Burning Passion

Chapter 89 - Story Of Nikki Lindsey


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Theo made long steps towards Jeremy's room after he secretly checked on Nikki. If his assistant began telling random things to Jeremy, he would only suspect him of stalking Nikki when they were in the same building. Sometimes, he does think if he was transparent when it comes to Nikki. It seems Jeremy has a strong understanding of his feelings. Maybe because they were siblings, and they have the same blood running in their veins. 

But what welcomes him entering Jeremy's room to this hospital is the last person he wants to see in his entire life.

"What are you doing here?" Instantly, a haughty glare he throws at Min Xi.

The woman seems to have just arrived. Standing nearby is her assistant, who quickly bowed at him and never raised his head again.

"What are you thinking, Theo? Why did you choose an unknown person for Shang's celebration?"

Theo's brow twitches upward, hearing the woman confront him. "Did you fly here to tell me this? How entitled are you to question my decisions?" he blurted out and did not spare to sound kind.

Min Xi presses her lips while opening her purse and throws a torn photo at Theo.

"Who is this girl!? What's special to her? Is she an actress? Is she an International supermodel? Have you realized she will be only a laughingstock in that event?"

"Your mouth is so full of shit. How can you judge a person you haven't known or met yet?"

"Really? How about you? Oh, don't tell me she strips in front of you to win the role in that celebration?"

"Is that how you think of me? A scumbag person? Besides, Nikki is not that kind of wo—"

"Is that so? And her name is Nikki, huh? Did she already spread her legs to get your attention and offer the part?"

"Shut up, Min Xi! Did you get my attention after you tried to spread your legs in front of me?" He returned.

From his sarcasm, Min Xi's fury erupted. She attacks Theo, hitting him while screaming. "How dare you mistreat me like this?!"

He catches her hand, pushes Min Xi, but just lightly. Theo still tried to control his anger. He is truly rude, but he doesn't want to hurt a girl physically. But it happens, Min Xi always takes up all his tolerance with her attitude. "Stop testing my patience with you, Min Xi!"

"I hate you!"

"Enough, both of you!" Jeremy shouted. Erika is pushing his wheelchair, coming out from the room that stands as his bedroom.

"May this room be soundproof from outside. But so irritating hearing you both in my bedroom."

Now that Jeremy shows up, she wants to take a chance to get his sympathy. "Why are you allowing an unnamed model for the Shang's gathering, Jeremy?"

Massaging his forehead, Jeremy looked at Min Xi. He loudly sighed and said, "Can you two take a seat? You're giving me a headache."

Theo is calming down a bit. He takes a single couch, and Min Xi drops her body to the nearest sofa. She was still feeling infuriated, unsatisfied that Jeremy did not reply to her instantly. But she can't be impulsive with him. She has to put up a little patience to get what she wants.

"About this project, Min Xi. We don't need a known name if she is not perfect for the launch to endorse the new product," Jeremy explained.

"What new product?"

"Since it is a new product. We need a new image to present that night. That is why we chose someone with no experience in entertainment." Theo added in which, the usual, there is a firmness to his tone.

Min Xi calms down her shaking hands. Theo always slaps her in how he disliked working with her, nor seeing her and being in the same place. But she comes here not to give up.

"Why does it have to be a new face? Isn't that supposed to be represented by a Shang? Why can't I get this part when I am a future Shang?" she blurted out.

Hearing this, Theo's left brow rose and laughed. "And how would that happen? Do you still believe I would marry you?"

Min Xi glares at the guy across from her. Every time, all he shows is a rejection toward her. She just wanted to win his heart, but he is such a coldhearted man. She doubts if Theo ever knows how to love as how heartless he is toward her.

Jeremy heaves a sigh before he continues to speak.

"Alright. Let us calm down now. There's nowhere this talk goes if you both only argue and fight at each other. Now, since we are here, let's talk about a very important matter between you too."

"As everyone knows, you are engaged with each other. Whether one disagrees with this, but right now, you cannot behave differently to each other in public."

"What are you talking about, Jeremy?" Theo raised a protest. "How can you say that now?" he questioned.

"Listen first, Theo. Expectations from you by our grandfather to marry Min Xi and seal the merging of the Hong and Shang collaborations all these years. However, even I am against it..." he paused and fixed his gaze at Min Xi.

"What are you saying, Jeremy!" Min Xi sat up from the sofa. Won't Even Jeremy take her side?

Jeremy turned his head at Erika, who was standing quietly behind him. Nodding at her, she went towards Jeremy's room and when she came back, a blue envelope she handed to Jeremy.

"These are evidence and acts of embezzlement by my uncle and your father from grandfather's backing account of the Shang Empire Funds."

"What?" She went pale.

"Your father is collaborating with the scheme of money laundering. The investment the Shang added to your company just spent on. Now your father has debts to the lending company to cope with the lost money. As to the present, your family is facing a huge crisis to pay the Lenders. Am I right, Min Xi?"

She gulped before she replied. "And you sounded like threatening me, Jeremy."

"Grandfather hasn't known about this yet. Don't worry." He smirks.

Theo cannot believe what he is witnessing now. Jeremy seems to trap Min Xi with something. 'What is he planning?' Theo wrinkled his forehead.

"How about Uncle Harry?" Min Xi keeps her pride not to sputter her words. She should not look helpless, like begging Shang to pay their debts. Those bastards threatened them by only giving them a short period to pay off the loan money. To be saved, her father agreed to Robert Shang, giving him the amount they needed. In returning, Hong's family will favor him when the time comes to lead the clan.

"Yes, he knew already. I told him about my suspicions. That is why I run an investigation," Jeremy answered.

Min Xi closes her eyes. Yes, she learned about these debts five years ago. That's right. She tried to seduce Theo to sleep with her, but he never showed interest in bed her… that was what Theo pointed out earlier. She is prepared to spread her legs in front of him, so then, she will force him to marry her after they sleep together. But all along, initially, her parents encouraged her to do such things so it would have saved them. They believe that Harry Shang will take the throne in the end.

However, she's not tailing Theo because of the crisis their company has been facing. She truly loves him. That is why she wants a marriage with him. She's willing to give up her career if Theo asks her to, as she knows he is not interested in running the Shang Empire. But the feelings are not mutual.

"Now then, let's pretend we never discuss this issue," Jeremy stated.

Confused about what Jeremy was playing now, Min Xi speaks up. "There is an exchange for your silence?"

"I'm not only taking my silence, Min Xi. I will also help you out when the time comes. Meaning, I will help your family get through the matters if you listen carefully and follow what I want to happen."

"You are?" she was instead now surprised than confused. "Then, what do you want, Jeremy?" But she had a bad feeling with the entire picture playing in her head.

"I am looking for a surrogate mother."

(to be continued)

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