Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 11 The first pot of gold (Part 2)

Liu Sen directly transferred 5,000 to him with Alipay, then squatted down to observe the remaining wool, and even took a photo of the wool with his mobile phone.

Semi-deconstructed ordinary jadeite wool

Net weight: 4.5kg

Jade content: 350 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 0.7)

Jade planting water: 3.5

Liu Sen looked at the information and knew that the stone would only cost more than a thousand yuan to solve, and the color and seeding water were of the worst quality. But I can modify it myself. I don’t know what level of jade it can be.

Semi-deconstructed ordinary jadeite wool

Net weight: 4.5kg

Jade content: 3500 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 7.0)

Jade seed water: 35.0

Liu Sen looked at the modified wool and saw that there was no change in appearance, because Liu Sen subconsciously hoped that there would be no change in appearance.

And the result was just as he thought, without any problems.

"Master, rub this stone for me, I bet he can deliver it." Liu Sen said to the stone master.

The stone master was surprised when he heard that the stone was to be polished, but due to his professional ethics, he still followed Liu Sen's request.

People around him also started talking about it. The material for this performance was cut like this and the stones were rubbed.

This young man doesn't think that this material can produce big things. It's too whimsical. If it can produce big things, it's your turn.

Seeing that there was still a show to watch, everyone who had originally planned to leave gathered around again.

Soon the stone master began to rub along the ground where the jadeite had been produced before, and he saw that the area that was only a few centimeters before gradually expanded. The color also gradually becomes darker.

This scene caused people around to exclaim.

"This, this, is this a slight increase or a sharp increase?"

"It's true that one knife makes you poor and the other makes you rich!"

"Sure enough, no one knows what the result will be until the end. This is the charm of gambling on stones."

The middle-aged man in a suit did not leave. When he saw it, he was dumbfounded and said with emotion: "It would be great if I persisted to the end."

Liu Sen couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this, and thought to himself, if you persist to the end, none of the five thousand will be left in the end.

Persisting to the end may not necessarily result in gain, it may lead to bankruptcy, and sometimes you really have to cut your losses. Just like stock trading, after you buy it, it will continue to fall, and you will not stop losing money and keep covering up your position. As a result, it will continue to fall. You will become a shareholder by covering up your position, and finally go bankrupt.

He had a friend who just bought the bottom of the mountain halfway up the mountain. Unexpectedly, there was the bottom of the mountain behind him.

"Little brother, I'll buy it for 500,000 yuan," the middle-aged fat man said to Liu Sen.

"Sorry, I want to solve it all. If you want it, we can negotiate the price." Liu Sen replied.

The middle-aged fat man stopped talking and just watched from the side, but there was regret on his face.

Maybe it was a pity that Wuqian didn't take over before, or maybe Liu Sen didn't agree to his offer.

Liu Sen only scratched the tip of the iceberg after knowing this, and it is absolutely impossible to sell it now.

When all the jadeite is wiped out and then sold, he will not keep it for himself. The purpose of his coming here is to raise funds.

When the initial capital is enough, I will save some and make them to give to my family.

As time passed, the jadeite that was rubbed out became larger and larger, and there were more and more comments around it. Everyone's face was flushed and their expressions were excited, as if they had been cut.

"This young man has lost his temper."

"Yes, I just don't know how big it will be in the end and how the planting water will be."

"Hey, no one dared to take over this material before because the performance was so poor."

"This material is so deceptive. All the good stuff is hidden and not shown. Or it can be said that the boss just now was very unlucky."

The stone master wiped it carefully, for fear of accidentally wiping off the flesh. Finally, after wiping it all, he rinsed it with water. The jadeite stone instantly bloomed with a rich green color, only a little light at the edge at one end.

In an instant, the surrounding crowd exclaimed. There were many more people around than at the beginning, all because of the huge increase in jade here.

"This rough stone is so big, and is it imperial green? The water head is really good."

"This can make six or seven pairs of bracelets. This is really valuable."

The shop owner directly brought an electronic scale. Liu Sen put it on it and weighed it. The total was 3412g. Then he took a few more photos. In fact, he even took a video of the whole process when he was polishing the stone.

Before, everyone just made a visual inspection, but now that the specific weight came out, everyone was instantly excited about how much it would cost.

Rough stones of this quality are rarely seen, let alone such a large one.

After Liu Sen sent a big red envelope to Master Jieshi, he said to everyone: "I am going to sell this rough stone. Does anyone of you want to buy it?"

Immediately, several people stood up. These people were from jewelry companies and some were big bosses. They all wanted to get this piece of jade. High-end jade is always scarce.

"You can wait a moment. I'll take another look to see if I can come up with something good. Let's talk about it then."

Then Liu Sen continued to stroll around the market, followed by a group of people, some interested, and more just watching the excitement.

Soon Liu Sen was in front of a stall selling half-bet wool. Half-bet wool was wool that had been sold through the window. There was a dedicated person doing this business.

However, window openings are generally more expensive, so Liu Sen quickly selected several pieces of wool and paid more than 90,000 yuan in total.

Open window ordinary jade wool

Net weight: 1.6kg

Jade content: 62 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 1.2)

Jade seed water: 4.5

Open window ordinary jade wool

Net weight: 3.2kg

Jade content: 123 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 1.0)

Jade planting water: 2.1

Open window ordinary jade wool

Net weight: 2.7kg

Jade content: 154 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 2.1)

Jade planting water: 5.1

Open window ordinary jade wool

Net weight: 3.7kg

Jade content: 204 grams

Jade color: purple (chroma 0.9)

Jade planting water: 4.1

Open window ordinary jade wool

Net weight: 1.4kg

Jade content: 37 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 0.4)

Jade planting water: 1.1

A total of five and a half yuan was spent on woolen materials, and he bought two more ordinary pieces of woolen materials. Liu Sen only modified the first four and a half pieces of woolen materials, and after paying the money, he knew that the full-blocking woolen materials did not contain any jade.

Soon, five pieces of jade were solved while a group of people were stunned. The purple and 2.7 kilogram pieces, the two best materials, were not solved, and all the others were solved.

Jade rough stone

Net weight: 1.6kg

Jade content: 620 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 12)

Jade planting water: 45

Open window ordinary jade wool

Net weight: 3.2kg

Jade content: 1230 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 10)

Jade planting water: 21

Open window ordinary jade wool

Net weight: 1.4kg

Jade content: 370 grams

Jade color: green (chroma 4)

Jade planting water: 11

Except for the last piece, which is average, the other two pieces are no worse than the previous piece. Even the first piece is much better than the previous one, both in terms of color and seed water.

Liu Sen packed up the two pieces of unsolved jade and the four pieces of unsolved jade.

"Little brother, don't you understand the two pieces?" the shop owner asked.

"No, keep the rest and go back and play slowly."

Liu Sen left the store with his things, and many people around him suddenly poured into the store and began to select and buy jade wool, hoping to get lucky.

"Okay, let's go to the hotel next door and use the conference room over there to discuss it."

Seeing that several people who were interested in buying had no objections, he took the lead and walked out of the jade market. The few people following behind looked at each other and quickly started making phone calls.

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