Burning Passion

Chapter 63 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


Surprised being requested to come up to the stage, Nikki froze in the corner. Why does she have to go on stage? She mumbles herself.

"Honey, come on!" The Choreographer of the show comes to her and pulls her waist. Escorted Nikki toward the stage, he whispered to her ear. "Don't forget to smile, honey."

Confused, it forced Nikki to go up the stairs. She was nervous to think that the people in show business were in the audience. She tried to act casual and walk toward Anna.

"Hello, Nikki!"

"Hi, sister Anna."

"Come! Just relax, okay?" Anna whispered to her, then guided her to the center of the stage. "Alright! Can I ask the audience what you've first noticed to our usherette tonight?"



Some guests responded.

"Invite me once again if you have this beauty to welcome me!" Another comment from the audience.

The crowd laughs amusingly. Nikki was never into this kind of event but an audience herself, and she was stiff at the same blushes a lot.

"Okay. But aside from her pretty face. Anything you'd see?" Anna once again asked the audience.

"I spotted the mountain, Miss Anna!" someone replied. Few laughs from the joke, the rest smiled. But they agree with him. It's not the perverted way, but how it presented both ways of 'bolder with elegance'.

Nikki felt embarrassed. Theo is right, and the design reveals her mounds. Although it was more of a compliment, she is not used to this kind of attention with the critiques. Not just ordinary, but known in the show business and fashion world.

"All right! Alright, let's settle down now. I called Nikki to the stage for a reason, and that was to boast about her dress. Also, to take this moment, I want to introduce the designer of this dress. And this event won't be successful if I missed acknowledging him tonight! Although his work is exclusive only, and it is not available… Let's not hold the wait! I am deeply honored to introduce to you this amazing designer who was hiding his talent! I want to present tonight our very own Director Theo Shang!"

The crowd was stunned. They never imagined the like of Theo have passion when it comes to dresses, so the audience gives Theo loud applause. 

He never expects Anna will introduce him this way. Theo cheerfully walked on the stage to join the two ladies. Nikki was also amazed by the dress she was wearing; it was Theo who designed it. No wonder he commented earlier on how the dress exposed her breasts. It seems Anna did change from Theo's original design. Now she ponders if those dresses she got after spending a night together were Theo's designs, which Anna mentions, that his designs are not for sale or available for anyone.

But why does Theo let her wear them? Now things are coming back to her. Could it be possible that even her dress at Michelle's birthday celebration is Theo's design? There is a possibility since Anna did compliment her wearing that blue dress at that time.

Nikki notices Theo is holding a scarf. All of a sudden, her chest pounding crazily, recalling the times they made love to her putting on a blindfold. She withdrew her gaze and shifted her attention to the crowd.

What is he trying to do now? Nikki murmurs to herself. She almost cries when Theo puts the scarf around her neck. She's praying that hope Anna did not notice her reaction. Gladly, Theo is covering her from the crowd, and they won't notice her shocked.

Nikki tempts to lift her head to stare at Theo. 'Is he trying to torture me?' It was better before when she didn't know who the Mystery Man was. But now that she unmasks him, she has the more mixed feeling that causes her head to mess up.

"Just relax," Theo whispered at her.

How could she relax when her body has such familiarity with his presence? Nikki glances at the scarf and realizes Theo placed them to hide her breasts. 

'He acted like him. Too gentle and thoughtful.' Nikki thought. She nibbles her lips as tears peeping at her eyelids.

"Good evening, everybody. Please, allow me to thank each of you for joining us tonight. The next thing is, I did not perceive that Anna would expose me this way."

The crowd laughs.

"Well, as you could see." Theo glanced at Nikki before he continued. "Anna changed the dress. Honestly, I was more conservative and originally hiding those gems."

Among the audience, it was the men most who laughed in Theo's calm jest.

'Yeah. Conservative, my ass. If it happens, and the people here know your real color, you are a beast in bed.' 

Shot. What am I thinking! Nikki scolded herself. All of a sudden, she recalls the lovemaking she shared with the man; now, she has a name and face.

'Not at this moment, Nikki Lindsey!' Her face is flushing red, and she's hoping that no one will notice it. Her mind was all over the place again.

She was supposed to be angry at him. But she was in the middle of work. Most significantly, calling out to come up on stage? She felt more like to faint in nervousness and shyness than carrying those issues between her and Theo. And she was now standing on the stage with him, who often glanced in her direction with sparks in his eyes.

It may not have noticed how Theo plastered a smile on his face than he was with Min Xi, among the audiences…

"Dang it! He's too obvious!" Ben murmurs. He's seated at the same table with Doctor Yonah, Riley, Daichi, and Matt.

"What are you mumbling about?" Yonah, who catches him muttering. Ben whispered to Yonah, she who squealed. "Really?"

"Yeah." he nods.

"Hey! Why keep a secret from us?" It was Daichi who complained. It smells like there is something interesting happening at the moment.

"No way. You can't hide a secret." Ben smirked.

"Eh? Not fair! I will expose you to Doctor Yonah!" his threat.

"Hm? About what?" Yonah asked innocently.

"Daichi Isagawa!"

"I'll show you later, Doctor Yonah!" 

"Oh? Sounds intriguing."

"Don't you dare to look at it!"

"And why not!" Yonah was more curious to know what it was.

"I will forward to you the mmm-"

Daichi hadn't finished talking when Ben covered his mouth.

Matt and Riley just shook their heads when these two acted like a child again, and they're never growing up.

Meanwhile, Min Xi furiously went back to her dressing room.

"Ahhhh! How dare he! This is my night! Why did some usherette steal my show!"

"Shush! Lower your voice! Reporters are wandering outside!" 

Kyle, her manager, is trying to calm her down.

"Why do I feel I was the third party here? I am not the mistress here!"

"Min Xi, calm down. Like what you said, she is the usherette to this event. But you are the star of the show!" Kyle is trying to convince her to settle down. "It's about the finale. You must prepare now, and your dress will shine tonight!"

"They are not highlighted anymore! It was hers!"

"Min Xi—"

"My dress was just made by someone who is a hard designer! But her? She's the only one who wears Theo's designs!"

The door opens, and Kyle wishes the floor to swallow him. It was the designer of the dress Min Xi was supposed to wear for the finale.

"Trying hard? Then go have your last walk naked!"

The designer left in a rage.

"Min Xi!" Kyle doesn't know what to do. As he could see, she didn't care. 

Min Xi drops her bottom on the couch and crosses her legs. Kyle followed the designer's beg to forgive his model for her behavior. Kyle tried to settle things by himself, even if he kneels to that designer. Yet, Theo heard about what happened.

Throwing deadly glares at Min Xi, he is controlling his anger. Because of what happened, Theo has to ask Miss Jean to sing two more songs until they settle the problems.

"What is your problem!"

Returning a furious gaze, Min Xi glared at Theo. "I should ask you the same question. Are all the screws in your head gone? Do you have to show your intimacy to the media!?"

"Min Xi, stop it," Kyle attempted to remind her not to talk back to Theo.

"You will go back to China first thing tomorrow," Theo announced coldly.

"What? How dare you do this to me!"

"Don't ask me. But explain yourself to Jeremy," Theo throws a dangerous glare before he steps out of the room.

Hearing Jeremy's name, Min Xi and Kyle went pale.

"Rubin scheduled their flight tomorrow morning. Send them straight home after the show."

It was what they heard outside.

"Min Xi, let us just focus on your career in China. You know that if we anger Master Jeremy, it is the end of everything."

Min Xi clenches both of her fists.

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