Burning Passion

Chapter 78 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey: MYSTERIOUS GIRL


* * *

Nikki is helping the staff to set the photo set area.

"Oh, thank god, Miss Nikki! You're a lifesaver! Director Cho would scold us further if we can do the set properly."

"Ah, no problem. I'm glad I could be in help."

She pulled a purple curtain and walked around a Tulip tree. They have to wrap the trunk with a purple cloth. Nikki sat on the grass while she placed more of the fabric on the ground around the tree. She let the wind blow the material to slowly lays it on the ground on its own. 

The crew began placing white and purple flowers and plants around. So she assumes the theme must be white and purple.

"Grace, for what exactly is this concept for?" she asked one of the crew.

"What I know, the primary theme is VIOLET."

"VIOLET? A name of the brand or a woman's name?" she's curious.

"The boss doesn't know everything too."

"Mr. Rubin, right? And he has a Master, which the one whose original has this project?"

"Yup. The picky one. We've been doing this for the third time, hoping finally he picks someone! Said, they will celebrate hundredth of years in three months."

"I see. Violet is a beautiful name. It means LOVE," she mumbles.

"Oh, that must be! Probably that was the theme after all! LOVE!"

"LOVE and PURITY," she added.

"Oh, purple and white. Now I get it! Oh, wow! That's so nice, Miss Nikki! I will hire you to decorate my wedding someday!"


"If I can find a boyfriend." Grace put her tongue out, and she and Nikki laughed.

They keep sorting out the flowers. Nikki picks up a bundle of white Tulips. She peered at it and admired the blossom—smiles playing on her lips while wrapping the stems with a light purple cloth.

"Ah, Miss Nikki. I want to get married now. That is too lovely," said Grace, who seems to daydream while observing what Nikki is doing to the bouquets.

"Too bad, I can't give you advice and points about what kind of guy you should pick or look for as a husband."

"Hmm? You don't have a boyfriend?"

"Since birth…"

"Eh? That's impossible!" Grace cannot believe it.

She giggled. "It is possible."

"But why?" Grace chatted with her further.

"Hm? What, why?"

"That you don't have a boyfriend? Impossible, no one courted you."

Nikki feels uncomfortable discussing a topic like this. But this is girl talk, anyway. "There are those who attempt, yes. But I am not interested."

"Really? But you like someone?"

She glanced at Grace. How could she tell she likes someone? That feeling is unknown to her. She doesn't know how to differ from the like and love.

"How about a crush?" Grace asked again. "Oh! You blush, Miss Nikki!"

"Huh? Did I?" she touched her cheeks? "Not really." Nikki tried to avert her gaze and deny it.

"Yay! Who is your crush, Miss Nikki? Is it someone in here today?" Graces' teased.

Nikki's eyes grew widened. "Nope! I mean, I don't have a crush."

"Ah! But it showed in your face! And I thought Mr. Lim has a thing on you," Grace's gossip.

She's a little surprised. But she didn't think much about it. "I'm not sure about that. Mr. Rubin seems nice, though. But I don't see him having a feeling toward me."

"Hmm, you both are a pair. And what I noticed Mr. Lim likes you."

She laughs at Grace's perception. It never crosses her mind, but she cannot admit to the girl she had a crush on someone, and it must be a crush at first sight.

She felt embarrassed to tell Grace. If it could be possible to have a crush on someone when she only has a glimpse of him from somebody's computer screen, and she even did not see his entire face. 

"Aha! You have a crush on someone!"

"Hey, why suddenly all the topics are me? When you are the one looking for a boyfriend?"

"Hmm… because boys would surely follow you."

"Eh? That's creepy! Isn't it more like stalking?"

"Ah, you are correct, Miss Nikki. If a psycho follows you around, that's scary! Who knows that man escapes from a mental hospital!"

"You're scaring me," she said out of panic. 

"Ah, sorry, sorry!" Grace clasps both of her palms and bowing at Nikki. 

She laughs. But it is truly dangerous to meet someone like that, especially the pervert minds. Nikki shook her head and looked around the garden. She's noticing this already, but she only waited for the right moment to ask Grace.

"Grace, I want to ask you this… why are they taking us a photo?"

"Hum? Oh, they were only doing random tryout shots. Experimenting for a better angle before the last photoshoot!" Grace explains.

"Ah, okay…" she is very curious when she sees them taking a photo in their direction.

Nikki continued helping to set up the area, placing the finished bouquets on the tall vases.

Meanwhile, Grace looks at Paul, and she raises a thumb. Paul replied with an OK gesture.

* * *

Inside a tent, Director Cho and Rubin watch the monitor screens while discussing the perfect points.

"This side is one of the best," Rubin pointed to the angle when Nikki looked up at the Magnolia tree holding the bouquet of white tulips.

"I agree. I like this when she combs her hair, then she later looks at something, posing for a view side. Perfect!" Director Cho praises.

"Yes. Everything is nicely done."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lim. I will pull an all-nighter to do a short film and the best photos! I assure you to give them tomorrow." 

"I will entrust that in your hands, Director Cho." Rubin salutes at the director, who is now in a pleasant mood.

'Ah, hoping the master finally made his choice. I can't do this further.' He has to flirt with a bunch of women. His head is throbbing.

Later that afternoon, Director Cho instructed the photographer to continue the photoshoot.

They don't need those girls anymore. But the photographer asks Director Cho and Rubin's permission to use the photos for the upcoming fashion show. They will introduce some girls to the organizers.

Director Cho got what he wanted, so they allowed it.

Rubin searches for Nikki, and he finds her in the mansion's corner.

"Miss Nikki! Thank you for—" Rubin paused when he noticed that Nikki was crying. "Miss Nikki? What's the problem?"

She wipes her tears before she replies. "I'm sorry, Mr. Rubin. Can I go first? There is an emergency. I need to go back to the hospital asap. Can you send back the girls?"

"Sure, don't worry about them! I will safely take them back."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Rubin."

"Ah. I should be the one to thank you. Well, let's talk some other time. Let me treat you a coffee or a meal."

She had no more time to think about Rubin's invitation; Nikki nodded. "Okay. I have to go."

Rubin nodded and followed Nikki left in a hurry.

"Hmm, she's a mystery indeed… those beautiful smiles hide sadness."

Rubin reaches for his pocket and takes out his phone. Dialing Theo's mobile number, he patiently waited for the guy to answer his call.

"Ah, come on! Don't make me call you again," Rubin grumbles.

Finally, Theo answered his phone.

"What is it?" Asked the man on the other line with a cold tone. 

"Hey, why so cold? Can you even feel excited seeing my face registering on your phone screen?"

"And why would I? Are you somewhat my boyfriend?" Theo snapped. 

Rubin cracked a laugh. He places his hand on the wall to support himself from laughing. He's teary-eyed and unable to pull himself to settle down yet. 

On the other line, Theo frowned. "As I remember, you are the one who added your half-naked body on my contact list. Why would I look at it every time you call me?"

Rubin cracks another laugh, and this time, he holds his stomach while laughing.

"Why wouldn't you delete it then?" he teases.

"I'm busy. I have no time browsing my phone."

"Jeez…" Sounds like Theo. Rubin thought.

He doesn't check text messages or even has any social media account. His business calls always pass through to Roland, and he barely replies to his friends' and families' messages.

"Okay, chill out! I called to tell you some wonderful news."

"Really? Make sure it does good news."

"Yup! We found our MYSTERIOUS GIRL!"

"Is that true? My head has been aching to look at those worthless photos."

In these past days, he assigned his entire staff to check the photos and choose the best one.

Meanwhile, a huge smile planted on Rubin's face. He knew Theo very well. He would complain like this.

"All right, now you do not worry. I assure you, it was the best one! Director Cho is working on it already, and by tomorrow, he will give the short film."

Somewhat, he trusted Rubin. When he said it was the best, surely it was.

"Okay. Email it directly to me."

"Yes, sir! Tell me soon what your impression is about her."

"I will... bye." Theo hangs up the call.

"Damn that guy. He did not wait for me to speak up further."

"Alright! The result is tomorrow! See you all!"

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