Burning Passion

Chapter 84 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


The next morning…

Theo stared unbelievably at his brother.

They were discussing a matter with their investments when Jeremy mentions her sperm count procedure.

"Can you refrain from mentioning this out of the blue?"

Thank God no other people here. Roland was in the kitchen helping Erika making their lunch.

"Isn't it a perfect chance while you're here?" Jeremy insisted.

"I don't mind it. But I don't like what you were suggesting."

"What's wrong? Is it normal?"

"Jeez… Is that how you—" Theo pauses and remembers something. "Never mind. But, though, it's crazy."

"What? Do you want professional porn stars as inspiration? How about Hollywood ones?"


His brothers just laughed at him. What the heck? He can't believe Jeremy's head is running this way. He urges him to look around, to motivate, and be able to ejaculate after…

He's too shocked hearing his brother instructing to him this stuff, and then he would only laugh at him having a sour face as his reaction.

"Okay!" Finally, Jeremy settles down. "Matt will be here at any moment. He will go with you to meet sexy women in the city."

"I'm not interested," he frowned.

"Then you prefer online?" Jeremy has a grin on his face.

"What the hell, Jeremy?" Theo rolled his eyes, face twitching from this conversation.

He can't believe it! His brother has been tutoring him to do nasty stuff.

Not that long had passed. They heard knocks on the door.

One thing why Jeremy locks his library or bedroom, so that Erika would not just walk in and see him walking around the room or doing basic stretching to be fit.

Jeremy opens the system lock and Roland steps inside the room.

"Masters, Mr. Lawrence had arrived." He reported while bowing.

"Alright. Let him come in here," Jeremy ordered.

Roland leaves and goes down to the first floor. When he came back, Matt Lawrence was following him.

"Hello, Masters!"

"Please, take a seat, Matt. Thank you for taking the time to my request when you are busy."

"No problem!"

"Well, Theo. If you forgot, Matt, we sometimes visit their house with our father."

"Is that true?" he's curious to hear further.

"Yes. When we were teenagers."


It was Matt who replies. "You were 15 and you are 5 years older than me. You and brother Kier are the same age."

"Really?" he's confused but shrugs it. "What are we doing to their house?"

Theo asked Jeremy. His expression actually was eager to know and Jeremy perceived it.

"Well, our father is consulting Attorney Andrew Lawrence for legal matters in investing here at Mainland City."

"I see. So it was the time Shang Holdings began?"

"More like it."

"Okay. I understand now." But what he doesn't understand and wants to ask further if— normally their father takes them around to his businesses.

It seems he just forgets things, as what he often sees after losing memories; the clan sneering at him in secrets and giving unlikely look.

"So? Are we better going now? The earlier, the more we can raid later." Matt grins.

"Raid the what?"


Jeremy responded straight away, and Theo dropped his jaw.

"The heck!"

He just smirks at his younger brother who acted very conservative.

"Matt, I entrust my brother's future in your hands."

"That's my expertise!" Matt winks at Theo.

"The hell!" Theo glares at the men across him. How dare they! He will go with Matt not to look at women. But he wants to familiarize the city.

"Fine. Let's go." Theo sat up and stepped outside ahead.

Matt salutes at Jeremy before he follows Theo.

• • •

Driving around for an hour now, Theo tried to follow Matt's naughtiness. He's definitely full of jokes and taunting him for real.

"Matt can we go somewhere for a meal? I heard, there is an excellent noodle soup in the Shopping Center?" He just wanted to make an excuse to visit Nikki's family diner.

"Sure! Great timing, almost lunchtime."

Matt brings the car around toward the South District and Theo quietly follows Matt, who often elbowed him to point out a woman as they pass.

Jeez… he found no attractive at all. Not even half to Nikki's cuteness. Ah… In passing years he lost his memories; it was Nikki who accompanied his lonely life.

"Hey, we're here."

Matt patted his shoulder. He looked up and stared at his teasing face. He raised a brow and rolled his eyes. "Why are you grinning at me?"

"Are you imagining a booty now?"

"Hey! In the middle of the day? Spare me, would you? I'm not a pervert walking around the places."

Matt just laughs and pushes him inside toward the counter.

"Hello, Solange!"

"Oh, hi, Matt! Glad you came by... Special set?"

"Yup! For two!"

"Noted! Hm? Who's he?"

"Ah, right! Master Theo Shang."

"Oh, hello."

Solange greeted Theo who he just nodded.

"Phil actually knows him, but an accident happened 10 years ago, and he forgets everyone." Matt reminded.

"Ah! I remember! There are times you guys come with him in late-night and drink with Uncle Seth before the store closes."


"Yes. I am working here during my senior years. I do see you before, but just rare times." Solange smiled remembering the naughty boys.

Wow. He can't believe it. So there are occasions he shares a table with Nikki's father and drinks together?

He wishes his memories come back to recall everything.

Their meal arrives, and it was Phil who personally delivers to have a quick greeting at them.

It seems he needs to remember more than pursuing Nikki. He has an intuition that his life in the past is somehow, Nikki was part of it.

• • •

"Where do you want to go next?"

Matt asked Theo. They were now heading to the parking lot, moving to their next destination.

He was thinking where, and he wants to take this chance to visit Nikki's neighborhood.

"Can we go around the other district?"

"Sure! Oh, come on! I will introduce you to someone."

"Hey, I told you that—"


'Nikki?' He follows the direction where Matt waving. It was Nikki! He was thinking of her the entire day, and now he is bumping into her once again.

"Nikki! Headed to the shop? We just dropped there for lunch."

He listens to Matt speaking to Nikki. His heart beating with excitement. He could have a better look at her, and for many years, the voice he's dying to hear.

"Oh, brother Matt. Glad to know. Thank you."

'Ah… it was as sweet as I imagine.' Theo's thoughts. 'The way she sways her head. Her timid smile, the way her eyes blink, and she combs her hair from the wind breeze, playing a few strands. Just like how she appears to my dream. But this time, her voice proved that she is real. Ah, she's blushing. She must be shy at me, which is-- if only she knows how nervous I am meeting her like this.'

He hides his smile. Controlling his emotion and acting casually. But the truth is, he's tense and might he stammer his words. He wasn't sure either of what Matt was blabbing, but he elbowed him.

"Oh, Nikki, meet Theo Shang."

Upon hearing this, he instantly gives his hand. "Hi, nice to meet you."

'Ah! Thank god, my tongue hasn't tangled and stuttered my words.' Theo thought. 'Her hand is warm, but she quickly takes back. She must sense the electrifying warm I am feeling.'

"Please, to meet you."

'All I could hear is her sweet voice, echoing on top of my head, nothing else. I don't know what's more Matt blabbing about. I just nodded at her and followed Matt.'

"Are you daydreaming?"


"Don't tell me, you felt it with Nikki?"

Theo does not understand what Matt is talking about. His face twitches while he processes his words. Looking at Matt with wide eyes, he finally gets it.

"Hey! I don't look at her that way! She seems like a nice girl. I would not compare her to those—"

Ah, he almost reveals himself. No one knows he is dreaming about Nikki before this encounter. But he never thinks of her with indecent imagination. Knowing her in reality, he respects her even more.

"Don't you dare have the idea I flirt girls to hook up and then have a one-night stand."

"Okay, fine! Jeremy told me how conservative you are. I'm not surprised. But tell me… you had a crush at first sight with Nikki, is it?"

He's like a dumb staring back at Matt. He caught him off-guard, which he can't deny. Matt laughs at him when he just keeps silent.

"But be careful and don't dare to hook her, I will beat you up."

"Is that how my impression to you?"

'If only Matt knows how I cannot speak in front of her. But I am thankful to him. If I never come along, I would not have this chance to meet her, in which I am killing myself how to make my introduction. But being introduced by someone made everything easier. From then on, I can approach her without shredding sweats.'

A smile tore his lips but hid it quickly from Matt's sight.

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