Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 122: First phase of construction completed

In the Materials Research Institute, Liu Sen is conducting research and testing with Lin Ou.

At this time, Liu Sen's cell phone vibrated.

Liu Sen ignored it and completed the final process adjustments with Lin Ou.

He said hello to Liu Ou, asked them to proceed with the next step of production testing, and left the laboratory.

After looking at the phone display, he saw a call from Wu Qing and dialed back.

"Liu Sen, the Brave Bulletproof Suit has been tested and a lot of data has been collected. A copy of the data will be sent to you shortly."

Wu Qing, who was on the opposite side, sounded very happy and continued.

"During this test, some accidents happened. After a small-scale actual combat, the performance of the body armor was proved. Now the front-line troops are waiting to change."

This encounter on the southwest border has spread to a small extent internally. There were some doubts about the performance of the Brave Body Armor, but now they are eager to equip it as soon as possible.

"When I receive your field test data report, I will see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted. Then I will start mass production according to the design drawings."

Liu Sen heard Mr. Wu's words and gave the reply that the other party wanted to hear.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Sen changed his clothes and walked out of the laboratory.

The two strong men who had been waiting at the entrance of the laboratory came over immediately.

"Let's go and do something." Liu Sen said directly to the other party.

The other party nodded and said into the headset.

"The boss is leaving." Then he followed Liu Sen.

Liu Sen took the two of them directly out of the Materials Research Institute.

There were already three cars waiting at the door. The big man who spoke before took two steps forward and opened the door of the middle car.

Liu Sen got into the car, and the other two followed.

"Guan Er, go to the Guardian Base." Liu Sen said when he saw that everyone was already in the car.

"Target Guardian Base." The big man who spoke before once again informed everyone through the headset.

The special veterans who had agreed with Wu Qing a few days ago finally arrived. There were more than a dozen in total, four of them women. Plus there are dozens of veterans from other units.

Liu Sen quickly made arrangements. The female security guards were directly assigned to his family and the three girls. Other company executives also made arrangements.

There were seven people directly arranged around Liu Sen, and Guan Er was one of them.

He is the captain of Liu Sen Security.

In fact, there will be good arrangements for this group of people when they retire, and they will basically be assigned. However, the country considered that Liu Sen really needed protection, so it persuaded this group of people to be mobilized.

After all, it is really not good to arrange the protection of active personnel.

After all, Liu Sen is not an official, but the boss of an operating company.

Half an hour later, we arrived at the gate of the Guardian Base. The current Guardian Base has changed drastically. A fence has been built around the perimeter, and a manor has also been built.

It is to cover the base in the mountain behind.

After entering the manor, we quickly arrived in front of the mountain and entered the interior of the guardian base through the gate.

The entire base is not like being in a cave, but like being in a building with several floors.

Soon Wang Anping and Li Han came to Li Sen.

"Mr. Liu, the construction of Hall No. 1 has been completed, and all water and electricity have been connected. It is ready for use."

Liu Sen nodded. It seemed that the instruments needed to be used had to be filled in as soon as possible, and some research groups were also preparing to move here.

"There are also four other halls that are still under construction, and the underground construction is also in progress simultaneously. There is no underground passage connecting Hall 1. Among the other four halls, Hall 1 will serve as a transfer station, so that the other four halls will Better defense and security in this hall.”

Liu Sen nodded and continued.

"When will this underground dedicated rail transportation channel be completed? Some large machines cannot enter and exit directly from here. Problems will occur if it is used too often."

"Excavation is already underway, and 10 TBMs have been shipped. It has also been announced that a subway from Jinling to Jiedu will be opened. Of course, it is indeed being built. But that subway is 10 meters underground. Ours is About 100 meters underground.”

Liu Sen nodded. The country did a good job in keeping secrets secret.

Li Han was notified and asked the troops to cooperate in arranging personnel and deliver the needed instruments directly to the base in the evening.

There are many researchers who also need to investigate and communicate. They must have a heart for China before they can enter here. In this regard, the country needs to cooperate with the investigation.

"Li Han, I will give you a list later. These people need to check their backgrounds and other aspects. These people will also be the first group of people to enter the base."

"Okay, I will check it out soon. People with impure thoughts cannot get into this place." Li Han knew the importance of this place, and he needed to carefully screen the people who entered.

After Liu Sen looked around, he left the base.

That night, a list of people who needed to enter the base was drawn up and sent to Li Han.

Then I started to look at some data reports used in the testing of body armor.

Different usage scenarios have been combined again, design drawings have been fine-tuned, and some performance adjustments have even been made.

For example, firefighters do not need such high strength and do not need the ability to produce body armor. As long as they can insulate from temperature, simple and normal protection will be enough.

Including the colors of some production materials have also been adjusted, including black, camouflage, military green, desert color, sea blue, white, etc., which can adapt to any external environment.

The adjustment was completed quickly, and the overall framework was still the style and details of the design drawings given by Mr. Kong.

Liu Sen adjusted very small places.

A complete set was simply made in the laboratory.

Because the material is very elastic, there is no size requirement, all are one size.

Liu Sen looked at the whole set in front of him, which was very slimming, and he couldn't help but want to try it on.

He took off his clothes and left only a pair of underwear.

He started to put it on. The clothes were very elastic and thin, and it was very easy to put on. Then came the pants, socks, and finally the headgear.

After everything was put on, Liu Sen looked in the mirror.

This is definitely a tights, tightly attached to the body, showing the muscle lines of the whole body very clearly, very sexy.

If you don't see the clothes, it looks like you are not wearing them.

But no matter how you look at it, it looks a bit like Spider-Man or Ultraman.

That is, the eyes are exposed, and the rest is covered.

This outfit is really embarrassing.

No matter, it's not worn outside anyway, there must be normal military uniforms outside.

The most important thing is that it has good bulletproof performance.

This outfit is really like wearing a mecha. As long as it doesn't hit the eyes, you can go anywhere.

Liu Sen looked at it and sighed, it's not much different from the Iron Man in Marvel, and it's more flexible than that.

It just doesn't have the ability to fly and doesn't have an energy cannon.

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