Burning Passion

Chapter 57 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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"You aren't serious," I blurt out, raising a brow at him.

"I'm serious, Nik."

Theo stared at me passionately, which I cannot stand long, but I cannot ask him to stop looking at me that way, but I must not back down and meet his gaze.

"There's no need to joke around, Director Shang. We already are both adults." Although I haven't known yet how old he is. I am curious.

"I know that, Nik. That's why I am talking to you now."

I swallowed. Please, don't call me as if my name is your endearment to me. I have been working on not completely falling in love with you. But saying my name as if you cherish it? It only breaks my heart because it is impossible for me to love you and be with you.

Now that I am pregnant with a guy I never knew who he is. Surely you'll disgust me.

"I need to use the powder room."

I said to hide my emotion right now. I stepped out of the excluded room and headed to the comfort room. I inhaled and exhaled several counts while looking at my reflection.

I need to tell Theo that he needs to stop bothering me because I am pregnant with my boyfriend.

But how if he would ask who's the father?

Then I should tell him he's working out of the country. So it's rare for him to be here.

Is he even buying that?

Whatever then.

How if he asks what is his job?

Well, I'll answer, he's a navy. That's right!

You're insane for talking to yourself.

I know that already! Yeah, I'm talking to myself.

"Ahem! I need to look serious, and it should look real," I mumbled.

Alright! It's better to end this right here and put up that wall between us.

I move back. And Theo now took off his business coat and rolled up his sleeves. He was reading some documents which I don't remember he carried one before. I paused and stared at his neck. Suddenly, my heart was beating so fast I didn't understand.

"Nik? What's the matter?" Theo lifted his head.

"Huh? Oh, nothing," I replied and quickly sat on my chair. I glance at Theo, who continues reading the documents. I bit my lower lip.

Why does Theo have scratches on his neck?

No. Impossible he has the same scratches as I gave to that man.

Maybe it was a coincidence.

Like what Min Xi always mentions, Theo has a lover. She must be the one who gives him these scratches when they make love.

When having that pleasurable sensation, I react and do things I was unconscious about. It could be possible for that woman to every time Theo brought her to the peak of pleasure.

What the hell am I thinking!? Now my body is reacting to my imagination. It was noon, and the AC was at its maximum temperature, but I was sweating. I glance at my reflection to this floor-ceiling window and my cheeks are blushing. I need to breathe.

Unconsciously, I used my hand as a fan, trying to dry out the beads of sweat forming my forehead.

"Are you okay, Nik?"

"Huh? Me? Oh, I'm fine!" I push a smile, hoping he won't notice my flushed cheeks. But Theo stared at me.

"Are you hungry now? I'll call the kitchen to hurry or send something else while we're waiting."

Theo sat up in his chair.

"Oh, no! It's okay. But I have to go back soon."

"Okay. But you can't leave until you haven't eaten. Wait here."

When he came back, there was a cold water bottle in his hand.

"Have this for now."

It made me speechless. Why he's too kind and sweet to me lately? Well, since I met him it seems. Like he's attached to me.

"Thank you."

What he is doing only puts us in an unlikely situation sooner. If people keep seeing we are together, learn that I was pregnant, they might think it was Theo who is the father of this child.

That is why I want to distance myself from him. I don't want to cause him trouble, especially dragging his relationship with Min Xi because of me.

So I have to lie to him, so he will stop spending time with me.

However, I can't bring myself to tell him. Ugh. It's depressing.



"Have you already decided?"

"Huh? About what?" I wrinkled my forehead. What is he talking about?

"About the job I offered you."

Is he no plan on giving up? People would suspect if I became his secretary. Then I suddenly became pregnant.

That would be more too ambiguous. Suddenly I become his secretary, and in the next few months, my belly grows a lump? Isn't it suspicious?

"No. I can't accept it," firmly, I said, trying to look too serious for him to believe that I won't go anywhere.

Theo's face darkened, but he cleared out his expression in a flash.

"Why can't you consider it? When you become my Secretary, you need not work too much."

I can't help popping out sizable question marks on top of my head. So what if I have a load of work in hand? Why is he making this an issue? He's being persistent, and even a lot of things he places on the table that sounded like a childish reason to me.

"I cannot avoid it. That something to expect already. I am here to work, so normally I will get busy. Especially this weekend for your event. Besides, my boyfriend won't be like it."

"Boyfriend? What do you mean about that?"

Theo's forehead showed black lines, and his gaze honed.

Is he angry that I mention the boyfriend thing?

"Yes. He won't like that I suddenly become someone's Secretary when what he knew about, I am applying to the hotel as a Receptionist," I said, lifting my chin like a proud one.

"So what if you work for me? I am giving you double of what you will get here. Don't you need it for Aunt Lucy's medicines?"

"It doesn't matter how much will be my salary. Besides, my boyfriend pays it all," I said proudly again. At least, I could picture that man to be this generous.

"So what are you saying is your boyfriend paying it all?"

I keenly watched his reaction. Theo's expression has changed to curiosity. He wrinkled his forehead, and he seemed puzzled. So I explained further.

"I won't worry about anything anymore. So I don't need your offer. You may ask someone else for the job."

Yes. He can find another one. A male assistant is safer for him. Or how about his lover? Could it be possible it was his secretary who became his lover and Min Xi fires her out? So he's now looking for another Secretary?

He must know I am pregnant, and so it will be a bigger issue to his end.

"So, you're declining my offer because your boyfriend is some kind of rich kid and paying everything for you?"

I ponder at Theo's conclusion. Maybe it was true that he comes from a wealthy family. He's living on the top floor of a penthouse. Who could afford that? Also, Mama's medication is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.


I gulped as much guilt for lying and claiming like this. How would I know? It was just all a guess. Maybe as he is paying a lot for me. I do have no idea about him, even just tiny information.


Theo raises a brow. He seems doubtful about everything that I am telling him. Should I tell him now that my real reason is that I am pregnant, that's why I can't accept it?

"Yes. I— um…" Damn it! I was stuttering. How would he believe it? Wait. He knows I am sleeping, someone, then it is not surprising for him anymore. Okay.

"The main reason is, I was pregnant now. So I don't want him to get jealous of working with a male boss," I gulped. I waited for Theo's reaction. A flash of surprise sparks in his eyes.

But the next reaction he gives only annoyed me. His loud laugh echoing in every corner of this room.

What's wrong with him? Is something wrong in his head?

Instead, he gets shocked to know I am pregnant, he's only laughing at me. His shoulder shaking from amusement. He maybe sees through me that I am trying hard to push him away. But really? Laughing at me that this is some kind of joke?

That's it! I'm leaving now! Though I was too hungry. But talking to him further might make me lose sanity.

"Bye. I'm going back to my training."

I rose, made a long step toward the door. But Theo holds my arm when I pass to him.

"You haven't eaten yet."

"It does not matter."

"How if you faint again?"

I can't reply to him.

"You just said you are pregnant. The more you need to eat. Are you planning to starve your child?"

He was right though. I need to eat and I need all the energy I need, so I could stay working the entire day. It's not fair to old employees if I faint now and then.

I went back to my chair. I glanced at him and studied his face. Rather than getting surprised, he's only smirking right now.

What is his problem? I just wish for the food to arrive, so I can eat and leave.

Another 5 minutes and finally, the food arrived. My eyes spark seeing that yellow thing on a tall glass.

A mango juice and a mango fruit shake. I was drooling. But why is there some mango here?

"Um, I thought we didn't have any mango left?" I asked the waiter who serves us.

"Ah, about that, Miss. Well—" The waiter seems uncertain how to answer.

"There are some kept for the event."

It was Theo who replied to me. I give him a puzzled look. But then, he just ignores me and talks to the waiter.

Okay, if mango desserts are one menu for the event, then I will look forward to the event!

I enjoyed sipping the mango juice when I caught how much tip Theo gave to the waiter. The waiter seems also surprised, but his face brightens.

What is this guy up to? He seems suspicious to me. Or is he paying the waiter not to gossip that we are having lunch together?

Although it was in our protocol to keep the privacy of our customers, I wasn't even officially an employee yet.

Oh, well. I was too hungry now. My brain doesn't want to work any longer, but I'm thinking about eating right now!

The food looks too tasty. I don't know what to eat first. Never mind, I will eat them all.

I first had a taste with the pasta, and I was like floating in heaven to taste the waiting sauce. I can't stop myself from putting the pasta in my mouth.

"Hey, just eating slowly. The food won't go away."

"Hum? I—" I swallow the pasta before I speak. "They may run but the clock is ticking."

"Okay, but be careful you will not choke."

"A-right," I said, raised a thumb.

I was too hungry. So I don't care anymore if I won't show class and etiquette. I just put food in my mouth until I emptied all the plates in front of me.

Now I enjoyed my fruit shake. But after I got so full, I felt embarrassed. I peep at Theo, and he's grinning. But his face is brighter compared to earlier.

I don't understand him. He seemed angry a while ago, suddenly laughed with my reason, and now smiling at how I ate a lot.

"Thank you for the food. I have to go back to work now." I wonder if Miss Nina would not scold me for being slacking on the first days of work.

"Wait. You won't even give me a consolation?"

"What consolation?"

"A return for my generosity."

"Really? Like I'm asking you to treat me and offer me food?"

"Whoa! I'm not counting how much I paid for that."

He may not. But I am calculating them! They were thousands of dollars!

"What do you want?" I asked lazily.

"A kiss."

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