"Think about it, many children today can see a lot of information through external tablets, TVs, mobile phones, and computers when they are very young, and many of them are not conducive to children's growth. After the popularization of the chip era in the future, the world will These things will be eliminated to a great extent, so that they will not receive bad information at all, and they will grow up healthily!"

"When they reach adulthood, their minds will be sound, and they will automatically distinguish between good and bad information on the Internet!"

"At the same time, so-called bullying will also be eliminated. After all, their daily perspectives are recorded, and parents can view them during this period! Of course, when you view them, all bad images from the child's perspective and other people's information will be Make a mosaic to protect the privacy of others. If you are bullying, you only need to call the police, and then the police will have the authority to remove the relevant mosaics and use them as evidence!”

"Of course, you adults' perspective pictures will also have personal information protection measures. Those yellow ones and other people's faces can only be viewed by you. Once shared with others, the auxiliary algorithm of your Core Era chip will automatically Recognize and code directly.”

"At the same time, you adults cannot share your perspective and operating interface with minors!"

Liu Sen will not leave any loopholes for them in this regard.

Otherwise, what those people see through voyeurism can be spread at will, which is illegal and also violates other people's privacy.

Liu Sen's words shocked everyone again.

This protection of minors is really too powerful.

It directly eliminates various problems of the current Internet, and privacy is also very well protected.

Many people were still worried.

The promotion of Core Era is directly equivalent to adding more than 6 billion high-definition cameras in the world that are always working, and they are also mobile cameras.

It can be said that everyone is exposed to surveillance

If you need to urinate urgently due to special circumstances, find a place to pee.

Then people passing by or in other directions saw it, and directly posted the video on the Internet, wouldn't it be very social?

This time it was solved perfectly.

You can only see it yourself, it will be all mosaic when it is sent out.

Unless it is a police report and used as evidence for investigation, the original picture can only be viewed through analysis through the special port permissions of Yidian Group.

Liu Sen's words reassured many people, but also made many people frown.

[Ah, this privacy protection is really good! The things released by Yidian Group seem to pay great attention to regulations such as stealth. This was also done in the previous micro-drone of smart glasses. The things captured by the micro-drone will be mosaic if they are sensitive! 】

[A little disappointed, a friend of mine doesn’t quite understand this! Why should the things I see be restricted? 】

[In this way, children will no longer have to worry about receiving unhealthy content when they grow up! 】

[Can some games or movies not have so many restrictions? After all, they are all 18+ people! 】

[Let’s do this. After the child grows up to 18 years old, he suddenly finds that the chip is activated and sees a transparent window page. Will he think that the appearance system is activated? 】

[Haha, it’s really possible! After all, this thing really looks like a system! 】

In an instant, countless people laughed.

Nowadays, countless people have read various novels, time travel, rebirth, entertainment, etc., in which most of the protagonists have changed their lives because of the system.

And now in this Core Era, if not everyone has it, but only one person has it, then it can really be regarded as having obtained the system.

After all, it can have functions such as recording life, searching for information online, and assisting with work, which is almost the same as the system.

In fact, what they didn't know was that what they saw was only the civilian Core Era.

There is also a more advanced core era, which is much more powerful and can assist the human body in exercising. It can even be used overclocked, allowing a person to become a little superman in a short time.

After Liu Sen finished speaking, he stood there waiting to continue asking questions.

"Mr. Liu, what is the cost of this core era?" Another person stood up and asked.

"We pay attention to the inclusiveness of the people. Although the cost is high, we will not charge too much. Each person will only be charged 100 yuan. At the same time, all transactions running on Core Era will be charged 1%-5 % of the fee is used to maintain and update the network environment of Core Era, as well as pay for network traffic and cloud storage fees.”

Everyone exclaimed when they heard the fee of 100 yuan.

The expressions of everyone present changed.

The promotion of Core Era is really unstoppable.

The price is cheap, the experience surpasses all current devices, and there is fair demand from the masses.

No one can refuse this.

But the subsequent 1%-5% fee makes some people seem to have found a breakthrough.

"Mr. Liu, is it too high to charge 1%-5% for each transaction?"

"Is it high? How much is your monthly phone bill now? Do you have 100 yuan? And do you spend more than 10,000 yuan on the Internet every month?"

"Well, almost!"

The person who asked the question actually thought that he was keeping too much secret, but if he said it like this, wouldn't it mean that the 1% would exceed the phone bill?

"Look, your 1% is equivalent to a monthly phone bill. With Core Era, you don't have to pay for Internet access. There are also various extremely powerful experiences, which can replace countless devices and truly realize the interconnection of all things. You have made a lot of money, and you still think it's too high? This charge of 1%-5% is charged in a tiered manner. For example, if your total monthly consumption is less than 10,000 yuan, only the basic 50 yuan will be charged. If it exceeds 10,000-100,000, it will be 1%, 100,000-1 million will be 2%, 1 million-5 million will be 3%, 5 million-10 million will be 4%, and 10 million or more will be charged 5%!"

The person who asked the question sat down with his head down.

The live broadcast room was already crowded with comments.

There were all kinds of voices.

Many people were complaining about Liu Sen and thinking of ways to charge.

After all, every transaction will be charged 1%-5%

Think about it, this is really a lot.

[This is sucking blood, how much money does it cost! If you spend 1 million online, you will need to pay 19,050 yuan. So many. 】

【It's really too much. I wanted to support Mr. Liu at first, but now I don't dare to support him! 】

【You think too highly of yourselves. You can spend more than 10,000 yuan a month, so your monthly salary must be more than tens of thousands. This is only 100 yuan, which is less than your usual phone and internet fees. 】

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