Burning Passion

Chapter 66 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


Confused with sudden behavior, Theo was worried why Nikki shut the door. He tried to knock again, but Nikki would not answer.


"I'm fine! I will follow in a little while," she replied behind the door after a long moment.

"Are you sure you are alright? Is this related to that?"

Ah. He guesses if it was about her pregnancy and it was. If only he knows what running on her head. "Nothing to worry!"


Nikki presses her ear on the door, listens to Theo's footsteps away from her bedroom. She sighed.

She could see that Theo worried about her. Anyway, it is normal for him to worry because she is bearing his child. Sometimes she wants to think why he watches her closely might she disappear with the child?

In which, she can't do that with her mother's condition. Maybe if she was not on this arrangement, and she was pregnant to a one-night stand. She might consider hiding like those novels she read online.

That would be her first choice. But in her case, that is the last option she must do.

She waited for another five minutes before she stepped out of her bedroom. Still, she can breathe Theo's scent. This is not good.

"Ahem!" she clears her throat.

"Nikki, come now, sit. Look, Theo cooked your favorite."

My favorite? She scans the table and there are spicy crunchy fried squid rings and garlic fried chicken. Ah, those made her drooling.

Quietly, she pulls the chair across from Theo, the right side of her mother's view.

She sits on it and drags the chair a little forward to the table. That was a dangerous move; she stretches her legs under the table, but she hits Theo's foot instead. She quickly pulls them and sits properly. She avoided glancing at him when a flash of excitement showed in his eyes.

Ugh. She won't be bothered like this if she hadn't heard the truth. But now, she was like playing hide-and-seek in front of each other. Theo keeping it a secret he is the Mysterious Man, acting as somebody… on the contrary, she pretends to like to know nothing and playing innocent.

Ah, she better shut off her head and fill her stomach. It made her dizzy thinking too much with an empty stomach.

Nikki stretches her arm to get some chicken when Theo places a platter of squid rings with a sauce on a mini-bowl. She wondered if what Theo added to the mayonnaise. Her eyes sparks. Yum! It tastes sour, but she likes it. She loves dipping the squid rings on the mayo and—

She swallowed. Theo is watching at her keenly. She wanted to send some signs to stop being obvious. Her mother was on the same table, and it worried her she might see how Theo looked at her intimidatingly.

Can't you stop giving me that look? She wanted to tell Theo that, and so she kicks his foot under the table. He coughed.

"Hm, why don't you build a restaurant, Theo?"

Nikki, surprised by her mother's sudden suggestion at the guy. She glanced at him, which widened his smile.

"No, Aunt Lucy. I just cooked as a hobby. Some of my friends enrolled in an Academy and since I was staying in the same city, I enrolled in as well."

"Oh. That was good. You will be a wonderful husband, don't you think, Nikki?"

"Hmm? Ma?" She's dumbfounded. Why did her mother suddenly ask her opinion?

She glances at Theo, and he looks eager to know what was on her mind.

What does he expect from her? To praise him? In fairness, he first showed his cooking skill the second time they spent a night together.

Ah! Not a pleasant way to refer during that time!

Nikki blushes from the thought. Either the third time when she got drunk. But she still needs to comment, just a little.

"Um… not bad."

Uh-uh! She better praise more. He at least tried to prepare these much for them. "I mean, it's better than most of the restaurants I have tried… the food!" she smiled nervously.

That was true anyway. But she won't tell him she preferred his dishes over those restaurants. It's not just better, but it was on top. A silly smile playing on her lips and Theo caught them.

After lunch, she helps her mother having her medicine.

"Nikki, I will take a rest. Since Theo was here, talk to him."

"Huh? Talk? With what?"

"It's embarrassing not to entertain our guest. If I am the one to accompany him, he would only get bore to talk to an old lady." Lucy chuckles.

Mama! Don't leave me! She meant it. If her mother were only staying in her bedroom, that means she has to be around Theo alone.

Even she announced to take care to wash the plates, but Theo is cleaning the cooking pots and the kitchen. He is doing more of a husband's duty.

Eh? What are you assuming, Nikki? She shook her head. Even though she wants to beg her mother to stay in the living room, but she has to take a nap if she felt tired.

She cannot raise a protest, Nikki escorted her mother toward the bedroom. But Lucy turns on her TV and watches her favorite show. Astounded, Nikki had a feeling her mother intended to do this? Let her and Theo be alone?

Ah, it made her hopeless to find ways she could keep a distance from Theo. Nikki heaves a long sigh before she strides toward the kitchen.

Nikki began washing the plates, and she was too nervous being close to him. All of her senses were awake. And she's now demented, secretly observing Theo when he steps closer to her, but just to put the bottle of pepper or olive oil bottle to the cupboard above her head.

Ah, she could sniff him and it made her head-dizzying as she desired to breathe more of his body scent.

She glances at him. His shoulder-length hair tied behind his head. He's wearing gray long sleeves casual shirt which he rolls them above his elbow, showing off his arms.

Wait! She bites them during their first night. Thinking of such things, she is burning her head with these thoughts. She has to avoid recalling them, especially when they were alone.

What's wrong with her? She supposes to be angry right now because Theo is just playing with her. Showing as he cares too much to her to the point of doing a husband's role? It frustrates her whether what his actual feelings are. Maybe he is sincere, because she is the mother of his child and this child inside her, what is most important to him, and she just assumes.


"Huh?" She heard Theo calling her out.

"I think you soap that plate five times already."

Five times!?

"Are you feeling well?"

"I— I'm fine."

"Maybe you should take a rest. You sure tired until to now."

"No. I am fine, and I have—"

She wants to joke she has great stamina, but she recalls Theo's quoting about skills and endurance.

Then he meant about her! That time was the very next day after they made love, and she was aching all over, but she has to bear it around him when Theo suddenly showing up.

"You don't have a fever, don't you? But you better take a nap, perhaps to—"

Theo places his palm at Nikki's forehead. He is waiting for Nikki's response. But she just kept quiet and now she's frowning at him. His eyes grow wider after Nikki holds his arm and bite him.

Stunned, he could not react but staring at Nikki's bite marks on his arm. They were deep, which slowly turned into a purple.

Did he offend her or something? Why did she suddenly bite him?

Overwhelms over confusion, he does not understand why Nikki has to bite him.

He was certain; he said nothing bad that will make her angry, is it?

Theo left dumbfounded.

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