applying for a job here? I don't remember if I shared anything with him. Why is he acting like a husband or entitled himself like a boyfriend?

Before I could even reply to him, these questions raced inside my head.


We could hear Min Xi's voice. I don't want anyone to see us together, especially Min Xi. It seems coming here appears not a wise decision. But I want to meet the man I sleep with, hoping I get to know him a little as my child's father. However, the person I cross often is Theo.

The person I want to distance myself from, and the one I tried to forget that I was falling in love with him.

"Theo? Where are you?"

Min Xi's voice is getting closer. I shrug my shoulders and release myself from Theo's hold.

"I need to go to the washroom. Excuse me."

"Nikki, we're not done talking yet."

And what should we talk about? Why is he bothering me this much? He better care about his relationship with Min Xi rather than keep annoying me.

I was murmuring while following this hallway, but still, I couldn't find an exit. I seem lost. Where did I take an exit earlier? Brother Daichi brought me here a while ago, but I cannot find the exit yet.

Maybe I should go back. Surely, Theo and Min Xi are leaving already.

I made a careful step and scanned the empty hallway. Glad they left now. I need to go back to the Entrance hall before brother Daichi looks for me.

"How could you!"

"What is your problem, Min Xi?"

That was Theo and Min Xi's voices I heard inside a room. I listen to gossip more.

"You already bought a place near her apartment! And now you're buying her a house?"

"Stop screaming!"

Min Xi seems to realize, and she lowers her voice. Now, almost it won't reach my ears. Are they fighting again? Every time I cross them, they're always fighting. And Min Xi always mentions another girl.

So Theo having an affair before their marriage?

I seem shocked. I don't know him personally, so maybe he could do that.

Still, can I even consider how lucky that girl was to get Theo's attention? And he's even investing so much for her? If so, Theo loves her over Min Xi? 

How lucky she is.

I resumed trailing this exit, but my mind was still at Theo and possibly the third party of his relationship with Min Xi. 

However, if I were in the situation, I could not stomach this. I don't want to ruin any relationship. Most especially, a—

Wait, could it be that guy is also—? 

Why haven't I asked him before? 

All this time, what I ever think about is saving mama. How if he's married? Did his wife know about me? Or if he has a girlfriend, then is she aware of me? 

Then, I am no different from that girl? Either I am the third party, or I was the Mistress. Now I am disappointed in myself. 

This isn't me…

"Nikki? Why are you crying?"

"Brother Daichi…" I snorted.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I am missing Papa lately."

"Ah. Don't worry. I'm sure your old man would be proud of you."

No. He's not! He won't ever forgive me.

I can't stop my tears flooding my eyes. I'm glad. It was brother Daichi who was here. 


"No. You need not do that, brother Daichi." I step back.

He was about to hug me to comfort me. But it won't look good if someone sees him hugging me.

"Then you can cry on my back."

He said and turned around to give me his back. This caused my tears to even racing from my eyes. I guess all the sadness, loneliness, difficulties I get through these passing years has now erupted at once. I'm glad he's the best brother I ever have.

* * *


You're crying again...

I always wanted to see you smile…

I only wanted to see your eyes shine.

I wanted you to see me, to notice me…

I don't have the courage because I don't even know my past and…

Can I even have a right to love you?

"Could you fix the screw in your head, Theo?" 

Min Xi's insults which he just ignores.

She keeps tailing him around now she learns that Nikki was in the place.. Theo turned around and dragged his feet, leaving that place.

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