Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 151 One high-precision machine tool? 100?

"You can send us the drawings of the mobile phone chip, and I will arrange testing now."

Liu Sen directly brought up the idea of ​​​​Hua Petals.

"Okay, I'll have them send it over right away." Mr. Ren hesitated after hearing Liu Sen's readily agreed.

I waved to the person on the side and saw that he made a phone call immediately.

Not long after, Liu Sen received an email.

After confirming the content, Liu Sen directed the engineers on the side to debug it.

The input of the drawings was quickly completed and manufacturing started on one of the assembly lines.

Everyone at Petal waited anxiously. Originally, it would take a long time to debug from getting the drawings to starting manufacturing.

They didn't expect that Yidian would start so soon.

Mr. Ren and the others saw with their own eyes that the wafers were fed into the lithography machine and their chip drawings were entered into the photolithography machine.

The wafer is seen to be laser engraved on the inside.

I feel very excited, after all, success or failure depends on this.

As time passed, the lithography machine stopped working and the wafers were sent out.

Soon the segmentation and encapsulation began.

Liu Sen immediately arranged for people to conduct tests, and they were all very successful.

The finished product reached 100%.

Liu Sen directly gave all the chips, including an engraved wafer, to Mr. Ren.

"It's really done."

Mr. Ren couldn't believe it and turned to look at Yu Dazui beside him. There was also excitement in his eyes.

"Thank you very much. We will go back immediately for professional testing. If there are no problems, we will ask you to help us produce some."

Mr. Ren held Liu Sen's hand tightly and shook it vigorously.

"It's okay, can we send some people to your place to study chip design for a while."

"No problem, your people are welcome to study."

Mr. Ren agreed without any hesitation.

Liu Sen saw that his goal was achieved, and his smile became more sincere.

Huaban's chip design capabilities are among the best in the world, so we want to arrange for some employees to study there.

This can quickly improve Yidian's chip design capabilities.

After they come back and design a high-standard design again, which belongs to 100 million points, then he can use the golden finger to improve again.

The higher knowledge gained is then provided to internal employees within the base.

Although he now has the design drawings of the petals, the ownership of the drawings still belongs to the petals.

These drawings cannot be directly enhanced using cheats.

Mr. Ren was sent away, and some engineers who were going to study also left together.

Liu Sen returned to the office and received a call from Logistics Minister Wu Qing again.

"Asen, I received a report from Li Han. Your place is really capable of producing high-precision machine tools." The voice on the phone was still so calm, but the joy could still be felt.

"Yes, I can't possibly joke about this."

"Are you sure? Is it accurate to 0.0001μ?" Wu Qing confirmed again.

"Yes, the base can now produce machine tools with this processing speed."

"Now we need a batch to supply to the confidential unit. Can your production keep up?"

"No problem, as much as you want."

"Can I have 10 units?" Wu Qing asked a little cautiously.

"10 stations?" Liu Sen was a little confused when he heard the data reported by Wu Lao, and his tone also changed a little.

Wu Qing heard Liu Sen's tone and immediately knew that he was a little greedy.

It is very difficult to manufacture such a high-precision machine tool.

After all, this is the world leader. The highest machining accuracy announced in the world is now only 0.0005μ precision. It is estimated that it will take a month or two to produce one unit.

As Yidian can be produced now, it is estimated that one unit may take several months or even longer.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he wanted an output of 100 million or more years, and some lions opened their mouths.

Wu Qing couldn't help but change his mind and said: "Then I want one first, and then provide one every year from now on, okay?"

Liu Sen couldn't help but frown when he heard this. Do you want so little?

Whether the country has such high-precision machine tools has not been made public.

Therefore, Mr. Wu ordered a few units from him as a favor order.

He hasn't set a price yet. You must know that high-precision machine tools are very expensive. His price must be very low. After all, they are supplied to the country.

Another point is that it is really easy to produce. You can easily produce more than ten or twenty units in a month.

If full production is carried out, it is estimated that there will be 50 units.

Small machine tools can produce hundreds of units.

Liu Sen thought about it for a moment, then stopped thinking about it and said directly: "Okay, you can arrange for someone to receive the goods tomorrow."

Going to receive the goods tomorrow, Wu Qing wondered if Liu Sen had given them the ones he had produced before.

Liu Sen is developing very well now. Don't let this matter delay his development. You still need to tell him that they can wait.

After all, the lack of national machine tools has been going on for decades, and it doesn't make much difference if it comes later.

"Asen, there is no need to be in such a hurry. Although we have been short of high-precision machine tools for decades, it is not less than a month or two. There is no need for you to transfer the ones you are using to us. We can wait for your next one to come out and give it to us. of."

After hearing what Mr. Wu said, Liu Sen knew that the country still lacked high-precision machine tools. It was probably because he thought that his output was low and he was embarrassed to ask for too much.

At the same time, Mr. Wu probably didn't want to interfere with the normal scientific research development of his base.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry. I can produce a new one every day. Don't worry about my output."

"What, one can be produced every day, how is it possible." Wu Qing didn't believe Liu Sen's words. After all, such a high-precision machine tool has just been conquered and can be mass-produced.

"It's true."

Liu Sen said again affirmatively.

"Then I'll go to your place tomorrow to see it." Wu Qing still didn't believe it, thinking that he could only confirm it by seeing it with his own eyes.

Then he asked about the price of the machine tool.

"Small 5 million, medium 10 million, large 20 million, super large ones are not available yet, and they are still under research."

This is definitely a conscience price. Not to mention that the processing accuracy has already led the world, even some high-precision ones abroad can only buy some second-rate ones, and the processing progress is 0.001μ, which costs about hundreds of millions.

It's not easy to buy.

"If the productivity can keep up, we will first order 100 units, 100 units of each type." Wu Qing did not hesitate this time and said directly, patting his chest.

All enterprises will rush to get this kind of precision foundation, but they will definitely only be given to military industry or some state-owned enterprises with high confidentiality level.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, please contact Li Han directly tomorrow and ask him to pick you up at the Guardian Base."

Liu Sen hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

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