Burning Passion

Chapter 81 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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Theo and Roland follow the crowd toward the EXIT GATE.

On his phone, Roland is talking to Rubin instructing him to bring the car around and now they could spot him waving at them.

"Hey, man!"

Rubin and Roland threw knuckles at each other, but he bowed at Theo like a knight.

"Welcome, your highness."

He frowned. As he could see, Rubin doesn't change through calls, text messages, and in-person. He tried to make fun.

"Let's go," he told Rubin and opened the car door to the back seat.

Rubin looked at Roland who just scratched his head, then took the front seat.

"Okay! The cold master is here," he murmurs before climbing the driver's seat.

Taking the city hi-ways, they often jam with the traffic. Rubin takes this opportunity to speak.

"Great timing. The central office phoned to have a major meeting for the 100th year since your Elders built the Shang Empire. Master Jeremy needs a company for his therapy tomorrow and next week's check-ups."

Theo glanced at the rearview mirror to meet Rubin's gaze. "Okay. Lady Chairman is requesting me to come as well... but I reason I'm coming here for the project," his reply.

"Anyway, about this project you are working. Both of you have said nothing to us. What exactly is this project all about with the searching?"

Roland glanced at his master, who shook the head. Theo explained, "It's not that I don't trust you, Rubin. But I don't want any complications in this project, so I better keep it to ourselves for now. This project is my life."

Rubin glanced at him in the rearview mirror. He won't doubt that. If Theo is not serious, he won't step back to this country again.

"Alright, then, I won't ask anymore. Roland said the Lady Chairman approved it, then I look forward to it."

"The King also supported it. So then, I don't want any problem during the preparation."

Rubin almost hit the brake hearing Theo's statement.

Wow. He can't believe it. He thought the siblings only acted weird. But now, their parents as well… it sounds more like an Ultimate Family United.

Rubin tears a smirk. It seems an interesting drama to watch from now on.

This family even became weird after what happened 10 years ago. But now, they started working as one, huh?

"Anyway, young Master… how long will you stay in the country?"

"Probably I will just fly here and there during the preparation for the launch and anniversary."

'Seriously?' Rubin can't believe furthermore.

Does it mean Theo considers making it his other home and expansion of his work? Rubin mumbled to himself.

"Are you serious about that?" Rubin asked to assure if he heard correctly.

Damn. The Earth must change course in her orbit.

Theo just nodded then look away outside the window. "Is Mainland normally this traffic?" he asks later.

This cracks Rubin a laugh. "Damn! Don't compare Mainland and Switzerland! Almost no traffic in there!"

"Heh, I'm just asking might, when I drive alone, I get lost," his reasons. Shrugged a shoulder, he focused his gaze outside the car window.

After an hour, trying to get away from the central city, Rubin could finally escape from the traffic, taking the route toward the Residency State.

* * *

Upon arriving, Theo scanned the mansion. He takes two minutes before he steps inside the house.

Two years ago, Jeremy told him their father and Nina came up with purchasing a mansion, then installed an impressive security system. Jeremy even sent a bunch of photos. So he has ideas of what the mansion looks like inside...

"Theo… welcome home." Jeremy was waiting near the main door.

How many years has it been? In these passing years, they only do video chatting during business meetings and occasions like birthdays and Christmas.

"Good evening, Master Jeremy."

"Good evening, Roland. Thank you for watching Theo all these years."

Ah, the world truly changes. Or maybe the siblings just turn back time to the way they are?

"It is my honor to serve the Shang, Master Jeremy," Roland replies while bowing.

"Alright, let's go to the dining room. Dinner is ready. Surely, you and Roland are hungry."

During dinner, it was Rubin and Roland who were the noisy ones, and Erika kept kicking Rubin to decrease their jokes. On the other hand, she was happy about these occasions. She was observing the brothers and sometimes Jeremy smiled. It seems the lightest meal ever since she arrived in this city.

• • •

Later in the evening, Jeremy requested for a private talk with Theo. The brothers went to the library. After Erika brought them tea, Jeremy locked the door.

"Theo, you know I have been asking you to visit me for some time. There are important matters I want to talk with you so I want to take this opportunity."

"Is this all about the Shang Empire? I was just a bastard son, so I have less power."

Jeremy heaves a sigh after Theo shows him how he wanted to end the talk.

"To your point of view, only our clan thinks that way. But truth is, they were afraid of you because you are the closest son to Harry's heart."

"What are you saying?"

"Our father showed how much he loves your mother. It means he has more favored you and his sympathy will be in you."

"What are you talking about, Jeremy?"

"Every time I see my mother cry over her jealousy and heartbreaks… but she won't divorce our father as to how much she loves him… that then, I want to do something for her. I want to be a better son to Harry, he could rely on in the future, and our grandfather trusts him to continue our family legacy."

"Until now, it was what I am working. But I cannot do this alone, Theo. It is not just about our family or aiming to win our father's heart… but we are fighting a grand battle. I won't let our uncles ruin this family Legacy. As you can see, our grandparent's lives are nearing to their ends after years, or who knows it will so sudden... When they died, everyone would quickly act to kill us all."

Theo shows he has no concern and no care at all. But Jeremy determines to explain his views.

"Until we don't secure the position we have now, and if we only sit back and feel at ease, we might lose everything in an instance."

"So are you saying, you want me to join your fight? Showing our family united, happy, and perfect?"

"This is our fight, Theo. I already perceive you would say this, but know that my mother truly cares for you. It was you who isolates yourself from us."

"But Harry sent me away!"

Jeremy pressed his lips, he massages his forehead, before he spoke again.

"Our father just thought you will be at peace if you were in the place where your mother grew up."

He watched how Theo got confused about what he asserted, so he takes this as a chance to go on. "You may don't see it, or don't want to look at it, but your family cares for you."

"Alright, if that's all true. Now, what do you want me to do?"

"As you can see in my condition, who do you think wants to marry me from an elite family in High Society? Unless we have our business partners tied to us."

"Are you pointing out the arrange-marriage with Min Xi?"

"It's not just about it, but also the future of the company and your freedom. You have no interest in running our business, so I am thinking of adopting a son."

"What? Are you serious, Jeremy? And who will you adopt?"

Jeremy pushes his wheelchair and picks up several folders on his desk.

"These are the candidates I consider are a perfect mother."

Theo only glares at them. "And why do I have to look at another set of women again?"

"They are the most suited surrogate mother. So I want you to choose who you like."

"And how does this relate to me?"

"Okay. I'll explain slowly. I can't just adopt someone unrelated to us."


"So, I am asking for your help."

"Asking my help with what?" Theo wrinkled his forehead.

"I want the child from you."

"Wait, what?" Theo tried to process his brain. "Are you fucking insane?" Theo sat up from his chair.

"That's the best solution I came up with. If I am able, do you think I would waste energy to ask you?"

"What joke is this, Jeremy? Is this something I must pay you?" he was still in great shock, and his jet lag worsened thinking about the fact.

"Why are you judging it that way? I never blame you for what happened to me. I am already ill and weak so there is no difference. Most of all, I am not asking you to pay me in the form of donating your sperms to me."

Theo laughs. What the heck? Why suddenly they were discussing such giving his sperm cells?


"I know. But can you at least consider it? I won't bother you about helping us manage all of our central offices. Instead, I will raise one."

"And how can you be sure that he will follow your footsteps and not mine?"

Jeremy laughs. Theo has a point anyway. "Who knows?" He shrugged. "But if I can train him early, at least, I have someone to inherit everything when you are not interested in it."

"Do you expect me to agree with you on this? That I just spurt my sperm to someone else I don't even know and doesn't love?"

Jeremy smirk which Theo rolled his eyes. Heaving a furious sighed, he calms down.

"These folders… don't tell me you want me to hook one of these women to get pregnant?"

"Something like that…"

Theo stood on his feet and headed to the door. "I'm tired. I have jet lag."

"You haven't look at the folders, yet."

He frowned, then said, "Don't expect me to…"

"Well, if there is someone you prefer instead, you can choose any girl as long she is suitable."

"What are these suitable for? Why is it necessarily compatible?" he asked annoyingly.

"We don't want the child ends up like me, right? Weak genetic, that leads to weak bodies, sick now and then?"

"Okay, fine. I will think about it."

Hearing this, Jeremy finally opens the system lock of the door, and Theo gets out.

"What was Jeremy been thinking?" he mumbles to himself.

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