The president listened to the report of his subordinates and was silent for a while.

"I think they will accept our merger. After all, this is an expansion of territory, and with our joining, they will have a very large strategic space here!"

"And this is a referendum, no other country can make irresponsible remarks!"

"If they accept it, they are just going with the flow!"

The president's words made his subordinates nod, understanding a lot.

But he still didn't understand something, so he asked: "If we merge with China, will our interests still be protected?"

Their consortium controls most of the economic lifeline of Kimchi Country, and they are the ones who bring politicians to the fore.

It can be said that in Kimchi Country, their consortium is the emperor of the country.

If this were to be merged into the Huaxia Kingdom, they would definitely lose a lot of power, and they would even no longer be able to control this land.

China will not agree to their model.

"President, another thing is that it is probably impossible for us to want one country, two systems now!"

"One country, two systems, don't even think about it! That kind of policy is just a stop-gap measure when the country is not strong enough. It is simply impossible for China to do this now! Even if we want to merge with China, it still depends on China Do you want to, after all, we are taking advantage now that we are annexed! I am certain that it will succeed, and it is because our cultures are actually very close, and many of them are even passed down from China, and we were once a tributary country!"

The president said this and said again: "There is also the fact that we are not becoming a vassal state again, but directly annexed. This is also because the treatment of the two is different. The vassal state is actually still a second-class citizen, and it is directly merged. But as for real citizens, they are the ones who enjoy the best treatment!”

"In this way, our interests can be best protected!"

There was something else he didn't say.

Nowadays, there are also top-level people all over the world. The more information channels they have, the more they understand the development of China and the scientific and technological content of Yidian Group.

The more desperate they become.

The technological gap between the two is no longer a gap between two generations, but four or five generations, and this gap is getting wider.

After the Core Era came out, they no longer even had the intention to catch up.

Because they can't understand it anymore.

Therefore, they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to directly guide the people to directly incorporate the country into China.

The sooner the better.

The longer China continues to be strong, the more time it takes, the Chinese people will become more and more confident, and even look down on other countries and people.

Only Chinese people can enjoy the best resources and technology in the future.

By that time, if they want to join, the Chinese people may not be willing, because they no longer look down on them.

But now, they want to join. China's national consciousness has not yet completely transcended, and they are still willing to accept it because of the expansion of territory.

Then there will definitely be many people commenting on the Internet.

Countless people must actively accept them.

There is a wave of welcome on the Internet, and the government will take it into consideration.

These thoughts flashed through the president's mind, and then he said to his subordinates: "Our interests? Haha, as long as we become Chinese people, our interests will only be more. The local market of China is not small. Bring the influence of China into the The global market is very easy! At the same time, in terms of economics, we can compete fairly with domestic companies in China. We are not worse than them, and our foundation is still good!”

"Okay, keep an eye on the reaction on the Internet! At the same time, instruct the group and its subsidiaries to be prepared. After the merger, they will immediately carry out industrial and commercial changes with all company information! We have to seize time!"

At the same time, countless leaders of countries in space also saw the news that Kimchi Country voted to join China.

In the room of the leader of the Lighthouse Nation.

"Have you all seen the information about Kimchi Nation's referendum to join China? Tell me about Michael and Kevin. Can you tell me what you think?" Robin sat on the sofa, touched his chin and then said to a few people on the other side.

At the same time, he shared a network window in his perspective with several people around him.

"I really didn't expect this situation! This is developing too fast!" Michael stretched out his hand and dragged the shared network window in front of him.

After being developed, I confidently looked at the voting-related information, and there were also many people’s comment information.

"Punima just objected and was immediately dismissed by the people. Then the interim president's proposal was rejected, and then there was an analysis of the relevant referendum proposals! These links are connected one after another, this is too smooth! And such a hasty referendum , and 99.9% of the people approved it in just a few hours. This is definitely because of someone behind it!”

As Kevin spoke, he used his mind to control and pick out the comments of one person after another from the Internet.

Arrange them all together.

The timing of the above speeches is clearly visible. Although they are not from the same person, the tone and timing are definitely not a coincidence.

Robin couldn't help but sigh inwardly as he watched the two men control Core Era.

This core era is really easy to use.

Within half an hour after they were implanted with the Core Era chip, they could no longer leave the Core Era.

Work communication is really easy and free.

"Do you think this was promoted by China?" Robin said with narrowed eyes.

Michael and Kevin shook their heads.

"This is unlikely. China is now at the top of the world. They don't need to do this. After all, it doesn't help them and will only damage their reputation!" Michael said.

"Well, even if China promotes it, it won't be so smooth. There will definitely be a lot of resistance, such as the local consortium in Kimchi Country! Only the local consortium in Kimchi Country can do this, and they have such influence in their home country!"

Kevin's tone changed when he said this.

"To be honest, I admire the decision-making power of the local consortium in Kimchi Country. They are really decisive! If the plan is really completed and they merge into China, then their development will be rapid!"

Robin and the others were silent.

"You said, we..."

Michael just said halfway and suddenly shut up.

He knew there was no need to say it, but he knew very well that China would never agree with them.

At this time, the people on both sides are naturally different.

"It's okay. Fortunately, we changed quickly. We are now staunch supporters of China. At least the development of our family will not be restricted! We can't control other people!"

In other places, people were also discussing silently.

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