Burning Soul

Chapter 126 - MaBeasts

“MaBeasts! Now, what the heck are these?” Merida who was irritated at being wrong vented off,

“There is a reason why Beastmen chose to live in this region of the entire continent!

The Ley Line has the purest veins going through this region. That means the purity of Mana is highest here and the amount is greater.

As for what it translates to in real-life scenarios, the body is able to absorb more Mana and the Mana that it gains is the purest allowing the structure and strength of one’s body to be greatly affected.

In positive ways!

That also means that it affects animals that live in this region!

It is said that the ancient God of Mystic Arts used to train his abilities in this region of the continent affecting the area and infusing it with abundant Ley Lines; eventually, he placed the Purest Ley Line here before ascending and hiding the Seed!”

Mystic art is spirit expressed into the matter. A mystic artist receives and transmits revelation, providing their art as a medium for messages from the divine matrix of creation. Mystic art affirms the holy mystery and the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty. It includes spiritual nectar, luminous food for the soul, eyes taste the nectar and return for sweet nourishment. It renews the subtle light body surrounding and interpenetrating our physical body. Our subtle body is purified, uplifted and healed by visually absorbing deity and ideal forms.

As she explained there were faces with questions,

“So, the Ley Line affected and mutated these animals in such creatures?” Theo connected the dots and came up with an explanation, a simpler one.


That’s smart of you!

Also, they are not just your everyday monsters!

Look at this one carefully!” She pointed to the body of the MaBeast.

It had quite a different build, his torso resembled that of a bear, large and round in shape! While his face resembled that of a wolf! With sharp teeth, his mouth was nothing less than a bloody trap that could easily crush one’s entire body, while his tongue was a bit cat-like with inward-facing spines that were designed to tear flesh clean from bones! With four tails and a body covered in thick fur, it looked so well constructed.

“It’s as if someone deliberately made them!” It was nothing to be so awful about, but one could simply not ignore its well-built body!

“That is the result of Ley Line Manifestation, it is believed that these creatures began appearing a long time ago! Even before the first Beastmen arrived!

Also, over time, MaBeasts are believed to have gained intelligence, not as high as us but relatively high compared to any other monster!

These monsters are of the strongest type by being physically stronger than the rest, have extremely powerful abilities and are so unique that it is hard for hunters to hunt them or the majority of hunters will never meet one, nor will ever. They commonly prey upon humans and other animals which are not very strong. When they die, their souls are sent to neither heaven nor hell, but to Purgatory.

Their strength also is quite high!

Though this is the common type of MaBeasts that are seen in the vicinity of Arnor!

Hmm, Four tails!

This one isn’t that threatening!

But why would it attack a village?” She had a troubled look that intrigued others as well.

“Why! What does that mean? Do they usually don’t?” Merida asked her back as both Aeneas and Theo looked at each other with a questioned look,

“The great Lord Zura is also known as the Vampire Queen and is worshipped by cannibals, draws, and of course, Vampires. Her unholy symbol is a blood-red, flanged skull, embossed with runes. Zura's worship is most common wherever bloodthirsty MaBeasts or monsters and their thralls can be found.

She is said to appear as a voluptuous woman, with blue Gothic beauty that is almost impossible to resist. This beautiful form is merely a ruse she uses to seduce her victims; her true form is that of an emaciated woman with bat-like wings in place of her arms, blood-red eyes with thick eyelashes, large fangs and taloned feet, seven razor sharptails. Her hairs are lank and lustreless, falling around her like strings of rotting straw.

She bestows protection against the supernatural powers of undead beings and various powers that emulate vampirism in her most rewarded followers, culminating in the ability to temporarily become a vampire for a short period of time.

If I remember, she had a pact with Lord of Arnor a long time ago!

What was it again…”? She tried remembering as it was a pretty old script!

“To never invade each other’s territory! Provide protection in return of never disclosing the identity and location of the settlement of the Great Zura!”

The familiar voice of Dimitri who just opened the door and walked in startled them!

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